
Rejected by the ice prince

Everyone dreaded and anticipated the summoning, while some prayed that it wouldn't happen in their lifetime. It only happens once in three hundred years You had to be at least 18 years old to participate. You don't choose to participate, the quintessence chooses you You can't not participate Resistance is futile You can't stop a person from participating. Resistance is futile The only gift you receive; A glance at the ice dragon prince in all his full glory. If at all you reach the final level without dying and the quintessence releases it's hold on you Your body, mind, heart and soul will never be the same. There are three steps to coming out on top Win against all odds Win against all odds Win! And if you do Win you get the greatest gift of all. An opportunity to melt the heart of the Ice Prince. I'm Raven Kharhahlac. I got chosen, me, an underage. Talk about a total 'Blew my mind moment'. And do you know what's worse? The quintessence itself appeared in a humanoid form and invited me to help melt the prince's heart. Wait, there's more I got a black rose, as in, I don't have to participate, just straight up meet the Ice Prince. I fucking made history. And it gets worse The ice prince doesn't want me, and if I want him to want me—mind you, not that I want him to want me— I have to go through the trials, the test, the levels, and prove myself to be worth it. And you can guess what my answer was I told him to get rid of the stick in his ass, who wanted him anyway. I wasn't about to give up seventeen years of my life for an ice dragon prince with ice for a heart just to get rejected in the end, or even worse Dying. But what's a guy gotta do when the quintessence won't stop harassing me, my friends won't stop poking me, and my elders won't stop criticizing me?

Rose_sum_ers · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Never Give Up

"You just never give up. 

You do a task to the best of your abilities and beyond."

"You have ten minutes to find a key."

How were we supposed to find a key when we didn't even know where to start looking from.

What's the point of all this useless trial?

Feel for it

I jerked and smiled halfheartedly, I thought you left my head.

It snorted. I can't even if I wanted to, now feel for it 

I raised my hand and tried to at least make contact with something but could feel absolutely nothing.

I grew frustrated the longer it took to feel anything.

What do I do? What do I do? I can't fucking feel anything how am I supposed to find a key?

Check the floor

I quickly knelt and started feeling around the rough ground, I moved around for a while and scoffed an angry sound.

This is fucking useless, I can't feel anything but sand and gravel.

Do you hear anything?

I can't, everything's quiet!

Think about what the host said again.

He said to find a hidden key using the powers of our remaining senses.

So basically it's not out in the open, it's hidden so you can't expect to find it by just trying to feel something.

Do you remember the first trial?

Yes, we were told to go across the desert to look for a key.

To look for a key, but this time it's a hidden key, since you can't use your eyes to look you'd have to rely on your other senses, that is, feel or hear, and since a key doesn't make a sound if it's not jingled, you'd have to feel for it, but when you can't feel it what else are we supposed to do?

I made a sound to show my displeasure, if I knew don't you think I'd have done it by now?

Think! If you were blind and looking for something you have no idea where it could be how would you look for it?

By touching everything and feeling for the key?

But in this case you aren't touching anything, you don't even know what shape it is so what other senses are there?

Smell, taste... smell!

A normal key is made of metal and a Caravian metal has its own distinct scent, I tried to remember what my room key smelled like.

It smelled like earth. I knelt back on the floor and started feeling around more thoroughly.

What other distinct smell does it have?

Uhm..shit...think, think, think...when it comes in contact with water it smells like burnt cookies!

I quickly summoned my bag, it appeared in my hand a second later and I quickly searched and felt for the bottle of water I'd picked at the Dance trial. Immediately I found it I opened it and poured water on the ground surrounding me.

I waited for ten seconds before I placed my nose directly on the ground to sniff it out.

My heart beat thumped along with the bell indicating eight minutes passed.

I grew agitated when another minute passed and I still couldn't find it.

There.. I scented it and started digging.

Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods... there! My hands scraped metal I quickly picked it up and opened my eyes.

"Found it!" I shouted in happiness. I could have sworn a collective sigh rose from the crowd.

I wasn't happy to find out I was the only one remaining to find the key, some found theirs five minutes ago while some found it almost a minute after they started looking.

I grumbled low, figures, when their sense of smell was accelerated.

So it meant no one was being abandoned in this trial.

I could have told you how to find it minutes ago but I wanted to punish you.

What was I supposed to say, I probably deserved it.

Yes you did you ungrateful twit.