
Rejected Moon Beta

"You're my fated MATE…." I told him. "You….. Disgusting" he sneered at me. "you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept you as my mate and You're not worthy to be my Luna". Drake growled. I knew what was coming and I shook my head, refusing to accept the twist of fate. " I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna". Naive and shy Aurora, a beauty riddled hidden from deep within, struggles to adjust to her new life after her mate, the alpha, rejects her. With the supernatural world turned against her, Aurora must find the resilience to overcome the loss of her wolf after breaking the forbidden law and yet to face her greatest challenge. With the help of impossible allies she would meet in her journey and a power she never knew she had, Aurora must become the one thing she fears most; A hunter or remain in the shadows and be the Hunter. A power struggle lay between entities of unimaginable powers, naive and shy Aurora stands in the midst of it all.

Muccky_Boy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Aurora's Pov

"Daddy" young Aurora squealed, smiling tooth to tooth at her father.

"Daddy, how did you find me?" Aurora whined loudly as she continued to stay under the bleachers.

Her father smiled gently, touching her chin. "I'll always find you my sunshine. You're a bright star, impossible to miss". He said.

"Come now you two babies, dinner is ready" mummy shouts, bringing a tray of delicacies towards the table in the middle of our backyard.

"Daddy, aren't you coming?" Aurora shouts while dragging his hands.

"No sunshine, I have to speak to the neighboring alpha," he said sadly.

Confused, Aurora tried to question him since he promised they'd have a picnic today with no work attached, but mummy dragged Aurora away as dad became smaller, walking away.

It was a blissful day filled with fun and happiness. Aurora was happy.

A scream tore through the silent happy moment. Mummy was immediately tense, her eyes going blank for a moment. She received telepathic information.

"sunshine, you do exactly as I say, okay baby?" Mrs Demarte asked urgently.

Without waiting for Aurora's reply, Mrs Demarte dragged Aurora and her twin brothers under the bench covering it with the cover.

Waiting blindly, unbeknownst of what was occurring outside, Aurora cried softly.

Aurora looked down, watching her brothers sleep silently.

Mother's painful shrill pierced through the atmosphere and my heart. Likewise, the bleachers covering Aurora and the twins were thrown away exposing my cover.

Aurora looked up at the blood-red eyes of a bearded-looking man with long canine

"Run Aurora, RUN…." Her father shouted. He never uses her real name until something urgent occurs.

Immediately, Aurora started running to the dark forest behind their building with her brothers.

She ran for what felt like hours until Suddenly, she was lifted from her collar off the ground. Her brothers all but fell hard to the ground letting out a piercing cry.

Aurora struggled but all the work proved futile.

Daddy jumped onto the huge man holding Aurora, wrestling and battling him. This led to Aurora being let go and falling hard on the ground.

"RUN Aurora" Daddy screamed, his once bright green eyes now a dull color. Blood pooled all around him.

Aurora picked up her brothers preparing to run into the forest but was stopped mid-track by what she saw next.

Her mother's headless dead body.

"Aurora", a dried voice, managed to let out while choking on his blood.

Aurora turned to look at her father. Blood bled from any opening of his body. Blue ooze follows along with his blood. He then stilled, falling motionless on the ground.

A low growl brought Aurora back into reality. She turned slowly and came face to face with the large teeth of a rogue, saliva dripping from its canine/fangs.

Aurora trembled, holding tight to her weeping brothers.

Large paws raised but she still stood motionless. The paw landed on Aurora and she was thrown several inches away from her former position, her back colliding hard on the hard bark of a tree.

The last thing Aurora saw was the rogue wolf descending on her twin brothers before she lost consciousness.


Screaming, I woke up hyperventilating. Sweat ran down my forehead and cold sweat covered my body.

'F? uk' I thought, cleaning the sweat from my eyebrows. "Another nightmare". This has been occurring more often than normal.


I arrived at the pack house after going for a morning run to get my mind off my parents and brother's death.

Everyone was still busy doing their antics. They were preparing for The Mating ceremony and the Alpha Son's birthday which is to be held tomorrow.

Future alpha Drake was walking out of the pack house looking at the letter he was holding.

I held my breath, waiting for him to pass by but We both locked eyes and all I could think of was beautiful. His eyes were shown with an innocence that made me want to bow and worship him.

He has dark brown hair; cropped and jelled backward with the clearest blues for eyes that could captivate everyone's inner soul.

A stubble covers his chin and jawline; cleanly trimmed and pale pinkish lips make him look even hotter. Drake was even taller; about 6'7", with bigger muscles and even a beautiful face.

Alpha Drake hated me. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to kill me while I sleep. One thing he hated most is the weakness of an omega and unfortunately, I seem to fall in that category.

That innocence in his eyes turned to disgust as he realized it was me he was staring at. Scrutinizing as he stared down at me.

"Stop looking at me omega and get out of my sight" he hissed.

Without waiting for the inevitable, I zoomed into the pack house and prepared for a school day.

A few hours later

The classes for the day went by quickly and it was time for PE. I normally prevent that period, instead of going to the library.

After searching endlessly for the right book, to no avail apparently, I ended up at the last session of this huge library.

Cobwebs and cockroaches were everywhere signifying no one has been to this section for a while. Not even minding to clean it.

Unbothered, I continue my search for a compatible book walking aimlessly through the narrow dark path, that is until something hard hits me on the head.

"Outch" I wince, looking down at the culprit; a large dusty book while rubbing my head.

"What's this?" I said curiously as I bent down to pick it up. This book must be a thousand years old cause it looks like the smallest amount of breeze can destroy it at any moment. The book did not have a title, but it contained images and references to werewolves and other mythical creatures.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground viewing the ancient diagram within the book. As I flipped through the pages, I became engrossed in the text and its mysterious contents. I felt compelled to read on. It's weird finding it in this library as anyone, maybe humans might see it.

What I can vividly remember is that this book is believed to have been lost for centuries. Why am I seeing it here, a school's library all of a sudden?

The ever-so-curious me, I continued sliding past pages carefully. At first, things were interesting but I got tired and it got boring.

Uninterested and bored, I prepared to close up the book until a picture caught my eyes on its last pages.

My eyes widened as shock registered over my face.

The back cover of the book depicted a striking image of a wolf, its fur glowing with an otherworldly light. In the background, a starry sky shimmered with a full moon. As I turned the page, I felt a chill run down my spine, and a sense of wonder filled me.

It was Fierra, my wolf.

"What are you doing in the ancient book?" I asked my wolf.

"I'm as clueless as you" Fierra, my wolf replied through our link. "Let's find out What it says?" she continued curiously.

"The time shall be near when evil bears its children, the dark rogues. They shall reign terror into the world as their power increases; derived from the source itself, the demon lord. An entity that gives powers to rogue werewolves, controlling them to his own will. For he is eternal and brings about the end of the living.

The world shall plumber soonest to the might of such powerful darkness but all this can be dissuaded with the birth of the Ilaria, daughter of the moon and the chosen Lunar wolf.

A formidable force with powers that can rival the demon lord. A werewolf born from the lights of the Moon Goddess herself.

The fate of this war all lies on the chosen Ilaria, who is prophesied to bring a new age of peace. But first…...." I closed the book, feeling a sense of dread washing over me.

The more I read, the more hazy and confused I felt.

'What is this ultimate war, and what does my wolf have to do with it?' I pondered.