
Chapter 72

#Chapter 72 John was having Rachel watched


Outside Bella & Rachel's Apartment

I could tell Wright had taken my advice the moment Rachel got out of the back of his sedan. Her smile was a mile wide and the gift bag at her side was the pretty yet discreet kind which came from an intimacy store. I idly thought about calling him to goad him into talking about it, but discarded the notion as soon as it passed through my mind.

No man deserved to be mocked for following good advice, especially not when the advice was related to women.

A part of me was amused I could deliver good advice regarding women.

My past relationships had all ended badly with my last one resulting in a curse I wasn't sure I could shake. Good luck was not the kind I had and sometimes there was no way to come back from a bad trip.

Some decisions couldn't be changed. I had learned all about regrets long before being cursed.