

The Kingdom of Sichles, which King Muchlas Franklin currently leads, is in crisis because the Prime Minister and his cabinet members do not have faith in their King. The kingdom, which has a patriarchal system, considers men more worthy of leading than women. King Muchlas was depressed because he had to have a male heir to the throne. Unfortunately, she gave birth to a woman. With the help of Amar, the Commander, and his loyal bodyguard, King Muchlas exchanged his baby for a baby boy to protect his crown. The son, who is now the Crown Prince, by the name of Edward Benedict Franklin, has grown up and is ready to become King. However, one day, he meets a crazy woman who makes him fall in love. Who is that woman? And will King Muchlas's lie finally be exposed? Because, after all, Prince Edward is not the real Crown Prince.

Evi_Marya · History
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2 Chs

1. The Baby Was Born

A burly palace guard stood swiftly in front of a room. He carries a large sword that is ready to be used against the enemy. His eyes are always alert. As if he wouldn't let anyone escape his sight.

Suddenly an old woman came out of the room. She looked apprehensive and worried. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead. The woman's face was filled with bitterness.

"Amar," called the old woman to the guard.

"How's, Margoth?" asked the guard as if really waiting for something to come out of the lips of the old woman called Margoth.

The woman shook her head very weakly. "There's no hope, Amar. It's a girl," said Margoth.

Amar Morrone, the bodyguard's name. Looks very worried. His face instantly turned pale.

"I have to meet the Queen," said Amar, who rushed as if to enter the room.

"No, Amar! Apart from the King, no one can enter the Queen's room. The Queen has just given birth. You can't just enter!" said Aunt Margoth.

"I have to say something, Margoth!" Amar insisted.

"The King and Queen are thinking of a solution, Amar. You just wait here," said Aunt Margoth.

"What can those two young people think!" said Amar with anger. He looked very annoyed.

"Watch your words, Amar! They are the leaders of this country. Don't be so impudent!"

Amar paced here and there. He looked swamped thinking. Suddenly, a soldier comes and confronts Amar.

"Mr. Amar," said the soldier as he saluted Amar.

"The elders, inquire about the birth," said the soldier.

"Can't they wait? Why are they so insolent to the King and Queen. This is the most sacred moment for the Queen. No one can interfere," said Amar annoyed.

"Now what we have do, Mr. Amar?" asked the soldier.

"Just wait. I'll take care of it. Don't tell me what you see here," said Amar.

"Very well, Mr. Amar."

Amar Morrone was the personal bodyguard of King Muchlas Franklin. King of the Kingdom of Sichles. His position in the military is the highest after King Muchlas. Because Amar served as the personal bodyguard of King Muchlas. He was a person the King trusted the most.

Meanwhile, in the Queen's room, Queen Avena, a wife of King Muchlas, was seen holding her baby, which she had just given birth to. Her face didn't look happy at all. Instead, she looked sad and unsettled.

"My Queen," someone beside her called. He is the King. King of Musclas Franklin. The young King had only been on the throne for a few years because his father had been poisoned. And until now, no one knows who did it.

King Muchlas had received a rejection when he was about to take the throne in his father's place. King Muchlas, the crown prince, was suspected of being the mastermind behind his own father's death. King of France Franklin.

Some supporters of King France Franklin strongly objected to King Muchlas's ascension to the throne. But who can resist hierarchy? King Muchlas is the only descendant of King France Franklin. No one can deny the legitimate lineage of the King. Moreover, there was no evidence that King Muchlas had committed the murder of King France Franklin.

"Your Majesty," said the Queen with a downward gaze. She hugged her baby very tightly. The Queen's own condition has not recovered after childbirth.

"We have to make a decision, my Queen. For the sake of the sustainability of this country," said King Muchlas.

"No, Your Majesty! I don't want to let go of my daughter! She is my flesh and blood!" said the Queen of the Arena. She looked so scared and continued to hug the baby girl tightly.

"The throne will falter if we don't have a successor! This country does not accept women as leaders! You have to give up this child!"

"No! She is my daughter! She is also your daughter, Muchlas!" shierked Queen Avena.

"I promise she'll be fine out there! If we don't get rid of this kid, we will be massacred by Prime Minister Gilbert Jones!"

"You are a King! You have to do something! Why did you sacrifice your son for the throne? Have you no feelings, Your Majesty!"

King Muchlas looks furious. Of course, he couldn't bear to get rid of his own son. But it was the best he could do. He had to hide his biological child. The condition of the palace is unstable. Issues are emerging to overthrow King Muchlas.

Queen Avena cries. She looked pityingly at her daughter, who had such a tragic fate.

"My daughter, wherever you go. I will always recognize you," said Queen Avena. She then took the decoration in her hair. Try to take a breath for a moment. She opened the cloth covering the baby's body. Queen Avena closed her eyes. She also covered the baby's mouth and stuck a hair clip into the baby's arm. With tears flowing, Queen Avena signaled her daughter. She will n recognize the princess one day.

"Your Majesty!" Amar barges into King's room. He couldn't bear to wait anymore.

"Amar, give us some time!" said King Muchlas.

"The prime minister's supporters are urging us to announce the baby. We don't have much time, Your Majesty," said Amar.

"Who will my daughter go with?" asked King Muchlas.

"With me, Your Majesty," replied Amar.

"Amar, you can't just leave me. I need you!" said King Muchlas.

Amar decides to protect the Princess so she can get out of the palace safely.

"I will return after making sure the princess is safe, Your Majesty," said Amar.

Moments later, Aunt Margoth came in again with a tiny baby. Just like the Princess. The baby had just been born.

"My goodness, Your Majesty. I brought a replacement for the Princess," said Margoth.

Margoth immediately approached Queen Avena, who was still holding her baby. He wanted to exchange the baby directly. Unfortunately, Queen Avena was reluctant to swap the baby. She just hugged the baby tighter.

"Don't separate me from my baby!" Queen Avena's voice broke when she knew that her time with the Princess would not belong.

" My Queen .... "King Muchlas tried to persuade the Queen to want to exchange her baby.

"Your Majesty, we must hurry. Otherwise, we won't be able to do this trick anymore. The supporters of the Prime Minister will realize that Your Majesty has not announced the birth of the King's child," said Amar.

King Muchlas approached Queen Avena. He tried to get the Queen to comply with Amar's request.

"I beg you, my Queen. Do you want our daughter not to survive? I promise. She will grow well. She will not lack anything," said King Muchlas.

Reluctantly, Queen Avena swapped her baby for a baby boy brought by Margoth. Immediately, Amar asked the baby girl so that she could be taken away from the palace as soon as possible.

"Amar!" called Queen Avena.

Amar, who had wanted a baby girl, turned to the Queen. "Yes, Your Majesty," replied Amar.

"Promise me that my daughter will live. Promise me that you will protect my daughter," said Queen Avena.
