
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Rejecting Support (20)

In the end, Bo Xiyun realized that the pre-proposed regulations he mentioned had specific provisions that were too far off.

This was because by the time of marking or mating, he had been taken advantage of by Wen Xiusen and had been made to fall asleep many times.

Falling asleep had its benefits, as it allowed Bo Xiyun to avoid having to confront those unpleasant learning experiences. However, it also improved his mood significantly.

To his dismay, Bo Xiyun found that these nightly experiences that had continued for days had, in a way, developed into a sleep aid. He couldn't believe that even his sleep quality had improved.

Thankfully, daytime life was relatively calm, and once he left Hong Kong, the restrictions and surveillance on Bo Xiyun had diminished considerably.

In the following days, Wen Xiusen was busy with wedding preparations. However, due to Bo Xiyun's condition, he never stayed away for too long and mostly handled things remotely.

Bo Xiyun also got to learn about various related matters.

Initially, he thought that getting married only required some notarized procedures such as prenuptial agreements and property division, and then they could simply get a marriage certificate.

However, after learning more about it, Bo Xiyun realized that there were so many processes involved in getting married.

Just the planning for the various arrangements before the engagement made him feel dizzy.

He even had to provide his input when it came to his preferences.

Bo Xiyun had a busy day at the hospital, undergoing a wide range of medical tests, including assessments of gland development and pheromone concentration. Ensuring his health was an absolute priority.

During these days of medical examinations, Bo Xiyun interacted with many doctors. Because of his status as an S-level omega, many physicians had already heard about the young scion of the Bo family. However, what surprised the doctors was that despite often being referred to as "young master," he was very polite, had no airs of a privileged heir, and had a very pleasant personality. He was easy to get along with. 

Furthermore, his exceptionally beautiful face always made people feel very maternal, and everyone at the hospital liked him.

Once the systematic medical examinations finally concluded, Bo Xiyun visited the hospital less frequently and began to wait for the test results at his residence.

Bo Xiyun led a fairly organized life, with a habit of going to bed and waking up early. He used to have a morning exercise routine, but now, due to his recent differentiation, the doctors advised against any strenuous physical activity. So, Bo Xiyun had to suspend this part of his schedule. Moreover, his nightly learning tasks made it challenging for him to wake up too early.

Regarding his past reputation in Hong Kong's tabloids, which depicted him as a playboy, Bo Xiyun initially believed those stories.

However, as he gradually stabilized, he began to recall some of his past experiences.

In truth, Bo Xiyun's parties at the bar often involved outdrinking others, but the secret was that he was only drinking canned milk, not alcohol.

He used to catch up on sleep in the VIP rooms of nightclubs, and when he woke up at dawn, it was spun by relentless paparazzi into a story of an all-night love fest.

Bo Xiyun didn't really care about those stories; instead, he found the soundproofing in the nightclub's VIP rooms to be quite good. They were perfect for napping.

During his time in Yan City, Young Master Bo maintained his regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up early. Although he had some public appearances to make, he still had work to do. Every day, he would review reports from the investment companies he had in the inland area. 

Bo Xiyun no longer believed what the Hong Kong tabloids used to say about him being a playboy and not taking his work seriously. He went through his work records and realized that he had missed certain weekly approvals and monthly meetings.

Thanks to the privacy provided by the mansion, Bo Xiyun could work in the study without concerns. Although the mansion had multiple spacious study rooms, he stayed in the one on the first floor these days because of his ongoing health concerns. 

Both of them were busy working in the study beside the large French windows on the first floor.

Bo Xiyun's health was still somewhat subpar, and sometimes he felt drowsy after looking at the computer for a while. There were moments when he felt cold and needed a little boost from Wen Xiusen's pheromones to feel better. 

Late differentiation could lead to various aftereffects, as the doctors had cautioned. Bo Xiyun felt that it wasn't too bad, but Wen Xiusen took these issues quite seriously, which made him recall past events.

Wen Xiusen had also undergone late differentiation, and Bo Xiyun couldn't help but wonder how he had managed it.

Bo Xiyun only knew that Mr. Wen was being extremely cautious, and after noticing a few instances of Omega feeling cold, the man simply picked him up and brought him close.

He treated himself like a human air conditioner, maintaining a warm temperature that indeed eased Young Master Bo's discomfort.

Bo Xiyun had never thought that Mr. Wen would provide warmth like this, as he had assumed that Mr. Wen was more of a cooling type.

Being held in Mr. Wen's arms, Bo Xiyun soon realized that this position was incredibly comfortable.

He snuggled into the man's embrace, casually reading emails on his tablet, finding it even more comfortable than sitting in an ergonomic chair in front of his computer.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but recall the nightclub video from before. It seemed he had grown accustomed to being in this position, resting in Mr. Wen's arms.

Occasionally, when he felt a bit tired, he would unconsciously nuzzle into the space between Wen Xiusen chest and neck.

He wasn't craving Alpha's pheromones; it was just a comfortable habit, a subconscious expression of contentment.

However, Young Master Bo didn't realize that his unintentional actions could have an impact on someone else.

Fortunately, Wen Xiusen had experienced an early onset of rut due to someone intensely focusing on his actions.

This experience had taught him self-restraint, and he deeply understood the importance of it.

As the sun began to set, and everyone in the study had finished their tasks, Bo Xiyun thought about getting up from between Wen Xiusen's legs.

As he moved away from the man's embrace, he instinctively reached for his phone, opening the money transfer interface.

When Bo Xiyun realized what he was doing, he was already on Wen Xiusen's page.

He couldn't help but pause, wondering why he had thought of transferring money to Wen Xiusen.

Although he had got up from Wen Xiusen's lap, he wasn't too far away, and Wen Xiusen had seen his actions on the phone.

The room fell into a sudden silence as the two of them locked eyes, gazing at each other wordlessly for a moment.

Bo Xiyun was filled with confusion.

Why was he trying to transfer money to someone? Payment for hourly work, labor fees, seat rental charges...?

...Was it an allowance?

Surrounded by an unusual silence, the young master couldn't help but voice his confusion.

"Wait, was the allowance I gave... on a daily basis?"

In fact, as he said these words, Bo Xiyun realized that there was something amiss.

The extremely comfortable and relaxed position he had been in just moments ago had caused him to inadvertently speak his thoughts out loud.

However, his words quickly resulted in serious consequences.

The young master was promptly picked up and placed on the office desk, and his bare neck was gripped by the man, who then pulled him close for a kiss.

Through this kiss, his partner politely responded to his earlier question about the financial aspects of their arrangement.

"Paid in cash."

Settling the account in advance, even giving up the evening lesson on pheromone control.

With his actions, Wen Xiusen once again confirmed his earlier words, making Bo Xiyun believe that what he said was indeed true.

Perhaps it was because the young master had never allowed him to kiss before.

Now, Wen Xiusen kisses so passionately every time.


The arrangements for the wedding continued methodically, but the specific wedding plans haven't been finalized yet.

Bo Xiyun is aware that, being a native of Hong Kong, the official wedding ceremony will likely take place there.

After all, setting aside his estranged elder brother, Bo Yingcheng, his father, is still alive and hospitalized in Hong Kong.

Since Bo Xiyun moved to Yan City, the Hong Kong media has been reporting extensively on Bo Yingcheng's deteriorating health.

They have intensified their continuous attacks on Bo Xiyun, accusing him of not caring about his seriously ill father and engaging in debauchery on the mainland.

Bo Xiyun has his reasons for this.

He knows that this is the Bo family's method to pressure him back to Hong Kong and, at the same time, to continuously damage his reputation.

He no longer cares about these rumors and gossip. Moreover, the news reporting in Hong Kong and the mainland operates in separate spheres, so these messages don't bother him.

The only thing that surprises him is that in recent days, second young master has publicly revealed Bo Xiyun's status as an S-class omega.

Seeing that Bo Xiyun consistently ignored the accusations regarding his failure to visit his father in Hong Kong, the media under Bo Shang's control collectively changed their stance and began spreading new rumors.

Various anonymous "insidere" suddenly started disclosing information, making the wealthy families' secrets sound vivid, with the core message being that Bo Xiyun may not be the biological son of Bo Yingcheng.

Creating doubts about blood relations is a tactic that has been overused in the conflicts among wealthy families.

After Bo Xiyun saw the organized and quantified public sentiment data from Hong Kong, he immediately understood Bo Shang's intentions.

Is Bo Shang's intention to use this method to exclude him from being the heir to the inheritance?

If that's the case, then Bo Shang's decision not to disclose Bo Xiyun's true status can be understood. After all, the condition of Bo Yingcheng is indeed not good, and the nearly 100 billion inheritance he leaves behind is the most important matter.

After excluding Bo Xiyun, the inheritance that Bo Shang and the others can get their hands on would obviously be more directly beneficial than selling an S-level omega for profit.

However, Young Master Bo still had some doubts.

After all, S-level omegas are extremely rare, and if Bo Shang publicly revealed this fact, they could potentially secure highly profitable collaboration projects without necessarily seeking a high-profile marriage with a prominent alpha.

Currently, Bo Shang's single-minded focus on dividing the inheritance has led Bo Xiyun to suspect that he may be overly eager for some reason.

It appears as if Bo Shang is in a rush to access funds, almost as if they urgently need the money for some long-term investment.

Is it possible that Second Brother has suddenly encountered a financial emergency?

Bo Xiyun contemplated these pieces of information while also having his people gather more information about the movements of the Bo family members.

Meanwhile, news from Hong Kong wasn't entirely isolated from the mainland, and at least the news of Bo Yingcheng's illness had made its way to the mainland.

Bo Yingcheng's condition was, of course, not unique; life, death, and illness were common occurrences. However, due to the immense wealth of the Bo family and the legendary aspects of Bo Yingcheng's life, the mainland media also reported on his situation.

For a while, Bo Yingcheng's health became a topic of casual conversation among people in the mainland. Yet, Bo Xiyun remained strangely indifferent to such news.

To exaggerate slightly, one could even say that he was... apathetic.

When Bo Xiyun exhibited this peculiar attitude, Wen Xiusen questioned him about it while they were both in the study.

Although the reports from Hong Kong indicated that there hadn't been any major developments in Bo Yingcheng's condition after he fell into a coma, and he remained in a stable condition, still unconscious, Bo Xiyun had indeed not seen him after he slipped into a coma.

And in the past, no matter who looked at him, Bo Yingcheng's most doted and indulged child was always Bo Xiyun.

Even the Hong Kong media had reported on a rather famous detail about the Bo family.

While the other children addressed Bo Yingcheng with the utmost respect as "father," the greatly cherished young master Bo was the sole exception, calling Bo Yingcheng "Dad" with affection.

However, upon hearing Wen Xiusen's question, there was still no significant change in the young master's demeanor.

He thought for a moment before saying, "I guess my tears dried up when my mom passed away."

Wen Xiusen fell silent for a while, his arms around the boy tightened a bit, and he lowered his head to gently kissed the boy's slightly cool nose.

However, the young master was instantly on guard, his eyes widening as he looked at him.

"You're only allowed to kiss me once."

Wen Xiusen had an amiable appearance and indeed looked approachable. After giving that one kiss, he took a slight step back.

However, when Bo Xiyun relaxed, he heard the man say,

"Yesterday, you used my tablet."

Recently, Bo Xiyun had been using the tablet to read things, and it was Wen Xiusen's brand-new one. Sometimes they had similar covers, and the young master occasionally grabbed the wrong one.

Wen Xiusen continued, "I messaged you to ask what you wanted to eat for dinner, and when I looked at the tablet, there was a message notification."

Bo Xiyun suddenly had a foreboding feeling.

This was because after the mishap regarding the "maintenance fee" and being kissed by Wen Xiusen, he had changed the contact name the next day.

And, as if Murphy's Law were in full effect, Wen Xiusen's next sentence was indeed,

"I saw the nickname you changed to in my contacts."

"..." Bo Xiyun was already prepared to make a run for it, but he couldn't match the man's speed.

Besides, he was currently nestled in the man's arms.

So, he could only be held firmly by the strong arm, pressed closer, and listen to Wen Xiusen's voice by his ear.

"A kiss-thirsty maniac, huh?"

The usually agreeable Mr. Wen seemed to be taking advantage of him, only saying, "To confirm this nickname, should I kiss you again?"

Young Master Bo didn't want to agree.

This kind of argument was simply outrageous!

Unfortunately, Bo Xiyun was physically overpowered and couldn't escape.

As a result, Mr. Thirsty-for-Kisses decided to practically demonstrate the meaning of this nickname once more.

He made sure to confirm this nickname several times.


To prevent the young master from developing any negative associations with being held in his arms, Mr. Wen didn't take things too far.

Scaring the boy away would be counterproductive.

The breathless Bo Xiyun, who was given a narrow escape, wasn't sure how many times in the future he would be caught and subjected to the deepening of this particular nickname's memory.

He also had a question to ask Wen Xiusen.

"Why did you choose to cooperate with my second brother?"

Wen Xiusen had kept this from him, and it left Bo Xiyun somewhat puzzled.

"Wouldn't it be better to work with my eldest brother?"

Wen Xiusen glanced at him, his gaze shifting from the soft lips that had been repeatedly licked and nibbled, and then answered in a casual tone,

"Bo Zhi also approached me."

In Hong Kong, people like to name their descendants with idiomatic expressions that carry positive connotations. Bo Yingcheng had a total of four sons, each named with a phrase, and the names were "Zhi,Zhi, Qing, and Yun."

The eldest son of the Bo family is named "Bo Zhi."


There was a moment of silence from Bo Xiyun, and then he said,

"You're quite popular."

He knew that the second and third son of the Bo family were working together, but the fact that even the eldest son was interested in collaborating with Wen Xiusen made him surprised.

It seemed like Wen Xiusen was well-regarded in different circles within the Bo family. In recent days, Bo Xiyun had been spending a lot of time with Wen Xiusen in the study, and he had also seen the various teams that surrounded Wen Xiusen.

Besides entertainment, Wen Xiusen seemed to have made significant progress in the field of financial investment as well.

So it made sense when you put it that way.

Besides the previous entanglement between Bo Xiyun and Wen Xiusen regarding the arrangement, it seemed that the members of the Bo family thought highly of Wen Xiusem because he had already gained significant influence and had enough valuable assets. This was probably why they all considered him a suitable match.

Bo Xiyun was calmly analyzing this situation when he suddenly heard Wen Xiusen's voice.


Wen Xiusen's tone was very casual and matter-of-fact.

"They all think you and I are a good match."

Bo Xiyun: "…?!"