

"Jocelyn ! You got to hurry up .The cab is waiting", hurried Hui, while shutting down all the switches of the small hall.

Just then a girl came out wearing a casual white tee and blue high waist jeans. Pulling out her little white suitcase , she smiled warmly, "Mom , let's go."

They got into the cab off to the Helminton University. It had been Jocelyn's dream to get admission into the best university of New York, the Helminton University. It was not a cakewalk to get admission into the majestic college.

Since three months she had been trying to get into it on the account of her sheer excellence both in academics and co-curricurals when she was in one of the Beijing's mediocre high school. She had moved to New York to pursue her dreams, to become a writer and make her mama proud , who was the world to her.

The cab halted at the polished jet black gates of the H.U. . "Woah!! What a university... ,"she exclaimed as she was at the threshold. Turning around , she clenched her mother's arms by one and strolled as if it was it was a moonlight walk.

She went down memory lane and relished the previous night when she got the email approving her admission.How elated both the mother and daughter were upon hearing the news! Alas , the 17 years of the inseperable bond had to break. Jocelyn had to stay in the dorms and her mom ,at the lonely apartment where she had none to pour out her love except her only daughter.

Both became emotional creatures and Jocelyn bursted into tears.After composing her, Hui beckoned ,"Study but don't stress yourself out.."she continued after wiping her beautiful daughter's bead like tears with her matured hands," Remember , mama's always there for you." Completing this , she immediately headed to the bus stop so that the moisture in her eyes could not be seen.

She had journeyed for approximately two hours and felt enervated nonetheless she could'nt restain herself from exploring every nook and corner .Being a foreigner, she was unaware of the directions to the dorms. Students were mostly dispersed in large groups She liked a small group of two or three .Even one would be enough.Thanks to her strong grip over english that she won't have any problem either. She sauntered over to a blooming apricot tree a sat on a biege coloured bench beside the tree.

A clattering of keyboard keys caught the adorable girl's attention. She turned around and noticed a student typing something in his black apple laptop. Deep blue pants , lime yellow coloured t-shirt and eyes intently fixed on the screen made him easy to be identified as a third year student of CS department.

"Excuse me . Can you help me with the directions to the dorms. I am a newbie ,"she said eloquently by nature.

The person spoken to seemed to give no heed to her.

"I am talking to you! ", she said in a frustrated tone.

This person was completely absorbed at using his finger tips.

Though she had a lean figure and shy outlook,

she was not a frail girl. She mocked at him instantly.

"If you are deaf or dumb , you can signal me with your hands. At least I will presume that you are not handicapped. "

In a husky voice , the grim visaged boy said,

" Find someone else. "

Does everyone turn rude when they get into the college or some kind of ego problem seeps in or what. People are hard to deal with and this is just the start of the college. There are even more fuss to be tolerated.

A look of digust crept over her vibrant face .

Grabbing his bag , he smirked ,"Handicaps aren't attentive. Anyways , your pendant fell on the ground. "

Saying this he left the sight , leaving her face red .