

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
Not enough ratings
228 Chs


When they arrived at the hotel, both people stepped out of the car and were both escorted by the guards into the hotel.

Noah led Anna to his room on the last floor, "I want a separate room." He heard her say when he opened the door.

"So that you can run away as always? Never." He dragged her in and closed the door. It irked him that the little bond they once shared was now broken by that stupid old man.

Just when he thought his family had finally dropped their pride and apologize to the Sui's, his mother has refused them, saying they will never stoop so low to apologize to nobodies.

The feud between both families was too much and he hated that he and his wife were both at the center of everything. He didn't imagine his life would be this way, if only his wife isn't rooted in family, they wouldn't mind at all.

He understood her anger, but she is taking it out on the wrong person.