
Chapter - 3


As usual.....

The sunny day.....

A running fan with a noisy sound.....

And the slight chitter chatters in the classroom.....

With a most beautiful girl making my boring day a special one.

With my elbows putting their weight on the bench and my face placed between the palms of my hands I stare at her with a smile as she is busy with her head down in the book.

I know I probably look like a fool for someone with the smile I have on my face But does my lodgment helps in anything? Nope. Though I know I look like a fool I continue to stare at her.

Her mouth was moving for a tiny moment as if reciting the textbook while her friends side her having their silent laugh, probably their gossip.

But my Ishitha is so sincere and hardworking that she dedicates her every minute to the book.

If only I have a chance to show what enjoyment can be. I want to show her a world that is out of that textbook. I want to show her the world that she means to me. Wise I want her to make me her world as well. If not the world, let it be love. Or at least an attraction. One stare from her and half of my life will be completed.

It was in the eighth last when the class presidents were united and are given tasks to complete a project. It was the first time I saw her and from then I became the North Pole and she became a south pole of a magnet.

From that day my eyes would always search for her in the early mornings. Then in intervals and then at lunch or the canteen. But I learned that she rarely anytime goes to the canteen.

Not for once she came to school with an incomplete uniform. With two braided hairstyles, with her sirs polished black and a uniform with a belt over her waist and a tie to the neck with a pair of shining studs to her ears. That's her daily uniform with nothing more nothing less. She is so a simple and down-to-earth person. And I still wonder how I just got the best person in the world. Like, I don't think any person would exist like her. Simple, sweet, helpful nature, kind, innocent, beautiful, and calm person. I never thought I would find such a person.

Suddenly she turned back making me startled as I straightened up in my place. She showed me a maths textbook pointing at a "solve me" tricky problem she mouthed at me.

"Did you solve this problem"?

She asked and I nodded my head though I didn't even try. I love maths and it would always work extraordinarily when I try spontaneously. But here trying it or not is not the actual problem. Today I just got some luck that I got to spend some time with her.

"Can you help me"? She whispered as she pleaded with her eyes squinting at me and my heart sang la~ la~ inside.

"Yeah, sure". I mouthed as well with a little nod. She face me with a smile and was about turn front when all of a sudden our names were called.

"Ishitha, Anurag. Stand up".

Came a strict voice from our teacher who is an old belief system. I looked at her as her face turned neutral before she stood up and I stood with her as well.

The teacher seriousness loomed in her face she took away her spects away and put her hand on the bench supporting her body weight sideways as she exchanged her squinted glances between her and me.

"What were you both doing"? She asked looking at her and I was ready to reply here.

"She was just asking me--

" Did I ask you"? She shouted and my body stayed stunned looking at her and my poor Ishu flinched in her place as now she lost color on her face.

"What were you both doing"? She asked again to Ishitha and she gulped before answering.

"I-I was asking him a-about the problem".

"Which one"?

"This one". She roughly showed the problem in her textbook and the teacher gave a glance at her and the textbook.

"Then what are the teachers for. You could have asked the teacher".

Was her reply and I can already see the red on her face as she dropped her gaze down in humiliation as she gulped again. From the time I knew her not for once has she faced such type of situation where she was insulted. She's the teacher's favorite person and I don't know what got this teacher to hold a grudge against her. Sure I saw her coming into the class irritated but that doesn't justify why she is insulting her. If it is on me I would bite anything. But not her.

"And you. What are you looking at her for"?

This time the question was directed at me and I didn't back away to answer. I spoke confidently.

"I was just zoned out ".

My mother said. If you gonna lie, lie out loud so that the opposite one should think that it is the truth. I didn't shout but I used my confidence.

I replied and she gave a "huh. Are you trying to fool me " look and my throat bobbed. She looked funny when she gave that huh look as she has the most relevant chihuahua face.

" You think I am dumb to believe you".

I said nothing and just stood ideally waiting for whatever lecture to finish. It's common. They gonna lecture about something the whole period and we have to just stand. And if possible just think about something else to escape her lecture.

My foot was tapping on the ground which she probably saw it and she glared at me.

"Come here. Come out".

She said and I came out carelessly but I didn't hesitate either. I have a god damn 13 years of experience in this. Why hesitate? She gonna make me stand in front of everyone. That's it. What's more.

I thought as I already got to the mini stage near the board and stood there. But what surprised me is that chihuahua also called Ishitha out and made her stand in front of and my little girl is already uncomfortable.

"Now go on. Look at each other and talk to each other. Now it wouldn't disturb you at all".

"And whoever wants to talk just raise your hand. I'll do the honor of inviting you on the stage".

" Mam".

Her meek hesitant voice was heard as she called out to the man and she replied yes.

She said and I looked forward as she looked at me clueless and then back at the teacher. And I'm like. Wow. Did I get the opportunity to look at her this close? Into her eyes. There can't be any better punishment than this in my whole life. I was looking forward to looking into her eyes when she turned to the man and asked.

"Mam. W-what did I do". She spoke out in a meek voice as she had her fingers fidgeting and I think her hands are sweating as they are shinier.

"Don't waste your words and don't disturb me. If you stay silent at east, for no,w I might think about letting it go".

Said the teacher and she looked forward and her face is shining bright with humiliation. I can understand. She is a clever student who didn't get a remark till now. And today all of a sudden she was made to stand in front of all her classmates who look at her and that too for which she didn't have any of her mistakes. I can understand better.

But I took my chance to cherish the moment. I look into her eyes as they blinked innocently as that hazel ball peeked through her eyes lashes. Her eyes are so beautiful and deep than the entire existence of this world. Her eyes spoke volumes like an open book and I lost myself in her eyes.

But apart from her eyes I saw her face where her chin wobbled a little and that caught my attention. Sure this is the best moment of my life and I'm gonna be thankful to the teacher forever. But that is costing these precious shining pearls from her eyes.

Soon her eyes got teary as they slowly made their path on her soft plump cheek and jumped down from her chin. Her chin wobbled more as her lashes flittered frequently trying to control her tears.

He looked at her whose face is crying. Though it hurt him he found her mysteriously cute. So cute that he wants to hold her both cheeks and kiss the life out of her.....on the cheek as a respectable teenager.

One of my random friends said that girls just look cute when they cry innocently. And I can see why. She is absolutely cute and I found myself immersed in her cute innocent curled-down lips as her nose, cheeks, and chin turned red as tears streamed down.

All the while he stared into her eyes while she kept on crying like a lost child with silent hiccups. It's been almost half an hour and he found himself on a time loop with her as he continued to watch every second as if he was seeing it for the first time with every passing second. Though his heart tugged looking at her crying he used the opportunity to witness her this shade for k near to near.

She sniffed lightly making the teacher turn around as she saw her crying on the stage in front of everyone. She turned back to her position correcting the papers as she said.

"Ishitha. Go sit in your place".

The teacher said and sniffling she silently went and sat in her place. Her friends patted her back lightly as they gave her a water bottle but she refused and put her head on the bench as she swiped her tears more and more. And looking at her I started walking out of the classroom and the teacher looked back at me and asked.

"Where are you going"?

She asked and I turned back to give her an answer.

"To the principal room". I said and started walking out of the classroom when my teacher shouted "Come back" from my back but I didn't even turn back.

Though I enjoyed the moment and thankful to her for creating this opportunity I won't leave the matter untouched. Ishitha cried because of her and I should take action against it. I will not let her enter this school again.

I went to the principal and interpreted the situation as we both are total innocents and the mam has been a total jerk to us. To make the matter more serious and hectic I poured out every grudge she held against me in the past and complained about everything.

But that is not just enough. After complaining to the principal going to complain to my parents as well. They are kind of liberal and open-minded. They know who am I. I grew up with a sister and I know what exactly I had to do and what not.

I got a few glances from my classmates. Some are shocked while some had a look of admiration while others looked at me as an inspiration. And the feeling is soo good.

As I said the next day my parents came to school. That's all I know as I'm busy with classes. I was called later in the middle of the class and after a heated discussion, I was sent back. And on that day that teacher never came into our class. Neither she ever came later. We got a new teacher in her place and I took a relief breath as I looked at her.

I hope now she is okay. She doesn't have to be humiliated anymore.

The days went by when once she asked me.

"Did you complain about that teacher"?

She questioned and my eyes slipped into love while looking at her.

"Yes. Why? Any problem".

She look troubled as she glanced down and then at him.

"You shouldn't have. Now look. Everyone knows about the incident".

My brows furrowed at her forwards. What does that mean? Her mindset is so backward.

"What incident Ishitha? We did nothing. And we can't just be silent when someone or other just points out random things about us. And we aren't even that mature or big to be even concerned about this thing getting spread. It's nothing to us. We are merely 15. And we aren't at fault Ishitha ".

I said and she looked taken aback at my long lecture. But this is what I won't tolerate. The patriarchal mindset. And to my favorite girl. I might have thought before complaining about the density of the matter because for a girl it affects some or another way. But this isn't something big that affects or she did something wrong. If she thinks this is a thing to be avoided I'm afraid she has to learn a lot before she goes through the hardships of her life.

" Oh. T-thankyou".

She said as she excused herself and yet she didn't look convinced. I found this thing a little bit unaccepting for me but no one is perfect. And I'll take her blemishes wholeheartedly. I don't mind then. Anything from her, I'm ready with my open heart.