
Chapter 7 Have you had enough trouble?

Melvin Noble...

Why are you here?

Is it such a coincidence?

When Melvin Noble saw her, it was as if he saw a stranger, with no emotion on his face, and even he was still breathing.

However, this is also good.

It was better than tripping her up.

Lilyana quickly collected her mood and greeted politely: "Mr. Allison! Hello! I am..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted.

"Since when did a charity gala become so unpopular? Anyone can get in?"

On the side, Melvin Noble was extinguishing the cigarette without haste, and the next moment, he looked at her with a half-smile.

Lilyana was furious, but in front of Mr. Allison, she still had to maintain her basic upbringing.

She asked with a smile on her face: "Not popular? In Mr. Noble's opinion, what kind of talent is popular? Like a pianist?"

The irony in the words couldn't be more obvious.