
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Rejecting Support (8)

This unexpected proposal left the young man visibly startled for a moment. However, as the seductive advance continued, Bo Xiyun quickly regained his composure and hastily replied, "No... no marking!"

How could he possibly agree to such a thing? Compared to gland marking, these medical patches were practically adorable a thousand times over.

The man bent down, bringing him just inches away from Bo Xiyun. Facing the intense and intimidating contours of his handsome face, it was hard for Bo Xiyun not to meet his gaze. He only caught a glimpse of the cold and stern lines of Wen Xiusen's thin lips, and it instantly reminded him of the sensation from last night when a kiss had been planted on his neck.

The experience had been so intimidating and electrifying that Bo Xiyun had no desire to go through it again. With an effort to sound defiant, he continued, "I choose the medical patches!"

In truth, despite the precarious position he found himself in, Bo Xiyun wasn't overly panicking. He realized this about himself, even as he maintained a determined facade. The reality was that their difference in physical strength was significant, and Wen Xiusen had him cornered.

But subconsciously, Bo Xiyun seemed to understand.

Wen Xiusen wouldn't actually forcibly mark him.

So... why was he reacting like this?

Bo Xiyun knew that even though the memories of the previous world were retained to some extent, he couldn't completely trust Wen Xiusen because of it.

A more reasonable explanation was that Wen Xiusen was still considering the influence of the Bo family and wouldn't go too far.

Bo Xiyun's analysis was quite rational.

Moreover, since the evening awards ceremony was about to take place, Wen Xiusen couldn't afford to spend too much time here.

Perhaps acknowledging his reasoning, Wen Xiusen did relent eventually.

He got up from the bed and retrieved the gland patch he had discarded earlier.

"I myself—"

Bo Xiyun's words of refusal were cut short because Wen Xiusen, standing by the bed, glanced at him. Although his expression remained unchanged, his face was quite eye-catching.

"If not, I'll mark you."

In the end, the young master had to grit his teeth and reluctantly exposed the smooth nape of his neck, allowing Wen Xiusen to apply the gland patch.

Today's gland patch seemed slightly different from last night's; the stimulation wasn't as intense, and the medicinal scent wasn't as strong.

To be honest, there weren't any significant side effects from the gland patch last night. It's just that the young master had an extremely sensitive constitution, and he couldn't withstand even the slightest bit of stimulation.

Not to mention his sensitive glands, even the soft flesh at the base of his thighs and buttocks was delicate. Last night, when Wen Xiusen held him in his arms, the fabric alone left marks and made his skin flush red.

So, even though the gland patch this time had a milder effect, Bo Xiyun still felt somewhat drained after it was applied to the nape of his neck.

He couldn't eat much either. He managed to consume a small portion of the lukewarm egg custard and then stopped.

As Bo Xiyun ate, Wen Xiusen sat nearby. His posture was impeccable, and his gaze remained fixed on Bo Xiyun.

Wen Xiusen's gaze was so intense that Bo Xiyun began to wonder if he had eaten too little, fearing that he might face a reprimand.

However, the doctor had also mentioned that loss of appetite was one of the symptoms of post-heat syndrome.

"You're not going to eat anymore?"

Seeing Wen Xiusen's question and hearing his cold tone, Bo Xiyun hesitated for a moment before responding.

"Can't eat anymore."

What surprised him, however, was that Wen Xiusen didn't get angry. In fact, he seemed accustomed to it and quickly finished the remaining food in the container, including the large portion of egg custard Bo Xiyun hadn't finished.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but be surprised, staring at Wen Xiusen as he used the same spoon to finish the custard.

Sensing his gaze, Wen Xiusen glanced at him and said, "I brought some snacks. If you get hungry, let me know."

The young master was a bit slow to react. "Oh."

The venue for the awards ceremony was not far from Wen Xiusen's residence, and their car had special clearance, so they encountered no traffic jams along the way. Bo Xiyun didn't even feel carsick, and they arrived at their destination quickly.

He glanced at the time and realized that the journey had taken only about fifteen minutes. It made sense that at this hour, Wen Xiusen could still spare the time to bring Bo Xiyun out. However, this arrangement didn't last long.

As Bo Xiyun waited for Wen Xiusen's makeup team to arrive, even he could sense their urgency.

"Mr. Wen is finally here—hurry, let Tony bring the suit!"

Wen Xiusen's red carpet preparation process was more complex than that of others. While he waited for Wen Xiusen to finish his makeup, Bo Xiyun decided to stroll around the area.

However, he hadn't taken more than a few steps when he was stopped.

"Young Master Bo! Young Master Bo! "

"Yunyun~ come over here!"

It wasn't Wen Xiusen's assistant or bodyguards who intercepted Bo Xiyun but two other makeup artists.

Bo Xiyun quickly recognized their identities.

These were his own makeup team.

The two makeup artists led Bo Xiyun into a separate makeup room. There were four or five familiar faces inside.

Time was limited, and nobody wasted time on small talk. They quickly began working on Bo Xiyun's look.

Seeing his own team, Bo Xiyun visibly brightened. At least he now had the opportunity to learn more about his situation.

But as soon as he began to ask, the male makeup artist in shorts warned him, "Yunyun, don't talk too much for now. You might taste the lipstick and find it bitter again."

Bo Xiyun blinked his eyes and obediently stayed quiet, letting them work on his makeup.

The movements of the makeup team were exceptionally precise, clearly showcasing their professionalism. The male makeup artist who had just spoken paused during the intense moment of applying lip color and looked closely at Bo Xiyun, pleased as he commented, "Yunyun's lips are still so tender."

The others seemed used to the male makeup artist's style, and they continued working without showing any surprise. One of the female artists even patted him on the back and said, "Move aside, Luci."

Then, the female makeup artist leaned over and carefully worked on Bo Xiyun's eyebrows.

While the room was buzzing with activity, the makeup room's door suddenly swung open from the outside, and someone walked in with large strides.

"Fourth Young Master—finally decided to show up? You made us wait quite a while."

The makeup artists greeted the newcomer.

"Young master Chen."

Bo Xiyun glanced back at the mirror and recognized the person who had just entered. This was an old friend he used to hang out with, another rich second-generation individual, Chen Tianpeng.

Chen Tianpeng was already dressed in a flashy luxury suit adorned with sequins, giving off a flamboyant vibe.

It seemed like there weren't many latecomers like Wen Xiusen and Bo Xiyun.

Chen Tianpeng spoke up, saying, "I heard the news, you invested in a film that's bound to win an award. Tonight should be a good harvest for you."

Bo Xiyun glanced at him and said, "Did you come all the way here just to talk about this? You've mentioned it like half a dozen times already."

Chen Tianpeng was the son of the CEO of Guanglai Cinema. When "Two-Faced" was released, the film's box office performance had been exceptional. The Chen family, who ran the theaters, was well aware of this. At that time, Chen Tianpeng had made a deal with Bo Xiyun, promising that the film would definitely win awards.

Chen Tianpeng smiled and replied, "Isn't that a good thing? Besides, things are different now. If 'Two-Faced' wins awards, it will surely benefit Jiang Cheng too."

Bo Xiyun furrowed his brow. When he had spoken just now, he had accidentally tasted the lipstick. In reality, the lipstick had no strange taste, and it even had a faint strawberry fragrance. However, Bo Xiyun's taste buds were quite sensitive, and he detected a hint of bitterness.

After a brief pause and suppressing his tongue's reaction, he continued, "Are you really together with Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Cheng was a supporting actor in "Two-Faced" and had quite a charming appearance. There were rumors in the industry that he had a close relationship with Chen Tianpeng, and today, Chen Tianpeng had practically confirmed it himself.

"What do you mean by 'together'? It's just having some fun, you know. Jiang Cheng fits my taste, and he's an alpha. By the way, do you know what his pheromones smell like?" Chen Tianpeng replied with a playful tone.

Chen Tianpeng continued to chat as he got closer.

Bo Xiyun, sitting in the makeup chair, couldn't help but feel a bit surprised. He had just acquired pheromones of his own, and the news of him becoming an omega hadn't been made public yet. However, Chen Tianpeng, who was approaching, didn't seem to notice anything unusual and kept talking.

"He emits a sandalwood scent with his pheromones. After I met Jiang Cheng and returned home, my old man quite liked the smell. He even asked if I had found some ancient artifact that carried the fragrance."

Seeing that Chen Tianpeng was unfazed, Bo Xiyun quickly realized that his pheromones were perfectly concealed. With his new, high-collared suit and the adhesive placed under his gland, his scent was hidden from view.

Bo Xiyun casually responded, "That's nice."

Chen Tianpeng agreed, "Indeed, it's quite nice. And Jiang Cheng's pheromones keep emitting naturally. He seems to be a B-class, and his dominance isn't overpowering, which suits me perfectly."

Curious, Bo Xiyun asked, "B-class?"

He vaguely remembered that there were additional levels within Alpha and Omega, but the specifics weren't clear to him.

Everyone knew that the young master had very little knowledge of gender-related matters. The makeup artists explained further.

"Yeah, Alphas and Omegas can both have S, A, B, C, or D levels."

They elaborated on the different levels, and as he listened, something struck him. If Jiang Cheng, who could emit pheromones, was considered a B-level, what about Wen Xiusen?

In truth, Bo Xiyun didn't sense Wen Xiusen's pheromones very strongly. These past few days, he had only noticed it when he was exceptionally close to him. Wen Xiusen had never actively released his pheromones.

Even last night, when Bo Xiyun's glands had been stimulated, he hadn't detected much of Wen Xiusen's pheromones. Did this mean that Wen Xiusen had a low pheromone concentration and couldn't emit them externally?

Bo Xiyun tentatively asked, "Is it possible that an Alpha who doesn't have a noticeable pheromone scent most of the time is a low-level D?"

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at him strangely, even Chen Tianpeng raised an eyebrow. "I have to say, Fourth Young Master, your knowledge about this topic is quite lacking."

Bo Xiyun was puzzled. "What's wrong?"

"A person who doesn't emit a noticeable scent most of the time isn't a D-level," Chen Tianpeng explained, "they're an S-level."

Bo Xiyun was taken aback, "Ah?"

The people around him quickly chimed in with explanations.

"Above-average Alphas have better self-control, so only S-level Alphas can completely conceal their pheromones."

"But S-level Alphas are extremely rare. Alphas are already not very common, and S-level ones are like finding a needle in a haystack."

"That's right, it seems that the pheromones of S-level Alphas are especially potent, so they don't easily release them externally to avoid causing unintended effects."

"Yeah, their control abilities are top-notch. I've heard they can even control their own...mating cycles."

Bo Xiyun became curious again, "What's a mating cycle?"

The makeup artists giggled and said, "It's... the heat cycle."

Bo Xiyun fell silent for a moment, but he couldn't deny that he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The mating cycle was a topic Bo Xiyun hadn't even considered yet. In his vague memories, he couldn't recall any unusual behavior from Wen Xiusen.

Wen Xiusen, as a hidden gender celebrity who was also taken care of by Bo Xiyun, couldn't simply go out and find someone to resolve mating cycle issues. This likely meant that Wen Xiusen had strong self-control and had managed to endure it himself.

Bo Xiyun hadn't fully recovered from his previous surprise when the male makeup artist, Luci, interjected with a hint of annoyance.

"What's with you guys? Did none of you pass biology class?"

"S-level Alpha pheromone concentration during the mating cycle is naturally hard to endure. It's not as easy as you make it sound."

His fellow makeup artists were puzzled, "Did they teach that in biology class?"

S-level Alphas and Omegas were so rare that textbooks didn't specifically cover them.

Luci, known for his bold personality, simply smiled mischievously, his eyes particularly enchanting.

One of their colleagues asked Luci, "Did you learn this from some special source?"

Luci continued to smile mysteriously without answering directly, letting his eyes do the talking.

On the side, Chen Tianpeng chimed in, "What he said is correct."

Bo Xiyun furrowed his brow and listened as Chen Tianpeng explained further.

"While S-level Alphas can endure a lot, the mating cycle is intense. If they hold back for too long, there will be a rebound effect. When they truly lose control, their pheromones become so overpowering that others dare not get close."

Chen Tianpeng raised an eyebrow.

"I heard about an S-level Alpha whose pheromones were so intense during the mating cycle that no one dared to approach him. Eventually, he spent an entire half month with his Omega."


Tn: Unedited. Let me know if there are any noticeable mistakes