
Release That Witch

Author: Second Eye
Ongoing · 142.2M Views
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Super-fast release? 14 chapter /weeks? It's not enough! NOT ENOUGH!!! Want mooore!!! MORE!!! *suck* *suck* *suck* Eh.. What ? 140 character? What will i writing? I don't know!!! *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck*


hello,everyone.I am a reader in China, hearing that RTW had been translated into English,I go here to see it.Amazing!You have spoken so highly of it.Of course,it is actually a good book in my mind,but in qidian,RTW is not the second popular novel. Among our chinese readers,some think anna is the best,some think Nightingale is the best,a few people like roland's sister--Tilly,and a lot of them love both anna and Nightingale in fact.but the story is still running,no one know if roland will build a harem in the end expect Er Mu(二目——we usually call him 二眼珠子hhhhh,it is just a nickname),what can we do is just waiting. Now,let me see,the newset chapter is 991(haha,you have behind us more than 350 chapters hhhhhaaaaa),it is ont easy to keep a novel still having much mystification after writing so much, but RTW make it! there is still one thing that I have to say:translation is really normal,many special and small emotions that decide the characters'feelings and suggest their true wish are not shown,and some words was just translated as what the dictionaries say.(such as translate "傻瓜"into "fool") But,still,it is glad to see RTW can reach such a success,and get a lot of people's love. Thanks for reading.


Reveal spoiler


I like this novel since I start reading it only 5 months ago. It has the greatest charcters, development, and action that is so great that it cant get any better. #TeamNightingale


This novel is one of the most fascinating story I ever read. The plot, character development and the world where Roland was reincarnated to was really well thought. What I like the most in this book is the way Er Mu describes each characters perspective. It simply wonderful to know their reaction, decision and thoughts about Roland's amazing deeds. Such as his inventions, leadership, wise decisions and many more. Honestly, it only took 2 chapters for me to get hook in the world of 'Release that witch'. I really recommend this novel to those who love reading about wars, politics, monarchy, building weapons and of course fantasy fanatics. :) Love story wise, I think this novel is kind of lacking but I don't mind. Roland, the witches and his trusted subordinates. I love all of them!


Story is alright and translating quality is average. However 8 stones per chapter and having over 50 ch locked is just robbery. They claim 8 stones is due to quality of translation and length of chapters, but that's just bull****. The top rated novel "library of heavens path" has much better character story and longer chapters, but they only cost 4 stones to unlock or lets you watch ads instead. There is no justification for this novel costing 8 stones with 50+ locked chapters. I will no longer follow this and cannot recommend this novel to anyone.


Paywalled though :/ Paywalled though :( Paywalled though ;_; Paywalled though :’( Paywalled though :/ Paywalled though :( Paywalled though ;_; Paywalled though :’( Paywalled though :/ Paywalled though :( Paywalled though ;_; Paywalled though :’(


'Transported to another world' a phrase you're all too familiar with. Such a story is usually followed with a lackluster plot, weak characters, and frequent exposition dumps that are supposed to be world building. But stick with this one. It could easily become a published book series. I would recommend this wholeheartedly to people who love detail and explanations. A genius is thrown into a feudal world with witches. So he begins an industrial revolution in a small mining town and attempts to save witches from discrimination in a backwards society. Boring extra: The story is intriguing and develops at a meticulous pace. The world is built slowly and emphasizes locations well, attaching events to certain places and giving them a character of there own (king's city and its underground, Port of Clearwater's pirate paradise, the tribes of Ironsand city). That being said the story position (the relation of locations to each other) sometimes confuses the reader. The description is just shy of a complete picture in your mind, making it necessary to glance at a map to gain the whole picture. The character design is splendid. Personalities are well displayed and developed; however, the descriptions of characters are few and far between. Apart from hair, rarely does the author delve into detail of a character. The lack of descriptions makes it hard to tell characters apart in your head, harmful thing to such a brilliant story. Overall, if you read 40 chapters then you're forever hooked.


The novel gets a Really good, but I am only giving it one star because it feels that they are making the chapters A LOT SHORTER, just to gain more stones. I am not enjoying the novel so much anymore, and if this keeps up, you will lose readers.


what the hell?? how many chapters are you going to lock under exorbitant non-ad spirit stone price? This is BS. Put ads back in, or lower the price, this is absolutely horrible.


Very interesting novel. And I don't understand how people can vote to novels like Shadow Hack. So let's vote to this novel. And gain first place.


As an avid reader of light novels, web novels and manga, I have to say Release That Witch is by far one of my favorite series. Not only have I been reading it for a while now, but I've also reread it more than a few times and not once has the writer ever disappointed me in any way. Each chapter continues to enhance the story and each character we meet possesses depth and their own unique personality. Every flaw I've found in other series is absent here and every strength I've come to appreciate is presented in spades. Definitely a must read for any fan of the genre.


The only novel worth of QI... although the plot at last chapter is twisting in a way I didn't expect... really worth novel... very down to earth MC, and secondary characters... really love to read this. Recommended 100%


“Release That Witch” is a novel that reveals the best and worst about sites like Qidian. It’s a story in which even the minor characters are well developed and have their own backgrounds, thoughts and lives. Minor characters are developed as believable and full characters. The world is built with a rich history and deep foundations for the future stories. It’s enjoyable and different due to the complexities of the stories and progress throughout the novel. If you like good quality stories it is easily one of the very best online reads. However, in many ways that strength is also the weakness of Release That Witch. It is a harder read than the average light novels on here, precisely because of that depth. I’m writing this as the highest praise. The average stories on Qidian are very light, single plot, vacuous and incoherent stories. Release That Witch doesn’t fit that because in many ways it isn’t a light novel... it deserves a higher accolade than just being categorised with the average tropes. It is probably the one story that I find waiting until several days of updates are available precisely because it is a deeper read and, again, doesn’t really fit the usual light novel approach. Most of the light novels don’t really have much developmentand it wouldn’t matter if you missed a few chapters. They tend to be cyclical, repetitive and formulaic. The approach is more like a ‘Soap Opera’ or even an old school TV series method of telling a story - i.e. tell a small story in a limited context and everything is still the same at the end. Release That Witch requires more effort to read and think about. Again, I write that as the highest compliment. The story is absolutely one of the best on Qidian. If you only like stories with one MC who becomes OP and in a normal situationwould be comparable to a bully and a monster - then this story isn’t for you... go read one of the 2 star stories. If you want to read something that is a bit different and a bit more interesting than that(!)... then try this.


Change the cover you asshole! wtf is that ? it looks like a trash novel cover. Even a free cover is better than that ? the hell. Change it back to the previous cover the witch with the crows


I'll try to keep this review as concise as I can but for those unwilling to read it whole : I love RTW, you should read it if it seems like your thing, amazing world and characters. That out of the way, let's proceed. Release that Witch is a novel where our main character gets transported to another world (not RPG-like). Unlike many other characters of the type he isn't a stupid brat but a smart engineer that has a large knowledge. I hope you see what's coming next as it is quite obvious. It's all about applying that knowledge in a quite primitive world to make things change, make the industrial revolution happen early and better the lives of the people. It is also about applying it in battle to higher the chances of success of his army. Battles ? Yes, another difference from the isekai genre is that the main character isn't reincarnated in his body or a new body but he takes the place of the body of a dying man (somehow healing it). It happens that the body he ends up in is the one of a prince fighting with his siblings over the throne of their father. Winters are also harsh in this world as wild beasts attack the cities when it starts snowing which requires to protect the population. I'll skip the details but the world building in this one is outstanding. There is a lot of foreshadowing as the story is well thought from the beginning. There is a huge background hidden to people which we are bound to learn. This includes the story of the Church, the Demons and the Witches. The witches ? Well the novel is Realease that Witch so I hope you expected witches. You could compare the situation of witches with the one in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Except we're talking about real magic powers here. Another good point is that the author doesn't force stereotypes on the witches like wearing a hat or a long robe, they are human girls with magic powers and that's all. Speaking of witches, there are a lot of them and they are well developped, a lot of them have backgrounds and interesting personalities which keeps me interested each time a new one is introduced. Their magic powers are far more interesting than I first thought as the author uses them in a smart way. I really think an example is better than empty words so skip to the next paragraph to avoid a small SPOIL. There is a witch that prevents food from rotting. One would expect that there would be a famine or something where she could use her power. But no, there happens to be a plague, the main character tells that witch to cure the people as he believes her power isn't to prevent food from rotting but to kill bacterias. In my opinion this not only betrays expectations but is also good writing and the beginning of the developpement of that character. But the Witches aren't the only side characters here. The author has an interesting way of handling the flow of the story since depending on the arc we will pass 30 to 40 % of the chapters following side characters and developing side stories that are relevant to our main story and always end up paying off. We will follow friends and foes, we read their thoughts and points of view which makes an interesting world we care more about and allows emotional or inspiring moments more often than you think one could bring effectively without it being annoying or uneffective. Most of the "feels good" moments come from that world building side stories. My favorite chapters in fact aren't even about the main plot but about a theater troupe. As the main character is an engineer, the author well documented himself as he goes deep into many explanations. I'm bad at chemistry so I can't tell about the chemical reactions but the other explanations given were quite right. That shows the author cares about his story (even if he takes huge technological shortcuts using magic powers or easy plot devices). Overall I believe that this novel is worth reading as there are many good aspects about it that overweight its negatives. I really can't stress how much those side chapters made me love it. And that happens to make the main story even more interesting as we progress in the understanding of the world. That being said I hope you have a great time reading Release that Witch.


For new readers who wants to read rtw please read starting chapters upto 342 from volarenovels.com & after that from seki translation. Translation quality is not good of quindian for upto 550 chapter then it becomes some what good, they don't make corrections even after fans point them out. I am not ungrateful for fast release of my favourite novel just hope that they will improve translation of this awesome novel


QiDian you should release more free chapters! If you agree please thumb up! More free chapters or more methods to get stones, please choose one. And QiDian you can set some completed novels free to read, why not...


I need to gives 5 star so qidian not blocking this review and dont get me wrong this Story is awesome but dear god with the paywall. I recalled the promise is only the last 2 chapters got paywall and i understand fully why but come on over 30 chapters got paywall? You make a promise and broke it Greedy Qidian


I really enjoy the novel, but I refuse to support a translating group that keeps telling straightfaced lies. 1) They say the chapters are 2x longer than normal so charge 2x the SS, the chapters are not 2x longer and they know it. 2) They promised to lock only the first 20 chapters, they have over 25 locked chapters. I’m fine with spending the extra SS, it’s 12¢ a chapter, but it’s the lying that makes me not want to read anymore.