
after party

Cindy wakes up with a headeach, she was still hungover, she seats on the bed for a while before walking into the bathroom.she brushes and takes her baths, she puts on a simple house dress, since they gave them a day off work.

Cindy walks to the kitchen and makes some omelet, for breakfast ,and drinks juice with fruits.

"What really happened yesterday,?did I miss behave?,hope I didn't do anything silly.?"she asked herself questions

Not too long,she takes her cell phone to go through messages and check if there's anything she had to do.

She read messages in the WhatsAppl group,as team boys and girls were arguing as to which team had more fun.

The boss just told them it will be decided in the office the next day.

So they had no other option but to stop arguing and wishing to beat their opponent, even if it's not for the price.

She sat down to watch cartoons, then she received a message.

Text"hi, Cindy am Antony, the guy from the club,hope you remember.i forgot to tell you my name but I was lucky to know yours through you card." He texts

"Oh, hi Antony, how can I forget a guy like you who almost gave me a hard time at the club, glad you messaged me." Says cindy

"How could I not message you, I was worried about you through out the night, considering the state you girls left, I thought something happened but we'll am glad it didn't."

"Oh common man it's fine we got home safe and sound, nothing happened." Cindy assures him.

"Ok that's great, at least I can now rest, hope your friends are ok too.?"

"Haha yes sir they are safe,but remember you and your friends promised to pass by our work place to buy some stuffs right?"

"Yes tomorrow ,we are going to pass by and get some stuffs. don't worry about that we gave you guys our words and won't be taking it back." He says

"Oh,such a confident guy,ok will be waiting for you guys tomorrow."

"I almost forgot to ask, hope you've had something for breakfast."

"Yes Mr Antony I did thanks for asking.and I know you did too."

"Yeah sure I did."

"Ok Antony, I've got something to do, we talk later."

"Same here Cindy, talk to you later."

She drops, her phone on the bed and lies down with her face facing the cilling.

Then she remembers that she hasn't talked to Anorlde all day and she's also surprised as to why he hasn't messaged her too. And doubts if he's busy or not. But it occurred to her that he had earlier told her he's free and won't go to work for an entire week.yeah sounds more like the boss he is.

As she opened their chats, she realized she. Had messaged him the previous night, and even sent him her address.

She felt embarrassed but yeah it is what it is, someone had to take responsibility,she decides to put shame aside and message him to apologise.

"Hi Mr anorlde, hope you had a great night"Cindy types

"Hi Cindy, yes I did hope same,"anorlde said not knowing if he should ask her if she's still hangover or not,then he decides to let it slide.

"Yes I did....am really sorry for the troubles I caused you yesterday,I had no idea I messaged you, hope I didn't do it say anything wrong to you. Am really sorry if I did."

"Haha Cindy yes you did say something wrong to me.." he types

"Oh no, please what did I say am truly sorry mr anorlde"

"The fact that you keep calling me Mr anorlde and not anorlde,then the fact that your apologising for calling me when you needed someone, aucch that hurts you know haha."

"Am sorry, I won't apologize, again anorlde. Thank you for always being there for me when I need someone the most."

"How could I not care,when a cry baby called me ,I had to rush her immediately."

"Aww that embarrassing, what did I say when I cried"

"You just told me to come over,and when I got there I met you lying on the floor,in a pool of tears,I took you to the bed,but couldn't change your clothes because I kinda felt like it's not proper. And am invading your privacy."

"Thank you so much anorlde,your truly a gentleman ,thanks for respecting me am grateful I will make it up to you."

"Stop thanking me already,I will be waiting to see how you will make it up to me can't wait haha."

"You will be amazed anorlde."

"By the way have you had supper yet,"anorlde asked

"Damn,it's already 8pm,I completely forgot to take lunch,by the way am not hungry."Cindy says

"I expected that from you,but there no way your sleeping hungry Tonight."says anorlde

"That's fine I will have some toasted bread and milk Tomorrow I will eat something decent,I just wanted to rest well today which I did."

"There's no way am letting you eat that.am around your area, I went to hangout with my childhood friend,but we are heading to his place now,he organised an event for us,but I just bought some grilled fish and potatoes for you.i tried it and loved it so I decided to get some for you." Anorlde says

"Since you already bought it thank you.but you don't have to trouble yourself,I should have messaged you abit late so you don't buy it."

"Cindy I would have dropped by to give you even if you message me or not,will be there in five minuits"

"Ok thank you."

Five minutes later Cindy's door bell rang, she rushes and opens the door.t was anorlde at the door,dressed in a slim foot trouser, blue long sleeve shirt, and white snickers.his chain watch and ring were all diamond, and the scent of his body spray was insane.she stared for a while, anorlde who seems to notice her stare, smiles proudly,before touching her shoulder

"Cindy is everything alright, "

"Yes anorlde everything is fine you can come in."she shows him the way in

He looks at her the green night gown she was putting on was everything he couldn't stop staring at her.

"Here I bought the fish with some cold drinks and fruits hope you enjoy yourself,my friends are waiting for me I will message you when I get there, make sure to eat. I would have feed you if not that I had an appointment with then "he laughs

"Shy Cindy smiles before accepting the gift,thank you so much I appreciate"

"It's fine see talk to you later."

He got into his car, Cindy waves good bye to him

"Damn she's so fine,am I just lucky to meet her or are destined, why do I keep thinking of her? Ohh Silly anorlde concentrate your driving"I told himself.

