
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (25)

Not only was Bo Xiyun pulled back into Yi Zhongshen's embrace, but he also felt his head gently sinking down.

Yi Zhongshen lowered his head, and the warm, slightly firm jaw rested against Bo Xiyun's forehead, holding him securely in his arms.

The term "cuddling" popped into Bo Xiyun's mind. If he wasn't so tense at the moment, he could almost confirm that the position he was in right now was the most comfortable one for him.

Warm and perfect, with no uncomfortable edges to bump against.

It felt like they fit perfectly together.

Yi Zhongshen was a whole size larger than Bo Xiyun, and although they weren't significantly different in age, their body sizes were quite distinct.

Bo Xiyun's slender figure nestled perfectly in Yi Zhongshen's embrace, as if it was custom-made for him.

However, Bo Xiyun was fully awake and extremely rational at the moment. He couldn't ignore the fact that this was Yi Zhongshen, his senior, he was cuddling with. Even just considering Yi Zhongshen as a warm water bottle in his drowsy state was already quite beyond the norm.

Now, it seemed like Yi Zhongshen... was he being treated like a body pillow?

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel a little flustered and awkward in this unexpected situation.

Perhaps, as the doctor said...

Bo Xiyun pondered as he tried to make sense of the situation. After he was pulled back into Yi Zhongshen's embrace, Yi Zhongshen didn't make any further movements and his breathing remained shallow.

Naturally, Bo Xiyun didn't dare to move, afraid that he might disturb Yi Zhongshen who seemed to have finally fallen asleep. However, being so close to someone like this was a completely new experience for Bo Xiyun, and he couldn't help but feel a bit stiff and tense, even with the comfortable position and warm body temperature that should have relaxed him.

As Bo Xiyun was still contemplating whether Yi Zhongshen liked body pillows, he suddenly felt the pressure around his waist lighten.

In the next moment, the person holding him had already retracted his arm.

"I'm sorry."

A low voice rang from above, and Yi Zhongshen's voice sounded slightly hoarse, probably due to just waking up.

Bo Xiyun was taken aback, not expecting Yi Zhongshen to wake up so suddenly. Was he disturbed by Bo Xiyun?

Hearing Yi Zhongshen's apology, Bo Xiyun felt even more guilty and quickly shook his head to reassure him.

"It's my fault, I had terrible sleeping habits last night," Bo Xiyun apologized, though relieved when Yi Zhongshen finally released his arm, allowing his slender shoulders to relax.

Yi Zhongshen glanced at him, his expression unreadable.

In response to Bo Xiyun's apology, Yi Zhongshen didn't say much, just reassured him that it was okay and then sat up.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel puzzled. He had always been quite well-behaved when sleeping, so what happened last night? He almost clung to Yi Zhongshen.

He tried to recall the events before falling asleep, but he had gone to bed so late that he fell asleep almost instantly, and the next thing he remembered was waking up this morning.

Bo Xiyun couldn't recall if anything happened last night.

Looking at Yi Zhongshen again, he noticed that the man had already gotten out of bed. Yi Zhongshen's wakefulness returned quickly; there was hardly any transition from sleep to being fully alert. His demeanor appeared as if he could attend a formal occasion at any moment.

However, because Yi Zhongshen always appeared composed, it made it difficult to tell if there was anything bothering him, which only added to Bo Xiyun's concerns.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but ask, "Did you sleep well last night, Senior?"

"Mm," Yi Zhongshen turned to look at him and replied, "Yes, I did. Thank you for your help."

Bo Xiyun felt slightly relieved. "It's nothing, no need to mention it."

He didn't feel like he had done much. He had accidentally disturbed Yi Zhongshen, causing him to wake up. Thankfully, Yi Zhongshen's sleep still seemed fine, and the previous night's attempt at sleeping together seemed to have been effective.

After getting up and freshening up, Bo Xiyun went downstairs to the gym with Yi Zhongshen. He hadn't brought his own pillow back yet, but since the arrangement seemed to work well, he decided to continue sleeping with Yi Zhongshen whenever the senior had the time.

It was their weekend break, and Bo Xiyun realized that the winter camp was already nearing its end.

During lunch, Gu Sheng brought up the topic, "The Lunar New Year is coming, and the winter camp will be ending soon, right?"

Bo Xiyun nodded, "Only four days left."

Considering that the Lunar New Year was approaching soon, Gu Sheng asked, "By the way, Xiyun, where do you plan to spend the Spring Festival this year?"

Bo Xiyun hadn't really thought about it, but for him, it wasn't a significant matter. He wasn't someone who cared much about the festive atmosphere and rituals. His priorities were more focused on his own schedule than on holidays.

He replied, "I'll just stay at the hotel; I don't have any other plans."

In a little over a month, the national team selection would begin, and he still had a lot of competition problems to work on.

Gu Sheng hesitated for a moment before asking, "Would you like to come back to B City with me and spend the New Year at my home?"

Bo Xiyun was a bit surprised and asked, "B City?"

Gu Sheng explained, "I don't mean anything else by this, I just want to spend the Spring Festival with you. Do you remember what I mentioned last time? You're about the same age as my younger brother, and after the New Year, I'll be going back to Q City. It would be convenient if we could travel together."

Bo Xiyun understood that Gu Sheng was offering his sincere invitation. After all, being disowned by the Bai family, spending the New Year alone would undoubtedly feel quite lonely.

However, Bo Xiyun didn't really care about such matters; he was already quite content with his study and practice. Moreover, joining Gu Sheng's family for a lively New Year celebration might make him feel like an outsider and could be inconvenient for everyone involved.

Bo Xiyun politely declined Gu Sheng's invitation, saying, "Thank you, Gu Sheng, but it's alright. I'll just stay at the hotel and use the extra time to study."

Gu Sheng wanted to say more, but he saw that Bo Xiyun had made up his mind, so he didn't insist. Instead, he offered to bring some New Year goods back from B City for him. Bo Xiyun quickly accepted, thanking him in advance.

After discussing with Bo Xiyun, Gu Sheng turned to ask Yi Zhongshen about his plans, suggesting that they could book their plane tickets together for the 29th. However, Yi Zhongshen replied, "No need."

Gu Sheng was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong? Are you planning to drive back?"

The distance was too far for a road trip.

Yi Zhongshen glanced at him and said, "I won't be going back."

Gu Sheng was taken aback and asked, "What? Why not?"

Gu Sheng was surprised by both his little junior's and Yi Zhongshen's decision not to go to B City. He wondered why neither of them wanted to go.

When asked why he didn't plan to go back, Yi Zhongshen simply replied, "I have some things to take care of here."

Gu Sheng was curious and asked, "Isn't your family urging you to come back? They've moved to B City, right?"

Yi Zhongshen responded, "I already talked to them about it. I have some work to take care of at home."

It seemed that Yi Zhongshen had his own reasons for staying behind, and he didn't elaborate further. Gu Sheng didn't push the matter and dropped the topic.

Bo Xiyun noticed that Yi Zhongshen seemed a little distant, but he didn't pry either. Instead, they continued with their meal, chatting about other topics.

As the winter camp continued, Bo Xiyun focused on his studies and preparation for the upcoming national team selection. The days passed quickly, and before he knew it, the Chinese New Year was just around the corner.

After Bo Xiyun excused himself to go to the restroom, Gu Sheng took the opportunity to bring up another topic with Yi Zhongshen. He mentioned that Yi Zhongshen should already know about Bai Gelei's return to Q City. Bai Gelei had recently signed a significant contract after coming back from B City, and he seemed to be doing well.

However, despite his success, Bai Gelei was still causing trouble for his ex-wife's family. This news had spread around Q City, and many people were talking about it.

Yi Zhongshen remained silent, but he nodded slightly.

Gu Sheng continued to share his observations about Bai Gelei's behavior, mentioning how he was drawing a lot of attention and making a big fuss about his return. Despite his success, Bai Gelei didn't seem to let go of his disputes with his ex-wife's family.

Knowing what Gu Sheng meant, Yi Zhongshen reassured him, saying, "I'll keep an eye on Xiyun."

Gu Sheng nodded in understanding, and they didn't delve further into the topic. Earlier, Gu Sheng had considered bringing Bo Xiyun to his home for the Chinese New Year with this aspect in mind, but knowing that Yi Zhongshen would be there to support and look after him he felt relieved.

After all, Gu Sheng didn't want to speculate about Bai Gelei's character and his potential actions. With Yi Zhongshen around, Gu Sheng felt somewhat relieved. He knew that his friend's promises always carried weight.

Moreover, even though Gu Sheng wouldn't admit it, he knew that Yi Zhongshen cared deeply for Bo Xiyun. Sometimes, Yi Zhongshen seemed to be even more concerned about Bo Xiyun's well-being than Gu Sheng himself.

With Yi Zhongshen's presence and assurance, Gu Sheng felt more at ease. He trusted that Yi Zhongshen would keep his word and protect Bo Xiyun from any potential trouble caused by Bai Gelei.

Overall, Gu Sheng decided not to worry too much and believed that everything would be fine with Yi Zhongshen by Bo Xiyun's side.

Sometimes, Yi Zhongshen seemed even more concerned about his adorable junior, Bo Xiyun, than Gu Sheng himself. Gu Sheng knew that Yi Zhongshen cared deeply for Bo Xiyun and had a strong protective instinct towards him.

As for Bai Gelei causing any trouble for Bo Xiyun in front of Yi's family, Gu Sheng didn't think it would be likely. He had heard that Bai Gelei had gone to Yi's family in B City to secure a business deal. With Yi Zhongshen's recent focus on his family's business affairs, Gu Sheng believed that even if Bai Gelei attempted something, Yi Zhongshen would have already made arrangements to handle the situation.

Gu Sheng reassured himself and Yi Zhongshen by saying, "Bai Gelei seems to be solely focused on seeking revenge against the Liu family. He probably won't cause trouble for Xiyun."

With these thoughts in mind, Gu Sheng felt more at ease, trusting that Yi Zhongshen's capable and attentive nature would ensure Bo Xiyun's safety and well-being.

"Both of you should have a peaceful Lunar New Year," Gu Sheng said, offering his well-wishes to Bo Xiyun and Yi Zhongshen.

Yi Zhongshen remained silent, neither confirming nor denying anything. In recent times, Bo Xiyun's life had indeed been relatively calm, and there had been no further incidents involving Bai Gelei targeting him since his return.

However, there seemed to be an unspoken concern lingering in the air, as if Yi Zhongshen had something on his mind but chose not to share it at that moment. Gu Sheng sensed the hesitation but decided not to press further.

The trio continued their meal, and the topic gradually shifted to lighter subjects, discussing their plans for the upcoming Lunar New Year and other cheerful matters. Despite the underlying concern, they tried to enjoy the time they had together.

As the day went on, they bid their farewells and went their separate ways, but the unspoken worries stayed with Yi Zhongshen, who couldn't help but contemplate what might lie ahead for Bo Xiyun in the future.

Yi Zhongshen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He still felt that something was not quite right about the incident involving Wu Ying and Bo Xiyun's gold bar.

However, after Bo Xiyun returned from washing his hands, Yi Zhongshen didn't say anything more.

During their weekly break, as usual, it was spent with Bo Xiyun focusing on studying. The winter camp's courses were almost over, and many of their classmates had already lost interest, eagerly anticipating the Lunar New Year holiday.

The only difference was that Bo Xiyun remained the same, studying diligently during the day and sleeping next to Yi Zhongshen at night.

As the Lunar New Year approached, Yi Zhongshen seemed to be even busier. However, he changed his habit of returning late and for several days now, he had been going to bed early and waking up early, sleeping together with Bo Xiyun before dawn.

Bo Xiyun was not the type of person who slept deeply, but during these days when Yi Zhongshen left in the morning, he never heard any noise. Every time he opened his eyes in the early morning, the other side of the bed was already neatly arranged and empty.

This made Bo Xiyun couldn't help but wonder if sleeping with Yi Zhongshen had improved his own sleep quality.

This way, there was an advantage; at least Bo Xiyun had not encountered the awkward situation of waking up and suddenly realizing he was sleeping in his senior's embrace.

After several days of continuous busyness, Yi Zhongshen finally went for a medical reexamination with Bo Xiyun's reminder. As expected, there were no major issues, and Yi Zhongshen had not experienced any stress-related episodes recently.

After the examination, as another call came in for Yi Zhongshen, Bo Xiyun understood that he was busy and offered to wait on a nearby rest bench. He even helped Yi Zhongshen find his tablet, planning to wait for him to finish his tasks before leaving together.

Finding a seat in the resting area, Bo Xiyun noticed that most of the chairs in the hospital were made of metal, which felt quite cold to the touch. He was contemplating whether to sit or stand when he heard someone calling his name not far away.


Bo Xiyun looked up, somewhat surprised. "Bai Xiu?"

A slim and tall man walked over with a smile on his face. "It's me."

Bo Xiyun asked, "What are you doing here?"

Bai Xiu pointed upstairs. "I came here to check on my respiratory condition."

Bo Xiyun remembered Bai Xiu's asthma and politely asked, "Is the checkup going well?"

"It's fine. I've been doing well lately," Bai Xiu replied with a smile, then asked, "By the way, Xiyun, why are you at the hospital?"

Before Bo Xiyun could answer, Bai Xiu glanced in the direction of the stairs where Yi Zhongshen was.

"I just saw, is Teacher Yi here?" Bai Xiu asked.

Bo Xiyun nodded slightly. "Yeah, you didn't see it wrong."

Bai Xiu looked puzzled. "What were both of you doing at the dermatology department?"

It was normal for Bo Xiyun and Yi Zhongshen to be seen coming out of the dermatology department. However, since it concerned Yi Zhongshen, Bo Xiyun didn't plan to say too much and simply replied, "It was a minor skin allergy, and it's already fine now."

Bo Xiyun and Yi Zhongshen had just come out of the dermatology department, so it was reasonable for Bai Xiu to ask about it. But since it was Yi Zhongshen's personal matter, Buo Xiyun didn't want to elaborate and decided to keep it brief.

"I had a minor skin allergy, but it's already fine," Bo Xiyun repeated.

Bai Xiu glanced at him and continued, "I've heard some rumors before. It seems like Teacher Yi never gets too close to others, as if he has some skin condition and doesn't like being touched by others."

"But..." Bai Xiu hesitated before speaking.

"Xiyun, are you a special case to him?" Bai Xiu asked with some confusion, not knowing why he brought this up.

Xiyun was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean? Is there something going on?"

"Nothing..." Bai Xiu hesitated and said, not wanting to elaborate further.

Bai Xiu hesitated for a moment. He paused and then whispered, "In fact, given your relationship with Teacher Yi, I don't really have the right to say these things."

"Although you may not remember me much," Bai Xiu smiled lightly with a hint of bitterness, "I have always regarded you as my older brother."

"So, I still want to take the liberty to ask you something."

Bai Xiu lowered his head slightly and looked directly at Bo Xiyun.

In his pure black eyes, there was a sincere concern.

"Brother, is it true that Teacher Yi only feels comfortable being close to you due to his skin condition... and that's why he developed feelings for you?"


Tn: Bro what happened to these kids...

Won't leave you on cliffy i will post in a few hours.

Enjoy <3