
When it all started

Honey, we need you to run and don't look back till it is safe".  A soft voice said with a serious tone behind its softness. It was the voice of my mother.

I had just turned 15 and recieved my wolf. I already had my demon at 3 and had time to control my urges but not this time. There is no time and no one to teach me.

" We have to leave her. Now!" My father whisper shouted to my mother, who was hiding my path in the shrubs. I looked at him with tears in my eyes yet I could not protest.

I knew this was coming but I did not expect it now.

Mother pushed a strand of my dark locks behind my ear, removed her locket and replaced it carefully around my neck.

" We will find you, until then keep this safe for me, Okay?"

I nodded in response and placed on the simple diamond locket. Father came closer and hugged me placing a kiss in my hair. He drew me away.

" Be my brave little girl and remember what we taught you".

I could see the tears he was holding back whilst mom held onto his arm, crying softly. I took his hand into mine and held on tightly, loosening my grip reluctantly. I took a final look at my parents and ran through the path my mother showed me.

After running for sometime, I took a rest to look back and realized my father's rings on my right hand. Each ring with a unique glow, each resting on a finger on my right hand.

Then I knew I would not see them again but I did not turn back to confirm. I just run onward.

That is the last I remember before the facility.

Hope you guys enjoy the read

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