
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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39 Chs

[22] WTIE Spring (5/20)

This day was a weird one but laughable one for me I wasn't spending it with anyone and was bored, so what did I do to get rid of this boredom? Simple I decided to follow Frank for a day and see what he really does when there isn't a scripted to be followed, it was fun which I didn't expect.

It all started one morning when I woke up in a empty house, Lip had wet to do a drop off for the cars I set him up with that a week ago. While everyone else was either at work or doing something else, Debby took Liam with her to Shelia's so I was alone.

Frank actually ended up here at our house passed out drunk, when I saw him the idea popped into my head and I sat down at the counter eating my food and playing on my phone until he woke up. When he finally did he was disoriented and went straight to get another beer, after looking around and only seeing me he spoke out, "Where are the rest of my offspring?"

"Out." was all I said.

He grumbled something then went upstairs I didn't follow because from the way he was all he needed was a change of clothes, which is why when he came back he was in a new shirt and pants. After that he made his way towards the door and I followed along, "Need a ride Frank?" asked seeing as I didn't want to walk everywhere to follow him, plus I needed to give my car a good clean out later anyways.

He paused and a grin took over his face, "Look at that one of my children still know that I am their father, let's go my boy we have an appointment at the Alibi room." he ran straight to the passenger side and jumped in, I chuckled and followed him.

The ride was spent with him ranting about how I was showing true love as a child and that the others needed to step up before he wrote them out of his Will, which made me laugh. The guy owned pissed stained clothes and he thought we would actually want to inherit them from him, please.

When we made it to the Alibi room the normal people were there, "Kevin give me a glass of your finest please." he said giving him a smile.

"No you don't Frank you tab still hasn't been paid since last month so you can't run it up even more." Kev replied.

"Ahh Now---"

I stopped him before he could go on a long rant about something that would make no sense and lead to something else completely, "It is on me today Kev." I slapped a fifty on the counter making Franks eyes light up the guy didn't question a thing and just accepted the free beer.

"Alright but you better watch out or he will drink your wallet empty." Kev said with a smile giving me a fist bump.

"Did you all see that my kid is buying me drinks, speaks a lot about your ungrateful ones who wouldn't be caught dead with you in public." Frank cheered while everyone else booed him.

"Hey Kev you mind if I smoke a little weed in here?" I said waving a joint, I had a baggy with about twenty.

"Hell no as long as you give me one of those. I swear that girl you are with sells the best shit, if I could get some of those seeds..... man the things I would do." he said taking the three I offered him.

"Son about--" again I just handed one to Frank who smiled brightly again before lighting up, now I have to be honest things got a little blurry after that but I knew it was fun.

We spent the rest of the day in the Alibi room and I smoked the remaining joints while sharing with Kermit and Tommy who were now singing with Frank. I also had a couple of beers, from this day I can only remember a little that happened since we were there all day and it was a little blurry.

Frank got beat up about twice from people who came in looking for him while also getting into a bet which he lost to some guy making him have to shell out twenty bucks. After that he pissed on some girl who beat the living hell out of him, which he brushed off stood back up and went back to drinking the guy really didn't know how to die.

By eight P.M I had laughed so much my sides hurt, during the time I was to drunk to drive so I sent a message to Savannah who showed up. When she walked in she caught me and Frank with our arms around each other singing old pirate songs while the bar followed along, I think I saw her shoot a glare at Kev.

"Asshole get down from there before you fall." I looked down and seeing her let out a goofy grin.

"Awe look who missed me enough to come get me." I cooed while jumping down and stumbling over to her a little.

"Ass you better sober up quick or I am dropping you off at home tonight and you can spend tomorrow nursing your own hang over."

I heard her through the haze but because I was still high and drunk then it really didn't process much with me, laughing to myself I hugged her close. Now I wouldn't remember this until a year later but that was only when I got this drunk again a mistook the night for another that happen to me.

"Ahh I'm so glad to have you in my life Savannah if it wasn't for you then I think that life would be boring at the moment, it wouldn't be far off for me to actually say that I Love You....." I paused for a moment then frowned, "Shhh don't tell Savannah that I have to play it cool, if things happen to soon between us and it mess it up I would be a wreck..... I can't lose her."

Since this was my blackout moment I didn't remember it but Savannah was fully sober and she heard all the words which made her tense up, she let out a smile and hugged me a moment before I got back to myself. "Oh Savannah when did you get here? Come we need to get burgers and Chinese and Greek... ohh also can we get Spaghetti I really want that."

Since I was still a little drunk I didn't notice how soft her eyes looked, "Sure thing we will get all of that but first we need to get you to your car, where are you keys?"

"Here they are," Kev said walking over, "Take care of your boy there." he heard everything and shot her a sly grin which made her blush a little so she glared at him and walked out with me.

(I realize you might be thinking it is her but I still am not 100% so yeah don't jump to conclusions just yet. Also sorry for the Third Person POV type situation it just happened.)

The Next Day.....

I woke up with a splitting headache that made me push my head under the pink pillow that I was laying on, I also pulled in the warm body that was next to me and sighed. I unknowingly fell asleep again, when I did wake up the body next to me was gone but there was slight humming across the room.

Sitting up the room spun for a moment and I needed to grab my head, I was in Savannah's room and she was currently at her desk doing something with Scissors. She must have heard me cause she looked over, I thought I saw something flash in her eyes before it was gone, "So you finally woke up then? What the hell were you doing at the Alibi room singing old Pirate songs?"

"Shhh that is to loud," I said whispering to her but my head still pounded, "It started with me wanting to follow Frank to him dragging me into it, the man is a cancer I tell you."

She giggled getting up walking over to me, she grabbed two white pills and handed them to me before shoving a glass of water into my hands, "Yeah next time you will know not to follow him then, I don't like being called away from what I am doing to pick up your drunk ass."

"Yeah, trust me I learned my lesson and I will not be doing anything like that again. Oh I forgot to ask did you get the tickets for this weekend?"

"Yeah," she said excitedly walking over to her desk and grabbing her laptop, "I booked them for Friday morning, that way you can have dinner with your family before we leave. We both know you can miss a day of school, and as for me since you have been helping me I got better."

I nodded, "Good, I am going to lay under the covers for maybe the whole day. Can you get me something to eat please?"

"*Sigh* I will go get you something help with the hang over, I am also taking your car to get the food." Her voice got further away as she walked out the door while I hid under the covers groaning, thankfully she did this for me. Knowing my own house if I went there then I would have woken up with a giant headache from people doing to much while I tried to rest.

She came back with the food which I happily ate, it was like heaven eating the greasy burgers I was in the mind set of marrying them at the moment, that is how good they were. Rolling her eyes she went back to her desk and started working on something that I couldn't see but she had a pair of scissors, a knife, and two googles eyes.

Raising a brow I ignored that and laid back down putting myself under the covers, I relaxed into them and unknowingly fell asleep again which did me some good.

I wish I was special

You're so fuckin' special

But I'm a creep

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doin' here?

I don't belong here

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts