
Fruit of Divinity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After removing the object sandwiched between the covers, Li Changsheng carefully spread it open. Before him lay a map made from monster skin—no, to be precise, it was most of a map, because it was missing a section from the top left-hand corner.

This missing section originally bore the name of the location as well as a small part of the terrain. With this part gone, however, all that remained was the word 'Mountain'!

It would be incredibly hard to find the exact location based solely on this one word, as there were far too many places around Nero City with 'Mountain' in their names, what more within Langya Nation.

There was no guarantee either that the location Li Changsheng was seeking would even be within the borders of Langya Nation; it could very well be in some other country as well. Should that be the case, then finding the right spot based on his limited abilities alone would be very difficult.

As he stared at the deteriorated map, Li Changsheng could not help but feel a wave of longing sweep over him because this map was the legacy of his departed parents.

Three years ago, on a night pouring with rain, his father—originally outstation on family business—had suddenly staggered back to the Li Manor, with Li Changsheng's lifeless mother cradled close to his chest.

Covered in blood, his father sported cuts and wounds on every inch of his skin—a man already at death's door. In the end, he passed from this world while clutching Li Changsheng's hands before he could even say any last words.

Just like that, three years had passed by. Due to the strict rules upheld by the clan, as well as Li Changsheng's uncle Li Haoqiong constantly taking him under his wing, nobody had dared to steal his parent's belongings or bully him. The clan's treatment of Li Changsheng had not changed for the worse, either.

This was a clan that practiced compassion and human kindness!

What his parents had left behind were mostly sundry scraps and fixed assets; the most valuable items were this map and one Fruit of Divinity.

It was evident that this was no ordinary map just by looking at the material it was made from; in fact, it could very well be a treasure map for all anyone knew. However, without the most important corner of the map, it would be no easy feat to pinpoint the exact location.

The Fruit of Divinity, on the other hand, was a precious item that held the essence of Heaven and Earth. Though greatly limited in the sense that one could only use it after one became a demon tamer, its effects were extraordinarily miraculous. As long as the transition to becoming a demon tamer went smoothly, one could reap some exceptional rewards—for example, demon tamers aided by the Fruit of Divinity had purer, more profound omniscience than ordinary demon tamers. Their sense of perception was keener, and their omniscience was able to cover a much more extensive area. Not only that, but there was also the definite potential for them to gain special abilities as well, although the chances of this were extremely low.

It could be said that Li Changsheng was a soul blessed by fortune and born under a lucky star, for thanks to this very Fruit of Divinity, he had attained the special ability that he called Spiritual Telepathy.

"Mom, Dad, I swear I'll find your murderer and avenge your deaths!"

Li Changsheng glanced at the two memorial tablets erected not too far from where he stood. His voice resonated powerfully as he made this vow with a sense of firm conviction, clenching his fists.

With the aid of his Spiritual Telepathy, all he needed was sufficient time, and he was sure to become strong enough very quickly.

After reminiscing for a while, Li Changsheng put the map back into its hiding place, then once again flipped open the Illustrated Guide to Demons. Very soon, he had located the data on the tiger with a white forehead and slanted eyes.

While the White-fronted Tiger could hardly be considered a rare demon, it was not one easily found either. They lived in deep mountain forests and reproduced extremely slowly, which was the main reason they were scarce.

White-fronted Tiger: Wind-type, large beast demon. Known for their speed and physical attacks, attacks are mainly close-range. Good fur protection, and can potentially learn skills like Wind blade, Whirlwind, etc.

Class Characteristics: Roar

Basic Skills: Bite, Claw Tear, Tail Slap, Shadow Clone, Whirlwind

Advanced Skills: Wind Blade, Claw Crush, Bite Crush, Invisible Wind, Wind Barrier

Unlike skills, a demon's Class Characteristics depended on their innate potential. If they were born with the capacity for mastery, results beyond imagination could be expected.

Roar: The ability to intimidate opponents with a given probability of the opponent cowering in fear

As for skills, they were divided into Basic and Advanced categories and frequently required training or battle experiences before a demon could fully master them.

Advanced Skills could be considered derivatives of Basic Skills since a demon would only have a chance of comprehending them after mastering Basic Skills. For example, to learn the Claw Crush skill, the demon first had to master Claw Tear.

Since demon tamers had powers of recall far beyond those of ordinary folk, Li Changsheng very quickly memorized all the material he had read on the White-fronted Tiger. He then turned to Ai Xi who was lying on the ground, and instructed, "Ai Xi, use Roar!"

Though not fully comprehending Li Changsheng's words, Ai Xi could roughly understand what he wanted thanks to their established Mental Connection. Lazily, it stood up.

An instant later, it let out a soft, childish howl. Due to its young age and innocent klutziness, the roar was unable to serve its purpose to intimidate at all. 

"I suppose I can't expect too much from you. Alright then, now show me all the skills you've mastered!" Li Changsheng was not discouraged. Petting Ai Xi on its head, he gave the demon instructions again.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ai Xi's silhouette blurred; an instant later, two Ai Xis appeared on the spot.

Appearance-wise, both seemed exactly alike. However, perhaps because Ai Xi had not yet fully mastered the skill, one of the figures looked obviously more illusory, and it was easy to tell them apart.

"Shadow Clone!" Li Changsheng had not quite expected this, as, among the set of Basic Skills, Shadow Clone was quite a difficult one to grasp. 

However, Ai Xi was a Superior Grade demon after all. It might still be very young, but it could not compare any other common demon.

Right as Li Changsheng was deep in thought, Ai Xi and its clone moved simultaneously and pounced at him, biting as soon as their jaws opened. 

Ai Xi might have been young, but getting bitten by it would certainly be unpleasant.

Li Changsheng made a decisive move and transformed his omniscience; an invisible Omniscience Shield instantly appeared, enveloping his entire being.

The next moment, Ai Xi and its clone crashed into the Omniscience Shield, only for the clone to disintegrate upon contact, as it was not equipped with any attack power.

Ai Xi, however, sank its teeth into the Omniscience Shield. Ripples began to appear on the upper surface of the Shield, but it did not break apart.

Ai Xi did not give up. Once it stopped biting, four soft, immature claws sprang forth from each of its front paws, and it began to slash at the Omniscience Shield, criss-cross fashion, in an attempt to shred it.

However, just like its bite, Ai Xi's Claw Tear was still ineffectual. 

Ai Xi made no further moves after having showcased its three skills, staring at Li Changsheng with a puzzled gaze.

"Looks like you've only mastered three different skills, but that's pretty good already. We'll begin your training tomorrow, Ai Xi. We've got to advance your skills as fast as possible!"

Li Changsheng did not dispel his Omniscience Shield after confirming those were all the skills Ai Xi knew. He could not wait to start training her.

It went without saying that young demons did not have much combat power compared to adult demons. However, young demons that had been trained from a young age could solidify their foundations for becoming demonic pets, which was even better for unleashing their full potential. Not only that, but young demons also did substantially less damage, which was the main reason why organizations liked rearing young demons in captivity—once the demons had been tamed, they would then be bestowed upon the younger generation of disciples.

Li Changsheng's clan had reared a batch of young demons. Yet, as far as Li Changsheng himself was concerned, apart from a handful who had reached Medial Grade, the rest were all Inferior Grade demons. Given how essential a demon tamer's Cardinal Demon Pet was, naturally, they were unsuitable by Li Changsheng's standards. This was also the reason why he had chosen to take a risk and hunt for one himself.

Compared to the young demons reared by his clan, Ai Xin's potential far outstripped them. However, potential did not equate to strength; the most pressing issue was to increase Ai Xi's combat power.

One could not blame Li Changsheng for his impatience, as his clan had a tradition. Every summer, an evaluation was conducted for rookie demon tamers who were of age, the results of which would determine their futures as demon tamers.

Due to the supernatural element, the system that kept the world of demons in order was a bit more unique. Government and regional factions fought over it internally, both openly and in secret. Apart from the ruling royal family of the country, a few powerful demon taming institutions, sects, and clans also had a definite say in the matter.

Despite being considered a formidable clan in Nero City, when compared with others within the state or even the nation, the Li Clan was only third-rate at most—they had little to almost no influence.

This year, a total of ten rookie tamers had met the requirements for being evaluated. Among them, only those who obtained excellent results would have the opportunity to attend demon taming institutions.

To elevate their clan's strength and status, the Li family would expend an enormous amount of resources to obtain spots on the recommendation list for demon taming institutions. 

Although it was a hefty price to pay, it had to be done in order to cultivate outstanding members of the family. This was also the key to ensuring that the Li Clan continued to thrive. 

This year, they had managed to snag eight spots on the recommendation list. Naturally, demon taming institutions were classed as well. Higher-classed institutions had excellent teachers and plentiful resources, which were more advantageous for the development of young demon tamers and vice versa!

To develop more rapidly as a demon tamer and gain more knowledge and resources, Li Changsheng needed to obtain a spot on the recommendation list—the higher the placing, the better. 

As of right now, there were only two months left before the entrance examination for the demon taming institutions, which explained Li Changsheng's urgency in wanting to elevate his strength.