
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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39 Chs

[15] Monica

After Savannah left I got started on my day started it was simple really nothing major happened except me going to the gym and running a quick job earning two hundred bucks. When I came back I found Debby sitting on the couch she had a worried look on her face, "What is up Deb's?" I asked taking the seat next to her.

"Well.... I found something out but I don't know what to do about it." she said worry in her voice.

"Oh and what is that?"

"Well I think Steve might be cheating and before you ask I am just worried about Fiona, who else is going to look out for her."

I smiled slightly and hugged her into my side, "Don't worry Debby I am not mad, but if you want me to go with you to check this out then I will."

"No thanks, but can you watch Liam with the others tonight while I get V to take me out there in Kev's truck?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure things Deb's." I said kissing her forehead.

Hours Later...

I was reading Liam to sleep at the moment, Savannah had to do something tonight so she wasn't coming over for the night, after putting him to sleep I went into the room with the guys. "Dang I should have picked a more boring book that thing kept him interested for some reason." I joked taking a hit of the joint they were passing around.

"Told you to read him one of Debby's it would have had him down sooner." Lip joked, "Hey can you guys spot me any money, I am hoping to get tickets to a concert for me and Karen."

"I got a Benjamin." Ian says reaching into his pocket and handing it over.

"I got two." Though I didn't agree with him being with her I wasn't going to say anything until at least this summer after she starts to dump him.

"Thanks guys, where is Debby by the way?"

"No clue she took off earlier but said she would be back soon." Ian said I just sat there in silence since I knew what she was doing but didn't want to let them know just yet.

We were sitting there enjoying ourselves when we heard Liam cry out, "Well it is between you two I put him down the first time."

They played rock paper scissors with Lip losing and going off with the book he knew that would put Liam to sleep, Ian and I chuckled while talking about random things. "So how is it, this whole thing you got going on with Savannah?"

I raised an eyebrow, "How is it going with that thing between you and Micky?"

He was shocked and dropped the weed but I picked it up and started smoking it, "How did you know about that?"

"Does it really matter? I don't care about it I am glad you are actually seeing someone your own age for once actually. And to answer your question it is easy but at the same time hard, at times it seems we are to close like a couple but then we are distant I can't explain it." I said it was hard to pin down at the moment.

On one hand it looked like we were a couple by the way we acted but at the same time it was like Karen's and Lips relationship, though with her being the Lip of the relationship. It would work itself out some time soon we were just getting started so we would work out the kinks, no need for her to get accidentally pregnant and both our futures be ruined.

Though I doubt it would come to that since we were safe, even if we have only been together one time, damn it why did he bring this up now, my head is a mess. "So you going to tell me about him?"

"Well.... it is weird since he is in the closet but at the same time it is exciting screwing around and only us knowing about it." he said a silly smile on his face.

There was already the budding of love coming from Ian but seeing as he was still a in the closet gay, well from people outside the family mainly then it made since that he would fall hard. While we were in thought Lip came back in the room and Debby also came home she came and told us she was going to sleep before heading off to her room, now she could watch Liam.

Nodding we all went to chill and watch a movie smoking or the rest of the night by three am we were higher than the sky.

The Next Day...

I was heading back to school today but wasn't happy about it, as I was leaving the front of my house I ran into the driver that picked me up for my date with Katie. "Sir she has sent me to send you to school today." He said with a happy smile on his face.

I looked at him for a moment before bringing out my phone, after three seconds Katie answered, "What is this?"

"Well hello to you too. And to answer your question this is just me giving you a ride to school today, do you like it?" She said and I could hear the smile from this side of the phone.

"Hello Katie, and yes I like it the walk in this weather was honestly starting to get annoying, why not just buy me a car while you are at it." I joked no expecting her to take it seriously as I got into the back of the car.

"Okay what car do you want?" she asked back seriously.

I was froze for a moment, "What do you mean I was just messing with you." I said freaking out a little the driver up front chuckled hearing our conversation since it wasn't quite.

The driver had been working for the family for twenty years and it was the first time he had seen the young girl show any interest in any boy, her sister was the same way. The only one he knew for sure was a horn dog was the son since he was always acting out in his younger years, thankfully he had gotten it all together when he grew up.

"Well if you really want on I don't mind buying you one, my dad just upgraded mine last month but I will buy yours if you want me too." She said happily.

Sighing I could only shake my head, "No I haven't even bought you a gift yet, but better yet why would I let you that is a little to much don't you think?" I had no clue what to do with this girl she was overly happy for some reason to buy me a car like we were talking about a pack of gum.

"Fine," She said there was the tone of disappointment in her voice though as she said it, "Well then I will wait for you to give me the first gift then I will get you something." her tone went back to being happy.

"NO CAR!!!" I screamed into the phone not realizing we were already in front of the school, some students looked inside but went away after, the driver up front chuckled. "Something normal or I swear that I won't accept it." I sighed into the phone.

"Fine, meanie." She said I could imagine her arms crossed and her pouting, I heard giggles of her friends in the background she shouted for them to shut up but laughed along with them.

"We just got to my school so I have to go, call me at your lunch okay?"

"What if we have different times for lunch?"

"Doesn't matter I am top of my class anyway so I am no longer trying that hard." I said while thanking the driver and getting out.

"Alright talk to you later then, I have to get to class anyway. And I expect my present by at least next week." She laughed into the phone before hanging up without me even getting to say goodbye. I looked at my phone and shook my head before going into the school.

Hours Later...

I was at home getting ready to watch TV with the rest of the family when Debby came in, she looked upset and I racked my brain trying to figure out if something happened but couldn't remember. Then it hit me the only person who could make any of the kids feel this way, Monica was back, well for now at least.

"What does it matter anyway you are just going to leave us anyway and move into the house that Steve bought for you." Debby said while running up the stairs, apparently I was so out of it that I didn't pay attention to anything that just happened.

Savannah was also her and she was watching me the entire time, "Are you okay?"

She was sitting in my lap facing me not even watching the tv, but now she had a worried look on her face as she watched me. I knew she also had mother problems but I didn't know if they were anything like this family's me personally I didn't even care about Monica she was the one person I never gained feelings for.

I smiled at her, "I am just fine."

She looked at me worried but nodded anyway, she was still emotional today but her period would hopefully be over soon, she leaned into me and waited to see what would happen. "So what are we going to do?" I asked looking at everyone in the room.

"We are going over there to see her I need answers." Fiona said pulling herself together and getting Liam from Steve.

"I need to go to work." Ian said grabbing his jacket off of the hanger and leaving out the door.

Everyone else got ready to go, although I wanted to just skip it I was going to be there for everyone else since they still held some love for our 'mother'. After everyone was dressed we headed out the door, for the second time today I saw the driver of the Dayton's or was he the driver for Katie?

Everyone else looked at him with a brow raised pausing while I walked over to him, "Sorry to bother but she was hoping you would like to come to a family dinner tonight and if so then I was to drive you over to hang out early." he has a wry smile while getting looks from my family.

"Who is this Malcolm?" Fiona asked walking over.

"Ahh sorry to disturb your family outing Miss I am Shane Axel, driver for Katie a friend of Mr. Gallagher's here. I was just inviting him to dinner on behalf of my lady." Right when he finished talking my phone went off and I saw it was from Katie, this entire time Savannah was glaring at my back.

"Oh Okay well Malcolm we are going to start heading over there come when you are done here okay?" Fiona said looking more relaxed, she probably thought that something bad was happening here.

"Why don't I give you all a ride there is plenty of room." Shane smiled and said moving to open the car door, I could only sigh and before Fiona rejected I pushed Carl inside and Lip followed him along with Debby.

"Let him take us it will be quicker." I said and Fiona nodded before getting in with Liam and V, Savannah watched a moment then walked away but she brought out her phone and I received a message.

Katie: Just say yes, I haven't seen you since Saturday and my parents also want to meet you. It is nothing fancy so you can wear whatever you want.

Savannah: She wins this round, go enjoy your night because no matter what she won't come to the southside to have a fair fight.

Looking at the messages I could feel a headache coming on, "Alright Shane some family issues just popped up so you can give us a ride to Shelia's but after that come get me an hour before dinner."

He smiled brightly, "As you wish sir." it felt weird to hear but I knew that he wouldn't call me anything else.

So you're a tough guy

Like it really rough guy

Just can't get enough guy

Chest always so puffed guy

I'm that bad type

Make your mama sad type

Make your girlfriend mad tight

Might seduce your dad type

I'm the bad guy, duh

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts