
A normal day at the office

She booked a flight and headed back to Chicago, though she's broken, she decides not to let someone who already moved on with his life make her feel restless. She sat quietly and reflected on herself, she was thankful to the kind man that helped her, and felt bad she left before he could come, but that's the best she could do at that moment.

After resting for a while she took her shower and told herself "I need to be strong, I won't let such a minor issue determine my faith,I am still young and with time I will heal and everything will be fine once." with that she falls asleep without having anything to eat.

Early in the morning, she wakes up, brushes her teeth and takes her bath, takes some quick breakfast made of strawberry jam and bread with some warm milk, and fruits then heads to the office, where she works as a researcher in the marketing field.

When she got to the office, her collègues were all waiting for her, to tell them about her trip.

"Oh! Look at who's back, now girl starts spilling the tea, how did it go? did he love the surprise? I can't wait to hear, please tell me." Anna, one of Cindy's friends, asked.

Cindy looks at Anna, she gives her a fake smile then says "well it didn't go as planned, but it's not an issue it's all settled." She stopped talking immediately.

Their boss walks in with an envelope in his hands, everyone greets him and he responds with a smile which later fades almost immediately, the other workers found it strange but dared not say anything, for the fear not to provoke him. He gave them a blank gaze and headed to his office.

The workers couldn't help but Gossip amongst themselves, "what's wrong with him today? It's been a long time since we saw him in this mood, should we be concerned? Is he about to fire us all?" One of Cindy's colleagues said,

The conversation was interrupted with a phone call from the bosses office, he sumonde his secretary to his office, the other members were all in panic but said nothing as they all kept giving wild speculations.

Linda who's the secretary knocks on his door, and he asked her to enter, she greets him and asked if she could in anyways help him, and he simply told her to inform the others, that they will be an emergency meeting, schedule for 3:00 pm, to discuss some important issues that are currently at hand.

She left and informed the

Others what she was told to tell them.

It was 3 and everyone was seated in the meeting room, waiting for the boss's arrival. He then walks in and found everyone , and greets them once more

"I know you all noticed the worried look on my face this morning, and you are wondering what the cause could be. "

He stays silent for a minute then tries to clear the air

"We have an important client, who is ready to partner with us, but we need to tell him what we have to offer. But it doesn't seem as easy as it sound"

The various departments sat quietly and listened to the boss, before the head of the accounting department asked what could be needed to make him sign the deal with them. And who this important partner could be

"Good question, he is Mr Anorlde, the CEO of a diamond and beauty luxury brand, located in New York City and has several branches globally. It is a big deal for us we need this deal to make our brand more famous and make profit, but we also have to offer something " the boss said

They all smiled and asked the boss what needs to be done to convince their future partner to join them and not the other brands waiting for him.

"Well I think the highest people who needs to carry out this job, is the human resources department and the marketing department, the need to look for good strategies to convince him to sign this deal and while also telling about the profit he will make, because the team will be the one in charge of everything for him.and he will be here in two weeks time, to hear what we have to offer."

The two most concerned departments sat quietly before they reluctantly accepted ,and promised to give in their best, for the sake of their company and everyone involved.the boss promised to take them on a vacation, to any destination of their choice. when everyone is done with their task no matter the outcome.

The leader of the marketing department, then split the groups into two main teams each group containing 4 members

One of the groups had to go into the market and do proper research and carry out an analysis about the most common demand in the market for every age group. And gender so as to know what to take into consideration when giving feedback.

The other group which had Cindy as the leader, had to do more research about diamond beauty and luxury brands, then they will be the ones to gather all the analysis and present since Cindy is the leader of the research department.

With all that being said they came to a conclusion and then headed back home.

Cindy gave one of her closest friends, neighbor and co-worker called Brenda a ride, since she didn't bring her vehicle to work that day and they were going in the same direction.

"Girl, I think I know something about diamond luxury brands. it is where Jayden works and their products are usually top quality, girl it's a big deal we need this partnership and our pension might be increased who knows " Cindy laughs

"Wow Jayden can help tell you more about it, no need to stress on that, our team is good to go. Thank you girl you're always our solution" Brenda says

Cindy thought for a while before breaking the silence between her and best friend, "Jayden and I are no longer a thing, he's happy with someone else. I don't want to talk about it so please don't ask any further questions, I will tell you everything when I am ready." Brenda understood and changed the topic to maintain the mood.

Two weeks later it was finally time to Meetup with the new partner, everyone came to the office earlier than usual , since Cindy had to do the presentation while the rest supported Incase anything goes wrong, they were all supportive including the boss.

Few minutes later. A tall, handsome, light skin dark haired man walked in and you could perceive his scent from afar, his visuals left everyone , except Cindy who was shocked because it was the same man that helped her when she was helpless.

They both stared into each other's eyes, with a lot of emotions and questions on their minds, but Cindy was even more confused and began to feel guilty again.

The boss then came to welcome him properly, and also walked him to his office so they could have some coffee and a friendly talk before the time for their meeting and the future partnership deal.

On the other hand guilty Cindy sat quietly and reflected for a while before accepting her faith and not mixing business with pleasure, and turned to think more about the big task ahead of her.