

"We can't find them anywhere sir." The three guards Noah had sent out made their way back to them. Both Noah and Chalamet had only just come out from the art fest and they had several bright colour all over their body.

They really had no idea when it how they got the colourful dust on their bodies. But they had both just gone through the most beautiful experience which had them almost forgetting the reason they were here in the first place.

"Where have we not checked yet?" Noah asked looking around. He was begining to lose hope gradually but he kept his cool. That stubborn wife of his, when he sees her, he'll make sure she doesn't leave his eyes even for a second.

"I think the film fest." Without another word, Noah started walking in that direction. This is the last place to check, his last hope in finding her tonight, he could only hope she's actually in the building.

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