

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
Not enough ratings
233 Chs


Anna and Noah walked up the stairs together. Once they reached her room door she pushed the door open and they both stepped in.

Anna let out a small sigh staring at the little space she once occupied. Everything was the way she left them, her aunties and grandpa knew not to change a single memory from her life.

It has always been Mack and Nari who usually came here when they were young. But tonight, it was someone else. Someone she never thought she would meet or get married to.

She had moved from this little room of hers to Mack's apartment the moment they got engaged two years ago. She could recall how happy she was that day. Mack was her only happiness when the world turned against her. To think everything they shared was a sham.

Noah's eyes moved across the room, as he stepped in. He's never loved the colour pink till this day. Hell he hated that colour because of his stupid sister.

Every damn thing in here was pink, even to the floors. Her books, brushed, pen, door every thing.

"This is my room." She turned to look at him. "What do you think?"

"It's... Pink." Came Noah's response and Anna smiled. She could tell he wasn't quite fond of the colour pink. He closed the door behind him, as he stepped in.

"It's my favorite colour." She said sitting on the bed and Noah did same. Making himself comfortable on the bed. Noah laid back, placing one hand at the back of his head to lay comfortably. His body had already occupied more than half the little bed.

He stared at the ceiling to see beautiful star-like shaped crystal beads dancing next to the little chandelier. "They're lucky charm, aunt Kathy said it was my mother's." Anna smiled, her blue eyes glowing under the light.

Noah stared at her without a word, wondering if right now was a good time to tell her about what he found today or if he needed a little time. The thought of her hating him irritated him. It's not like he killed her parents, but his parents had killed them.

"What happened to them?" He could see a little sadness in her eyes which went away as quickly as it came.

"To be honest, I don't recall much about them since I was so little. Aunt Kathy said they had an accident, though it wasn't really an accident since they were murdered."

"Where you with them when it happened?" Anna nodded.

"We went on a trip according to grandpa, it seems father got into trouble which resulted to the accident." She said.

"I was in coma for two years, they all thought I would die, but I survived." She smiled. Which had Noah wondering if there ever was a time she frowned.

Smiling was not a bad thing, it only proofs how naive and pure his wife was. Even after everything she had to go through she still smiled.

"Then she must be beautiful. Your mother. Considering how beautiful you are." Anna blushed biting her inner cheek. It wasn't that she hasn't received thousand of complements especially from men, but it's the way Noah said it. It made her heart skip in bits.

Standing from where she sat and walking over to her drawer. She quickly brought out a big book, it was her family photo album, from the time her grandfather was young till date.

She almost gave it to Mack when she paused. "It's too late for you to be out, will you sleep here?" It's not like they haven't slept in the same room before. Besides he was her husband and they weren't doing anything wrong.

"Don't worry about me, I can leave whenever." She nodded at his words, passing the book to him.

"T... There are some shameful images in there." Noah raised an eyebrow staring her her and a small devilish smile flashed across his lips. He knew what she was talking about, "I can't wait to see it."

Right now Anna regretted showing him her family's photo album.

"I'll take my bath now." She said and scurried to the bathroom.

With Anna gone, Noah picked up his phone and dialed a number.


Paul who had just retired to bed after a whole stressful day said, "Yes boss." He has never worked this much in his life. Being the only assistant to Noah Declan wasn't for the weak, he needed assistance but Noah said he has not found the right person.

There have been countless interviews for the position of a second assistant, but Noah rejected every one of them.

"Reopen the Yong's company, I have use for it now." Came Noah's lazy words.

"Okay sir." Paul got out of bed immediately and headed to his study, the little sleep he had gathered was all gone now and he was back to work.

He yawned before his system, and then started working. He had asked their team to shut down the entire Yong company because his boss had no use for it.

What made him change his mind?

Why did he suddenly want the company back up?

He had no idea what that sly man was planning but he hoped it wasn't something bad.

Paul arranged a few things, and sent a few words to be released to the press the next day.

While he was at it, far away in the city, Mack stepped out of his car and walked towards their mansion.

He had never been more than humiliated today by the Sui's. Those nonetities. He had no idea what Anna told her family to counter what he had said before. He clenched his hands into a fist.

He was more than angry, he was irritated by those people. That big mouthed woman. But why did she get more beautiful in his eyes though. Why didn't he notice she was that beautiful all this time. There was just something about the way she spoke to him that made him want her back.

Anna was always a yes man, and he didn't like it. There was nothing sexually appealing about her before, but the Anna he saw tonight looked different.

Was it because of the man next to her?

Who is that man and what is he doing with his woman? Mack wondered the frown on his face deepening.

He leaves that woman for a few days and she's already in the arms of another man. What a little slut.

"Where have you been Mack?" Nari stepped out of the mansion in her nighty and walked up to him. He was talking to them one minute and the next he was out of the house.

At first she thought he had gone to sleep after the whole stressful day, but that wasn't the case. When his father had asked for him, he was no where to be found. They tried calling, but he didn't pick up either.

"What is it?" The frown on his face didn't fall. It not like he now hated Nari, he still love her like always as the woman who once saved his life. But that doesn't mean he couldn't get Anna if he wanted. He could just make both women friends again because of him.

Mack was more than confident that Anna still loved him. Obsession doesn't go away in just a few days, it takes years of practice for one to let go.

"Father is very mad you sold the company, he wants to see you." Nari said. She could recall telling him to think about it, but he didn't listen. Mack was in so much haste to sell out the company.