
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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39 Chs

[18] DNA

(Sorry it was birthday week which means almost back to back this entire week so I got caught up in that.... back to normal soon.)


When I got home the place was different from what I was expecting... okay not really it was like the scene from the show Monica was panicking but still moving around the kitchen, while Bob sat on her ass. "Sup guys." I said walking in picking up my backpack along the way.

Debby and Carl gave me hugs while Ian and Lip gave me bro hugs, "Nothing waiting for our lunches so we can take off." Ian said while I walked over and kissed the top of Liam's head who laughed happily when he saw me.

"Ahh well let me know when you are ready so we can go." I said standing in the door way, I was still relaxed from last night so none of this was affecting me at the moment. After a short while we left the kitchen with only Lip staying behind, when we got outside Shane was still there.

"You know it was her." he said with a smile.

"Haha, okay well forget about me today and take these two, me and my brothers will walk." I said while putting Carl and Debby in the back, Shane nodded and drove off with them leaving me and Ian alone.

After Lip came out we headed to school with them explaining to me what happened after I left, Fiona was in the house next door with Steve while they were waiting to see what happened. I could only shake my head at it all until Lip said, "How about we go and see what happens? Then we can also get DNA test wouldn't hurt to wish that we aren't Franks right?"

Ian agreed and since I had nothing else I nodded to, plus we hadn't been spending much time together since I have been away with the girls or spending most of my time on the. "So how was your night?" Ian asked making Lip remember where I spent the night.

"Man her house is crazy, her bedroom is the size of our whole first floor." I said shaking my head then went on to explain what happen with her last night.

"Damn that is crazy so you have your own sugar mommy then?" Lip jokes walking backwards and smoking a cigarette, it reminded me that I haven't smoked in at least twelve hours now. Well I know what I am doing at my lunch time, we finally made it to school and then went our own ways with Mandy dragging off Ian but not before sending me and Lip a wink.

Three Hours Later...

I walked over to the bleachers where Savannah was with her brothers, I didn't have anything on me so I needed to buy from her, luckily Charlize gave me money this morning. Savannah watched me walk up I couldn't place the emotion in her eyes but she did look a little mad, "What can I do for you?"

"3 grams please." I said handing over the sixty dollars.

She took the money and pulled out her new stuff from her pocket, I smiled and took a seat next to her before getting it ready to roll up, "How was you night last night?" I asked just to make conversation.

"Good, met this girl who actually knows what she is doing in bed so it wasn't half bad. You?" She said while looking around, she was looking at everything but me.

"Good, rich people really live differently than us." I say with a sigh and shaking my head.

She looked over at me and it felt like she wanted to say something but she was holding back the entire time, she huffed and looked away watching an Asian kid walk up to her. He bought some powder before leaving making her turn back to me, "Of course they live differently we can't even compare to them, has she even been to this side of town once to meet you?"

I raised a brow while lightly licking the wrap I was rolling, "Nope." I answered popping the P.

"Okay then, why put up with her it is obvious that she wants to bring you into her world. I mean she isn't even trying to come into yours and see how you live." She huffed going into a ranting mode making her image as a cold beauty go away for a moment, instead she looked like a jealous girlfriend.

Before I could answer I got a video call from said girl, Savannah clicked her tongue while I took the call lighting up while I was at it. When the call got through I saw her in a fancy cafetria smiling at me, she had people on both sides of her who were trying their hardest to get into the shot.

"Hey!" she said waving at me.

I blew out the smoke and smile back, "Hey little princess, looks like we have lunch around the same time."

"You're at lunch? I thought you were just skipping class to smoke." She said smiling happily and stuffing her face with something.

"Nope just hanging outside for it." Savannah who was next to smirked for a moment then took the joint out my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder getting into the shot. She took a big drag while staring at Katie but I didn't see the look in her eyes, Katie did though and paused for a moment then gave us a sweet/scary smile.

"Oh who is that?" She asked with a little edge to her voice, her friends next to her were looking on like this was a blockbuster movie.

"Savannah meet Katie, Katie meet Savannah." The two had a stare down but said hi to each other nicely or so I thought I was a little buzzed, she sure got the best weed.

"So do you two not eat at lunch?" Katie asked.

"Nope I smoke as much as I can then stuff my face in class with some snacks I buy, helps get through this boring place." I said sighing and taking another big hit, Savannah sat up moving out the shot but not before throwing Katie one last vicious smile.

"Ahh so are you sleeping with her too." Katie asked assuming that Savannah had left, I raised and eyebrow and just nodded letting my head stay light. "I see, well are you coming back over tonight?"

"No can't family dinner tonight that I can't miss." I said thinking about what a mess this was going to be in the end. This is where the whole reveal thing went down ad while usually I would be up to sneak off and put this off I needed to be there for this at least.

"I see, well call me when you are free, okay?" She asked a little nervously.

"Sure no problem." I said nodding before she hung up, I saw the disappointment on her face but there was nothing I could do about it at the moment. Savannah was staring at me so I looked back over with a goofy expression but hers was serious, "What's up?"

"Nothing but for the next two days you might not see me. I have some stuff I need to do." She explained but didn't go into much detail but I nodded along she would tell me if she wanted my help.

(Realized I went off track with her personality that I wanted so don't be surprised when in the next chapter that it is changed some from what it is now. It will be more like it was in the beginning a little distant but still there.)

After lunch the rest of the day was uneventful until after school, Lip showed up in a car that he borrowed from Steve, I am just glad this wouldn't be the time we got caught and went to jail. We reached the DNA testing place and waited outside soon we saw Monica and Bob come out, Bob was pissed about learning the results which made me laugh.

Actually I had been laughing most of the time which made Ian look back at me, "Dude you are high out of your mind!" He chuckled with Lip nodding in agreement.

"Well it is fun." I said shrugging, "Let's go they finally left, but from the looks of it they got bad news so Frank is still the father of poor Liam." my expression was sad but we were all smiling the entire time, Lip had the bright idea to get ourselves tested and we would get the results later today.

They dropped me off at home while Lip took Ian to work for the night, though I am sure that things there are awkward ever since Kash shot Micky. Going inside Debby was working on something while Carl was moving something around, I didn't know what he was doing it was really weird to be honest.

Some time later after I finished my homework I went out to the living room to see Carl with his arm broke, "Holy crap what happen man?" I said rushing over to him, I wasn't high anymore and remembered that he was going to break his arm.

"I think it is broken." He moaned in pain from the couch.

I quickly called Lip hoping he still had the car, thankfully he did and he rushed over at I explained it to him, Fiona was with him and she looked really worried. We took him to the hospital with Fiona fuming after learning from him that Frank knew but left him alone at the house after he made him also get hit by a car.

"Lip go to the Alibi." She growled it was the only place he could be at the moment, plus since I knew he was there I went ahead and told her we should go by there first. When we got there she rushed in and dragged Carl over to him before going off on him, I was busy talking to Kev as we joked about her yelling at him, after ten minutes we left splitting up I was the one to take Carl home.

For the rest of the day I hung out with Carl us playing on the Xbox that Steve had brought over and never took back, I was letting him win in Halo. Well more like since I didn't play it since I was a PlayStation person he was just straight wiping the floor with me, it was not one of my finest moments.

As we were playing Monica, Bob, and Liam came back and Monica started on dinner while Bob hung out in the kitchen with her. I didn't talk to either of them but I did go in to kiss Liam on the forehead, he smiled and made incoherent words to me which I smiled back at him too.

While playing the game with Carl I got a call, on the screen was on letter 'O', "Hey bud I will be right back keep playing," I told Carl heading to my room I didn't want him to overhear anything, when I got to my room I answered the call, "Yeah."

"Got a delivery to Wheaton need someone to take it, $1,500 for delivery." he said getting straight to the point which was fine with me, this was our arrangement. Hearing his words though made me pause something this big was almost always drugs not just simple cars, though I wanted to no accept the money was tempting enough.

"Plans?" I asked not fully accepting yet.

"There will be a car waiting for you at the airport, it will be parked in the long-term section. White Jeep Wrangler you can keep it after the job is done it is the bonus for this one. Title already in your name." He said after a moments pause, he was smoking something from the sounds of it.

"Alright I am in." I said agreeing this was something that I wouldn't pass up the car was enough for me to say yes since I wouldn't need to worry about finding a ride again. Though it was a little worrying that he could get my name from somewhere, not to much of a surprise though seeing as who he was.

"Alright pick it up tomorrow. Everything else you need to know is in an envelope in the car." After that he hung up.

Sighing I ran my hands through my hair, this was risky really risky but it was all I could do to make money at the moment easily, plus it didn't take to much time. Leaving my room I saw that everyone was already home the only person missing at the moment was Lip, no doubt he was gone to get the results from the DNA test.

From there it went like in the show there was nothing much for me to add, it was ashamed but me and Lip still turned out to be Franks while Ian had a different dad. After that dinner was over no one wanted to eat and things seemed to shift between everyone, Monica looked at Bob who was frowning but there was nothing she could do.

I was standing at the top of the stairs with Lip and Ian while we watched Monica hand Liam over to Fiona, it was the last time we would see her, until this summer at least. After she was gone Fiona smiled and the three little ones close, we walked over and joined them making it a group hug with Kev and V joining.

Did a full 180, crazy

Thinking 'bout the way I was

Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe

But look at where I ended up

I'm all good already

So moved on, it's scary

I'm not where you left me at all, so

If you don't wanna see me dancing with somebody

If you wanna believe that anything could stop me

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts