
Chapter -1

A man in his late 20's was seen to be striding from here to there in the corridor with his hands locked on his back. His eyes time to time snapping at the operation theatre in a hope of green signal, his hand rubbing his rugged beard as he let out a tensed breath.

When he again looked at the operation theatre casually and looked away continuing his walk his head snapped suddenly on finding the green light. His expressions loosened with excitement, fear and nervousness. His back locked hands reached front as he rubbed his palms in nervousness and whoofed out in tension.

The doctor came out and removed the mask as he gave a smile to the elderly man.

"Congratulations. It's a girl".

His body became stiff as his breath hitched on listening to those words.

His massive chest rose up and slowly dropped down according to the rythm of his breath astounded by the news and looked around to his left blinking his misty eyes.

"You can see them". Said the doctor and left the place giving him space after understanding the situation.

His brows fudged as his eyes became more Misty and he took deep breathings to control his emotions. With two of his fingers, followed by his thumb and fore finger he pressed them on his eyes near to his nose bridge and pressed the tears out before wiping then away. Inhaling a deep breath he walked in welcoming the sound of crying baby.

Reaching to the nurse his eyes first went to his wife who is resting with her closed eyes indicating she is all tired after the awful delivery. Not intending to disturb her he took the girl into his hand. The first person to carry her. Her fists were clenched and face scrunched with her little mouth open displaying her tongue as she wailed out loudly giving a echo to the room.

His arms held her carefully and delicately as he gently lifted her up and placed a kiss on baby's head. On the que as if his kiss held some magic her cries started to die down as her body started to squirm comfortably in his arms and his fingers caressed her soft hairs and was absolutely awed at how soft it is. In the dizziness of sleep her mouth closed and opened tasting her own tongue with the upper layer of mouth and the scene made him chuckle out heartily. His eyes carried pure love, adoration and delicacy for her. Her little feet touched his chest and he felt to put all his love at her feet and worship his daughter as if no one could. He felt to devote his thankfulness for her being born to him as a daughter He looked at her as if he would do anything for her. As if she matters to his big world. As if this little goddess would change their lives just with her existence.

He frowned on seeing a droplet on her cheek and wondered from where it came untill his vision blurred. Realising that he was still crying he rubbed away the tears with his shoulders and took her close to his face and kissed her multiple times and whispered

"Ishitha". He named his daughter.

"My Ishu".


Five years old

The giggles of the little girl echoed in the house as she was lifted in the air at massive height as her father entertained her by throwing her in the air and catching her again. An another burst of giggle echoed as her father again thrown in the air and catched her as her mother looked at them with a bright smile as she was cutting vegetables.

The five year daughter just came back from the school with her trophy in her hand right in her early age and her father is giving her rightful love showering her with praises and chocolates.

Bringing her close to his face he kissed her multiple times still making her laugh as his beard tickled her soft cheek.

"My Ishu baby. My precious baby. The pride of our home. You bought a trophy on your talent my big baby. My precious " . Praised her father and she looked at him with absolute happiness shining in her eyes listening to him praising her.

"Let's put this trophy there. On the top of the shelf". Said his father and put her little trophy side to his big trophy which earned for his special work contribution and promotion.

"You see that Ishu. That whole empty shelves.... One day we will fill all those empty spaces with our prizes. Yes baby"? He asked and she nodded her head vigorously like a chick pecking the rice.


9 years old.

The little one twirled infront of the mirror admiring herself in the attire as her mother stood right behind her admiring her with the same eyes.

She was wrapped in a red saree adorned with gold jewellery that belonged to her mother. Her mother came to the room to put clothes in their respective places when she found her little daughter trying to tie a saree around her. She looked so adorable and a sudden urge raised in her to once see her in a bridal theme dress.

And here she is. Looking absolutely cute in the red saree.

"Ishu. Let's go to dad and ask him how you are looking".

"Yes. Let's go". Ishu spoke and her mother took her to the hall where her father is reading a newspaper with his spectacles on .

"Papa". Said Ishu and he raised his head sparing his sight away from the newspaper and he opened his mouth with his raised eyebrows showing his astonishment and his daughter giggled with red crepting on her cheeks in shyness.

"Is that my princess Ishu in that red saree. Oh my god. My beautiful daughter".

Said his father putting away the newspaper spreading his hands for her and she ran into his embrace and he sat on his knees matching her height as he kissed her on the crown.

"Papa. How am I looking "?

"Soo cute. My Ishu looks absolutely adorable". He said and her smile widened.

Her mother looked at her with affection love and longing as her thoughts racking to the usual one that the parents think about their life by looking at the red saree.

In a daze dreaming and longing she absent mindedly spoke out.

" I wonder how she would look after 20 years on the same marriage attire".

Said her mother and the father looked at his wife with softness. He never imagined it but he wonders how she looks. His daughter would grow that fast. No way. He is going to make the clock walk slow and he is going to cherish every moment with her.

"Yes. I will grow this big (her hand stretched showing how big she gonna grow) and wear all the accessories from tip to toe and sit in the ceremony".

" And then my favourite hero comes and marries me". Said the 9 year old and the father's mind wheels started to run like a marathon.

"Favourite hero"? The thought stuck in his mind as his eyes roamed thinking about what she just said.

Can he himself let his daughter love some unknown guy. What if he is a street guy. Or some jobless one. Or some labour. Or what if she loves a criminal or a drug dealer by mistake. No he can't let that happen. His wife bore the pain to give her birth and he loves her eternally providing her with his everything only to let her daughter love someone at the end and let her walk away by stepping on their heart? After they raise her for 25 years of her life. No way. He wouldn't let that happen.

Coming out of the trance he held his daughter's shoulders and looked at her with a nod seeking her attention and then spoke.

"Ishu. You love your dad"?

"Sooooo much". She sang her love with her stretching arms measuring her love to him. He smiled and spoke.

"Then will you promise me one thing Ishu".His father asked for which she nodded and the mother looked at him curiously.

"Promise me that you will only marry the person i choose for you". Said his father and the mother shook her head hopelessly .

" She is still a child Param(Father's name). What kind of future held promises will you take from a daughter. I bet she won't even remember it".

The frown on Param's forehead deepened as he looked at his wife Anjali.

" Then i will remind her everytime. Infact she will be growing with this morality in her life. That she only marries a man which will be choosen by his father". He said and looked at his daughter determined.

"Say me Ishu. Will you marry the guy whom i select for you".

She bobbed her head and spoke.

"Yes. I will. My daddy's choice is best of all". Said the little girl and hugged him as he hugged her back proudly and looked at his wife as he winked at her while she shook her head with a smile.