
Rejected Moon Beta

"You're my fated MATE…." I told him. "You….. Disgusting" he sneered at me. "you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept you as my mate and You're not worthy to be my Luna". Drake growled. I knew what was coming and I shook my head, refusing to accept the twist of fate. " I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna". Naive and shy Aurora, a beauty riddled hidden from deep within, struggles to adjust to her new life after her mate, the alpha, rejects her. With the supernatural world turned against her, Aurora must find the resilience to overcome the loss of her wolf after breaking the forbidden law and yet to face her greatest challenge. With the help of impossible allies she would meet in her journey and a power she never knew she had, Aurora must become the one thing she fears most; A hunter or remain in the shadows and be the Hunter. A power struggle lay between entities of unimaginable powers, naive and shy Aurora stands in the midst of it all.

Muccky_Boy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Aurora's Pov

A beeping sound penetrated my ear canals making me wince softly.

"When do you think she'd come through?" A soft feminine voice asked, a bit concerned and I wondered who it was. I've never been shown any kind of concern from anybody ever since I Lost my parents.

"I don't know, it's only been a few hours after the surgery, it all depends on her though, we shouldn't be too worried, the doctor said she'll be fine. The only thing we should be worried about is when she would wake up, she's been like this for a week now." A male voice answered, this one sounded much closer to me than the latter.

"What person with a heart could do such a thing like this? They could have killed her" the first feminine voice asked.

"Maybe that was their intention in the first place" the male voice closer to me said softly, with a solemn voice, "it's a miracle that we found her in time, if not I don't think we would have helped her."

"I pray she comes through though, no one deserves to be treated this way, no matter the crime," the feminine voice said.

"Oh she will, this one a fighter, I can see it as clear as daylight" the man assured.

They continued to converse about other things which I didn't pay attention to when the male voice suggested to leave.

"Okay, I will see you another time, I have more patients that need attending" The man said his goodbye before leaving.

Footsteps faded out until they slowly faded away.

I cracked my eyes open slowly, withstanding the pain. I closed them back while I tried lifting my arms to block the sunlight but to no avail, the pain was too much.

The person in the room must have noticed my struggle, "oh dear, hold on a second." As she said this, I felt the light dim a little from my closed eyelids.

Once my eyes were fully open, I noticed a female in a pink shirt and trousers hovering over me, her facial expression, frantic as she moved around me.

I looked around my surroundings. The walls were stripped blue and white, and a single cabinet, other than those and the bed that I laid in, the room was simple.

"Doctor Moridz" she softly called out, until a man in white apparel walked into the room.

His eyes landed on my now-opened eyes.

"Oh my, she's awake," he said, pointing a flashlight in my eyes while checking my vitals. "All seem good, welcome back miss" he continued.

I squeezed my face in confusion as I watched them. I tried to voice something out but choked on dry throat.

"Oh don't do that, your throat is too sore, so try not to talk much okay!" The man said.

I nodded, looking expectantly at them.

"Oh I'm Doctor Moridz, I'd like to tell you everything that happened but Verona here would have to help with that" The man, Dr. Moridz said looking pointedly at the girl.

Verona thought for a moment before nodding. "Now is the perfect time since I have no training today but to babysit" A smile crept up her lips as Dr. Moridz shook his head while walking away.

She looked at me, analyzing me from head to toe.

"Okay, where do I start from" the girl said folding her arms while resting her weight on one leg showing her slim body, her face deep in thought.

"Oh, my name is Verona and you're in our camp base," she said while smiling from tooth to tooth.

"We found you deep in the woods unconscious, naked, and bleeding profusely. What happened to you?" She said looking at me with pity and concern in her eyes.

I looked at the ceiling, trying to piece together what happened. The last thing I remembered was washing myself in the river and...…, everything that occurred rushed into my head.

I groaned loudly, shaking my head roughly. Trying whatever way to eradicate that memory from my head. The heart monitor began beeping indicating a sudden rise in blood pressure.

"Hey hey hey, calm down. Don't hurt yourself" Verona said holding onto my hand.

Her hands feel so soft and calming. It's unlike the hard calloused hands I'm used to.

"Shhh, you're safe now. Here take this!" She said while handing me a cup of water.

"Hel...Hell...…He…llo" I tried to say, my voice sounding rough.

Verona held up a finger. "Shhh, rest your voice now" she sighed. "After we found you there, almost to the point of death, we brought you immediately to this place and got you treated. Everyone has been waiting for you to wake up and tell us what happened?".

I sighed, trying to wash the memory off my mind.

"I….it….it was nothing. I don't know" I let out, trying to hide the full story of the events that happened to me except parts I wanted to reveal.

Verona's jaw tightened. "Yes, Dr. Moridz said that. But you're all stitched now and ready to go back home. Where are your parents?" she asked.

I looked into her eyes as she tried to raise my pillow slightly upwards. "I'm an orphan, I lost my parents when I was young," I told her while looking at my cuffed left hand.

Verona looked at me, pity in her eyes. "Don't worry about the cuffs, it's just my brothers' paranoia. It'll be removed soon!" She said softly. "I need to call my brother. Try to stay still". Verona said walking away, her braided ginger hair was much more pronounced than before.

Now alone, I have more time to reminisce about everything. The girl, Verona, never told me where we were.

I tried to force my hands out of the cuffs and get out of here but I was interrupted by someone entering the room.

I looked up and came face to face with Verona?…. No, a male version of Verona. He straight into my eyes, his jaw tightened. He took a deep breath. "Are you done staring?" He asked with a low deep voice, looking like he'd rather be anywhere except here.

"I'm Jax, that's my twin sister, Verona," he said, pointing towards a walking Verona entering the room. "She told me everything that happened to you but they're too many gaps in your story. I have to investigate more" the boy, Jax said. He's a rather tall guy about 6'2" tall with slim toned muscles and bright gray eyes. His hair was very long and held in a high ponytail. Chiseled Jaw that could slice a glass easily and perfectly plumped lips.

"He's beautiful," I thought, as my eye rammed his whole body.

A small laugh was heard close by, "That's alright girl, do not eye-rape my brother before you fully know he's a complete ass" Verona said, her lip parted into a smile while punching her brother's shoulder.

Jax grumbled under his breath. He then frowned looking straight at me. "What's your name tell me the full story of what happened to you. Tell us the truth and we won't do anything to cause you harm". He threatened.

A strong punch was thrown towards Jax. "Don't threaten her! I'll let Father know of this" Verona told her brother. "Where is Dad, by the way, training the recruit hunters?" Immediately she mentioned hunters, she shut her mouth with her hands looking directly at her glaring brother's eyes.

'Training the recruit hunters?' I wondered to myself.

I looked at the combat gear Verona wore and the knife lodged deep into the trousers of Jax. A werewolf logo with a knife stabbed into his mouth stands as the logo to the hilt of the knife.

'They're no ordinary humans, they're…. They're werewolf hunters" I thought as panic rose in my chest.

'But I'm no longer a wolf, I can use this as leverage and to my advantage' This thought ran through my mind.

"You're hun..hunt.. werewolf hunters?" I choked up, non-intentionally.

Both of the twin eyes opened wide in shock as they looked at me.