
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Rejecting Support (14)

The young man was momentarily speechless. Bo Xiyun had indeed said such things before, but when he heard those words from someone else's mouth, especially when Wen Xiusen said them himself, he felt an entirely different weight to them.

— It even became something that the young master couldn't resist at all.

Bo Xiyun instinctively tensed his body. He even began to doubt whether he had ever truly practiced the core operations of "maintenance" before.

Because given the condition of the young master's body, it didn't seem like he could match Wen Xiusen.

Bo Xiyun suddenly thought of the elephant on the packaging box and the "XXL" label.


The young master couldn't help but tense even more.

The hand that covered Bo Xiyun's nape pressed lightly, and Wen Xiusen pinched him again, murmuring to him in a low voice.


How could Bo Xiyun possibly relax?

But continuing to be so tense was not a good idea, and the young man soon experienced the consequences.

Even though the blood extraction needle had been removed, the soreness on Bo Xiyun's arm became even more intense, causing him to almost curl up in pain.

It felt like the innermost bones of his arm were being repeatedly hammered with a heavy iron hammer, making the young man completely oblivious to anything else.

Wen Xiusen immediately noticed Bo Xiyun's discomfort.

He furrowed his brow, no longer discussing anything with the doctor. He simply raised his hand and pressed the trembling and shivering young master closer to his chest.

Bo Xiyun, feeling too weak from the pain, was adjusted to lean against the man's chest. His soft and pale cheek rested against the prominent collarbone of Wen Xiusen, and his entire face seemed to be buried in the man's neck.

He once again smelled that familiar scent of cold snow.

There were others in the room, so Wen Xiusen didn't release his pheromones directly to avoid affecting the doctors' work. Thus, only Bo Xiyun, pressed against his neck, could sense that faint snow-like fragrance.

The familiar pheromones indeed had a soothing effect, and the sharp pain in Bo Xiyun's body gradually subsided.

The young master pondered quietly. Could it really be as the doctor had just suggested, that he needed alpha pheromones to compensate for the deficiency?

As if trying to escape, the young master shrunk a bit more, burying his cheek deeper into the man's neck. As a result, the snow-like fragrance became even more pronounced, and Bo Xiyun couldn't help but recall the words Director Lin Shu had said before.

Directly sniffing the pheromones was akin to a molesting.

Bo Xiyun was on the brink of abandoning himself to despair, no longer caring about the opinions of others at this moment. The pain made it impossible for him to maintain a polite distance.

However, Bo Xiyun noticed that the medical staff seemed accustomed to the actions and postures of the two of them. They continued with their work as if they had seen it all before.

Even when the male doctor asked about "intimacy," everyone remained composed.

Bo Xiyun recalled the incident when Wen Xiusen had carried him in a princess carry from the car before he had fallen asleep. At that time, the bodyguards and even the landlady they had encountered hadn't shown much surprise either.

It was as if the intimate actions of the two of them had become a normal part of life for those around them.

Thinking about this, the young master furrowed his brow.

Because he knew his own personality well.

Bo Xiyun knew that he wasn't someone who easily placed his trust in others.

Furthermore, this involved the most unpredictable and elusive of feelings: love.

So why were he and Wen Xiusen able to maintain this ambiguous relationship that others had grown accustomed to?

Bo Xiyun couldn't come up with an answer to this question. His energy didn't permit him to ponder it further at the moment.

The young master rested in the man's arms for quite some time, allowing most of the pain to dissipate.

The room had excellent lighting and ventilation. If it weren't for the slightly salty sea breeze and the faint swaying of the ship, one might mistake this place for a clean examination room in a hospital.

Although the ship's medical staff were private caregivers and didn't require additional waiting, following the formal procedure, it would still take at least twelve hours for the results of the omega-level test.

The ship continued to gently sway with the waves, but fortunately, Bo Xiyun didn't suffer from seasickness, so it didn't add to his discomfort.

The young master had just noticed that the sky outside the window was already bright. Evidently, after he had fallen unconscious last night, he had slept through to the next day without even realizing when Wen Xiusen had brought him onto the ship.

The ship had departed from Hong Kong, but instead of heading directly to the convenient mainland Zhu Chen Kyushu Port, it had transferred to Ao Island before proceeding further inland.

This arrangement was clearly to evade the surveillance of Bo Xiyun's brother. In fact, Wen Xiusen hadn't opted for a faster means of transportation like an airplane or train, probably for the same reason.

After all, a ship offered greater flexibility and was less likely to be restricted at entry and exit checkpoints.

However, Bo Xiyun could imagine how much effort Wen Xiusen must have put into making this happen. After all, he had been closely monitored in the little villa before their departure. Their escape could hardly have gone unnoticed.

Even though the ship had departed from the transfer port of Ao Island, it didn't mean that Bo Xiyun was truly safe now.

(Tn: Ao Island, I can't really locate the exact destination but it seem to be the one that's in Ehime Prefecture in Japan. So...)

The Bo family had billions of interests tied to them, and his three brothers would never simply give up. On their way back to the mainland, Bo Xiyun and Wen Xiusen would likely find little peace.

As expected, not long after Bo Xiyun had finished his blood draw, Wen Xiusen was called away by a phone call. However, he didn't take the Bo Xiyun with him. Instead, he carried Bo Xiyun to a resting room with a bed, letting him rest there before leaving himself.

Shortly after, medical staff would occasionally come to check on him. They all had inland accents and were quite friendly towards him.

Bo Xiyun didn't remember seeing these faces before, as they weren't part of his usual staff. They must have been hired by Wen Xiusen.

This led Bo Xiyun to reevaluate his perspective on Wen Xiusen. Achieving the quick clearance at the checkpoints, securing a smooth flight route away from Hong Kong, and having professional medical staff conduct the tests on the ship weren't tasks that could be accomplished by someone solely relying on their star status.

Bo Xiyun pondered whether Wen Xiusen had activities beyond his acting career. After all, aside from his work, there were very few personal reports about him.

Wen Xiusen, in Bo Xiyun's eyes, seemed both busy and competent...

Bo Xiyun, still in a daze, thought about his own situation. He was already not very stable after his differentiation, and having his blood and pheromones removed had made him even weaker, causing him to drift into a deep sleep.


When he woke up again, Bo Xiyun was awakened by a nurse who reminded him it was time for lunch. He still felt a bit groggy and had little appetite. It wasn't until the nurse brought in a men's coat that his attention was finally piqued.

"What is this...?" Bo Xiyun asked, curious. The coat clearly wasn't his size, and it looked somewhat familiar.

"This is Mr. Wen's coat," the nurse replied. "He's in a meeting, and he asked us to bring this over."

Bo Xiyun found it somewhat confusing. Why would they need to bring him Wen Xiusen's coat? He certainly wasn't lacking in clothing.

Despite these thoughts, he reached out and accepted the coat, folding it casually and hugging it to his chest.

As someone who rarely dealt with such matters, the expensive coat ended up looking like a haphazardly rolled spring roll in his hands, with uneven edges and a somewhat disheveled appearance.

Nevertheless, it felt comfortable in his embrace.

The faint cold fragrance clinging to the coat gradually filled the air, and Bo Xiyun, who had been feeling rather dispirited, perked up slightly.

However, he still had little appetite for the meal. He packed away the lunchbox and was considering whether to just have some sweet soup when he heard a knock on the door, followed by someone entering the room.

Bo Xiyun looked up in surprise. "Ah Qing?"

The person who walked in turned out to be a familiar face, He Jianqing.

He Jianqing was from Hong Kong, the second son of the He family in Hong Kong.

He was two days younger than Bo Xiyun, but his physique was much sturdier, and he stood a head taller.

He Jianqing approached, noticing the untouched lunchbox nearby, and furrowed his brows. "Didn't have lunch?"

Bo Xiyun glanced over and pushed the lunchbox a little farther away. He spoke honestly, "No appetite."

He Jianqing still had a furrowed brow. His appearance was quite handsome, even in a city filled with beautiful people like Hong Kong. However, He Jianqing's personality leaned towards the serious side, making him seem older than his actual age. Nevertheless, Bo Xiyun was accustomed to treating him like a younger brother.

Bo Xiyun asked curiously, "How come you're here?"

He Jianqing glanced at him but didn't answer immediately. Instead, he picked up the bedside intercom phone and dialed a number. It didn't take long for a waiter to enter the room with a cup of honey water. He Jianqing received the cup, paid a tip, and only after confirming the water's warmth, handed it to Bo Xiyun.

"Have a sip," he said. "It'll soothe your stomach."

Bo Xiyun took the cup and had a sip, and then the waiter left the room, closing the door behind him. With only the two of them in the room, He Jianqing explained, "My family is urging me into an arranged marriage, so I escaped back to school early."

Considering the timing, it was still winter break.

He Jianqing was studying medicine and had participated in a joint education program between the mainland and Hong Kong. This semester, he should have been studying at the Yancheng Medical University.

Bo Xiyun blinked, his hand shaking the water cup slightly. "Huh? Aren't you just nineteen?"

"Why did they start pushing for arranged marriages so early?" Bo Xiyun wondered aloud but then quickly realized he was almost nineteen himself. It didn't seem that different.

"Let's not talk about them," he added.

He Jianqing frowned, seeming reluctant to delve into the topic. "The university arranged for me to intern at Yancheng and Andcorp. Wen Xiusen inquired about the situation at Andcorp, and that's how I found out about your situation. I came here with the medical staff he arranged."

He then turned to Bo Xiyun and asked, "What happened? Why didn't you respond to my messages all this time?"

"I was locked up as soon as I underwent differentiation," Bao Xiyun shrugged. "They changed all my account passwords."

This explained why He Jianqing had been unable to contact him earlier.

He Jianqing fell silent for a moment, well aware of Bo's circumstances as a member of the He family.

Bo Xiyun didn't seem too concerned. "All my accounts have device locks. Even if they change the passwords, they can't log in. I already filed a complaint with the platforms; we'll see how it turns out. If I can't recover them, I'll just apply for new accounts."

Although the young man no longer had a Hong Kong phone card, he still had one from the mainland.

After listening to the explanation, He Jianqing paused and asked, "Why are you with him again?"

Bo Xiyun didn't immediately catch on. "Who are you talking about?"

"Wen Xiusen," He Jianqing clarified. Despite his young age, he already had a faint furrow on his forehead, as if he was constantly deep in thought.

He continued, "Aren't you tired of him yet?"

Bo Xiyun hesitated for a moment, clutching the spring roll coat in his arms a little tighter. The coat was now disheveled, and He Jianqing mistook it for a pillow, not bothering to look closely.

Upon hearing He Jianqing's question, Bo Xiyun had to admit that he hadn't considered this aspect.

Three years ago, Bo Xiyun had been told about how he had met Wen Xiusen and decided to pursue him. He had given Wen Xiusen some sort of "drug" in a bar while Wen Xiusen was away with a film crew. The "drug" had caused an abnormal hormone secretion in Wen Xiusen, delaying his differentiation until the age of twenty.

Delaying differentiation comes with significant risks and hidden dangers. Wen Xiusen's condition is quite unstable, and he requires a substantial amount of medication to maintain his health. In order to receive treatment, Wen Xiusen had no choice but to agree to be financially supported by Young Master Bo.

After hearing this, Bo Xiyun fell into silence for a while. He had previously found information online about Wen Xiusen's involvement in a drug-related case. While the man wasn't forced into such a situation due to drugs as he had feared, it seemed that his condition hadn't improved much.

Furthermore, Bo Xiyun had previously speculated that Wen Xiusen hadn't undergone a normal differentiation before the age of eighteen, and it turned out to be true.

Bo Xiyun pondered for a moment but found something amiss. "The bar you mentioned is owned by Uncle Wu, right? I remember Uncle Wu's place strictly prohibits the use of illegal drugs, doesn't it?"

He Jianqing's expression became even more serious upon hearing this and asked, "Then how did you manage to bring the drugs in?"

He Jianqing and Bo Xiyun had grown up together, and their relationship was quite close. However, He Jianqing, with his naturally serious personality, didn't always approve of some of Bo Xiyun's actions.

The "Uncle Wu" mentioned by Bo Xiyun was none other than Lin Wenwu, a well-known figure in Hong Kong's underworld. He had only started to legitimize his businesses about ten years ago, with these bars being used for money laundering purposes. Unexpectedly, in recent years, these bars had become some of the most famous nightclubs in Hong Kong.

As a scion of a wealthy family, Bo Xiyun had a close relationship with such people, and He Jianqing always felt that it was a risky move on his part.

"I remember that three years ago, Lin Wenwu had just dealt with a customer who brought drugs into his establishment and caused a scene," He Jianqing said. "He did it as a warning to others."

It seemed that Lin Wenwu might not have taken action against Bo Xiyun because of their good relationship.

Bo Xiyun listened quietly. His memory of that incident from three years ago was not very clear, but he didn't find He Jianqing's words unsettling.

He patted the coat in his arms. Indeed, he owed Wen Xiusen a lot.

He Jianqing remained silent for a moment and then added, "In the future, don't go to such places."

Although He Jianqing was younger than Bo Xiyun, he seemed more like an older brother when he cared and worried about Bo Xiyun.

"After taking care of Wen Xiusen, you continued to frequent such places," He Jianqing's tone was disapproving.

"Aren't you afraid your body can't handle it?" He Jianqing asked.

Bo Xiyun was clearly taken aback this time.

What did that mean?

He Jianqing provided a direct answer.

"You use up a box of condoms in one night. You really should think about your health."

Bo Xiyun: "..."

Before he faced the public again, he had another question.

Why did it feel like everyone knew about this?

He Jianqing seemed to sense his confusion. "Tabloids have staked out your hotel rooms before, and you've publicized it yourself. After that, they haven't stopped using such incidents to portray you."

Bo Xiyun opened his mouth to respond, sounding rather pale and feeble. "I probably didn't..."

He Jianqing didn't say much more and simply picked up his phone, searching for something. He then placed the screen in front of Bo Xiyun.

On the phone, there was a video playing. The video was filmed inside a nightclub, with chaotic and flashy lighting. Nevertheless, Bo Xiyun was quite eye-catching in the frame.

The video displayed a scene in a nightclub with colorful and chaotic lighting that made many faces appear eerie. Despite this extremely poor lighting, the beauty of the young man in the frame couldn't be overshadowed. In fact, just one look at him and it was easy to understand why the prominent bosses and big shots had such a close friendship with young master Bo, even to the extent of becoming friends across generations.

No one could resist feeling compassion and affection for this cute and handsome young man.

Although he was lazily leaning against a corner of the booth, he had been the center of attention throughout the entire party.

The video had no sound, but just by looking at the screen, one could imagine the noisy atmosphere of the time. Bo Xiyun stared at the screen for a few seconds before realizing that he wasn't just leaning against the booth.

—He was sitting on a man's lap.

The young master had inadvertently mistaken the person behind him for a backrest, and everything he did was meticulously attended to. He was even too lazy to lift his hand. When someone approached to clink glasses with him, he even allowed the man behind him to do it on his behalf. It wasn't until the sparkling crystal-like wine glass was brought to his lips that he took a small sip.

The man behind him was wearing a delicate mask, and his face couldn't be clearly seen on the screen. The man seemed to be just an accompaniment to the young master, like the expensive liquor on the table and the meticulously crafted wine glass, all just tools.

Exceptional in quality but unimportant in the grand scheme.

However, the man's movements were quite appropriate, always in tune with the young master's desires. He even understood the young man's emotions and needs without the young master needing to speak a word.

He Jianqing's finger pointed directly at the man in the video.

"Do you see him?" he asked.

Even without the need for further explanation from He Jianqing, Bo Xiyun recognized him.

That was Wen Xiusen.

The man in the suit in the video was tailored by Bo Xiyun during his trip to Italy.

This video appeared to be a candid recording, likely taken when the young master had visited the nightclub previously.

Bo Xiyun glanced at the watermark and recognized it as a Hong Kong media outlet. A few days ago, this media outlet had even posted in the group managed by secong young master Bo's special assistant.

"This video was circulated throughout the whole of Hong Kong at the time," He Jianqing explained.

Bo Xiyun did recall this incident. The video had been subject to some editing afterward, but since it didn't reveal Wen Xiusen's face, it hadn't affected his acting career. Bo Xiyun hadn't gone to great lengths to remove it completely, so there were still some remnants online, and it wasn't surprising that He Jianqing had found it.

What truly surprised Bo Xiyun, however, was the way he and Wen Xiusen interacted in the video.

The most detailed actions couldn't be faked, and Wen Xiusen's care for him and the seamless coordination between their actions were flawless, as if he could perfectly read the young master's every thought.

It was only at this moment that Bo Xiyun realized just how much he had asked Wen Xiusen to do for him.

No wonder...

Bo Xiyun paused for a moment.

It's no wonder that in the two nights before he fell unconscious, Wen Xiusen seemed to know every sensitive spot on his body so well.

Bo Xiyun analyzed the situation calmly. It seemed that his trust in Wen Xiusen might have originated from the fact that Wen Xiusen was being controlled by someone else and had no choice but to obey. Otherwise, it was challenging to explain why someone as cold and dominant as Wen Xiusen would willingly do such things for him.

However, now it was clear that the conditions for that trust no longer existed. Their roles seemed to have completely reversed.

At that moment, He Jianqing spoke up.

"Cirrus, you've told me before that you're very good at judging people, and you're rarely wrong. You said Wen Xiusen has a natural talent for finance. You've earned money this year without much careful management, even setting up an investment company and letting Wen Xiusen handle it."

He Jianqing frowned. "Now his career is flourishing, but what about you?"

He seemed hesitant to be too blunt, but he continued, "With your three older brothers interfering as well, whatever retaliation Wen Xiusen might plan against you wouldn't be light."

The video on the phone had reached its end, freezing on the final frame. In the nightclub, the incredibly eye-catching young master Bo leaned against the person behind him, casually propping up his chin, as if the one he was reclining on was just a comfortable pillow.

He Jianqing's gaze remained fixed on the screen as he spoke in a deep voice.

"For the same reasons, Wen Xiusen could just as easily retaliate against you now."

At this point, Wen Xiusen could very well use Bo Xiyun to show off to others, treating him as a tool for display, just as Bo Xiyun had once done to him.

Bo Xiyun fell silent.

He raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and He Jianqing immediately noticed something was amiss. He halted his line of questioning and asked Bo Xiyun.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Bo Xiyun didn't dare to nod, fearing it might make his headache worse. Instead, he gave a soft response, "I've been feeling a bit dizzy since the blood draw."

He Jianqing understood and inquired further.

"You really can't eat lunch?"

Bo Xiyun once again let out a dull "Mmm."

"In that case, you should rest and take care of yourself."

He Jianqing said as he took away the cup with honey water.

"If your gland development is severely lacking and combined with the recent hormone extraction, it could lead to hormone imbalance, which is dangerous. You should get some rest for now."

Bo Xiyun rubbed his temples and expressed his gratitude. His delicate nostrils flared slightly, showing a hint of confusion.

"Did you also order tea?"

He Jianqing's movements froze.

"What tea?"

Bo Xiyun sniffed again, somewhat uncertain. He didn't know much about tea varieties, but this scent resembled a type of artificial perfume he had encountered before.

"Da Ji Ling tea?" (Darjeeling tea)

He Jianqing was genuinely taken aback at this point.

"You can smell my pheromones?"

Bo Xiyun hesitated for a moment. "What pheromones? Aren't you a beta?"

He Jianqing looked at him with a complex expression in his handsome eyes.

"I'm not a beta; I'm an S-class alpha."

So, he had a hard time finding a compatible partner, which is why he was pressured into arranged dates by his family at the age of nineteen.

Bo Xiyun was genuinely surprised: "Oh?"

"I used to be an A-class alpha, but I became an S-class just last month," He Jianqing explained.

Most alphas and omegas have fixed classifications, but there are very few exceptions. Some individuals experience unstable conditions during their initial differentiation and can change their class within two years, but this change is limited to one level at most.

He Jianqing fell into this rare category.

He pressed his lips together, and the faint crease between his eyebrows became visible again. "Have you forgotten my gender again?"

Although he said this, He Jianqing's tone wasn't particularly harsh. It seemed like he was accustomed to Bo Xiyun occasionally forgetting this detail.

Bo Xiyun rubbed his nose. "You know, I really didn't know much about gender before."

He Jianqing didn't linger and allowed Bo Xiyun to rest quietly in the lounge. However, after lying down for a while, Bo Xiyun's dizziness didn't improve; instead, it seemed to worsen. He appeared to be returning to the state he was in right after the blood draw, with even his arm beginning to ache again.

He could only hug the coat in his arms, curling up into a ball under the blanket.

Bo Xiyun's condition had indeed worsened. When a nurse on rounds came to check on him and noticed something amiss, she immediately notified the doctor.

By the time Bo Xiyun was feeling faint and on the verge of nausea, he finally caught a whiff of an intensely familiar, cool scent, far stronger than the coat he was clutching.

The door swung open, and a tall man walked in with long strides, reaching out to pick up the omega from the bed.

Bo Xiyun struggled to open his eyes, his gaze still somewhat unfocused. He stared blankly at Wen Xiusen, who had rushed to his side.

"Why aren't you..." His voice came out hoarse, and he suddenly asked, "wearing a shirt?"

The question seemed rather disjointed, leaving even the doctor who had come along puzzled.

But only Wen Xiusen understood. The man promptly removed his coat, revealing a neatly pressed shirt underneath. Only then did he reach out and embrace Bo Xiyun.

In Bo Xiyun's arms, he still held the coat Wen Xiusen had sent earlier.

So, in his dazed state, Bo Xiyun mistakenly believed that Wen Xiusen had taken off his coat. He hadn't expected that Wen Xiusen had simply changed into a new trench coat. Now, Wen Xiusen had folded the new coat neatly and placed it alongside Bo Xiyun in his embrace.

Wen Xiusen's movements were much more agile than those of the pampered young master. He wore his three-piece suit impeccably, even removing the cufflinks and the delicate chain-adorned tie pin before re-embracing Bo Xiyun.

Afraid of causing any discomfort to him, Wen Xiusen carefully cradled Bo Xiyun. The immediate effects of the familiar scent of pheromones were evident. In the midst of the gradually subsiding pain, the dazed young master realized that when Wen Xiusen held him, it was the same practiced posture as the masked man who appeared in the video.

He couldn't help but wonder how rigorously Wen Xiusen had been trained to understand all of his preferences so thoroughly, even for the simplest of back-rubbing actions. It was enough to soothe Bo Xiyun, allowing him to relax and find relief.

Under extreme fatigue, Bo Xiyun soon drifted back to sleep. It wasn't until the omega was deeply asleep, with stable vital signs, that Wen Xiusen, who had silently observed him for a long time, gently placed him back on the bed as per the doctor's advice.

Wen Xiusen raised his hand and opened his coat silently, draping it over the soft comforter without a sound, letting the lingering scent of snow continue to accompany the young master during his slumber.

Once everything was settled, Wen Xiusen silently left the rest area.

Outside, the doctors who had been in consultation for a while had reached a conclusion.

"It seems that Mr. Bo's condition this time was due to exposure to Mr. He's alpha's pheromones, which caused his sudden instability," one of the doctors explained.

Wen Xiusen furrowed his brow, his expression somewhat melancholic.

However, the doctors' next words were not what he had anticipated.

"It's not that he's rejecting Mr. He's pheromones, but rather he sensed the presence of an S-level alpha's pheromones and didn't absorb enough, leading to this condition," the doctors explained. "Mr. Bo needs a sufficient amount of pheromones to calm down."

This sudden situation was indeed frightening, but it was caused by the deficiency of pheromones after the blood draw. In his stable and normal state, Bo Xiyun wouldn't be influenced by alphas.

The doctors continued, "As we expected, Mr. Bo is likely an S-level omega. In fact, most S-level omegas are like this. Before they are completely bonded, they don't pay much attention to matching with a specific alpha. They can perfectly absorb the pheromones of the majority of S-level alphas."

This was the ability of an S-level omega, and it was common knowledge among those familiar with S-levels. However, Wen Xiusen, who had not previously understood S-level dynamics, was hearing about this for the first time. Even Bo Xiyun was unaware, highlighting their lack of knowledge about their own gender dynamics.

It seemed like he hadn't considered his future bonding much.

After listening to the doctors' explanation, Wen Xiusen remained silent for a long while.

In the recovery room, when Bo Xiyun woke up and learned about the sudden episode of his unusual drowsiness, the doctors gave him some advice.

"Until your pheromones stabilize, it's best to have an S-level alpha with you to provide stable pheromone comfort."

Bo Xiyun didn't hesitate for long and quickly approached Wen Xiusen.

"Mr. Wen, let's talk."

With the omega now soothed and no longer showing any unusual signs, Wen Xiusen appeared calm as well. Seizing the opportunity while both of them were composed, Bo Xiyun decided to have an open conversation with him.

He still needed Wen Xiusen's comfort for the time being, but he couldn't accept his assistance without addressing the situation.

Moreover, with his friend's reminder and learning about what had happened three years ago, Bo Xiyun was aware that Wen Xiusen had plenty of reasons to dislike him.

The young man also felt the need to make amends for his past mistakes.

Although he wasn't skilled in handling such matters, thinking about it on his own, he could only come up with compensating through finances or offering an unsatisfying "repayment in kind."

So, before letting the other party bring it up, he wanted to negotiate and discuss the situation thoroughly.

Bo Xiyun conveyed his attitude, saying, "I know I've caused you a lot of trouble. Whatever conditions, as long as it's within my ability, I will do my best."

Even though he said this, Bo Xiyun still felt that this situation was not advantageous for Wen Xiusen. Even if they had a sponsorship contract identical to the one from before, it might not have a significant effect. After all, Wen Xiusen was an actor and not as free as Bo Xiyun. To maintain his image as an artist, he couldn't genuinely flaunt Bo Xiyun or use him for personal gain.

For instance, at the just-concluded Golden Elephant Awards ceremony, Bo Xiyun noticed that Wen Xiusen had completely passed up the opportunity to exploit or embarrass him. This was because Wen Xiusen couldn't expose his alpha identity, couldn't let the sponsorship arrangement become known, and couldn't leave any stains in front of the cameras. There were too many constraints on Wen Xiusen.

Even if Bo Xiyun tried to think from his perspective, it was challenging to imagine how Wen Xiusen could truly find the repayment acceptable. The young man analyzed the situation quite rationally and, looking at it from Wen Xiusen's angle, was concerned that Wen Xiusen might engage in a losing deal or might not even agree to negotiate.

However, o Xiyun didn't anticipate that the previously silent Wen Xiusen would actually speak up.

Without much hesitation, and quite unexpectedly, Wen Xiusen directly stated his condition, saying, "Let's get married."


Tn: What the hell is happening? My mood while translating this chapter or let's just say this entire arc.