
Reject and Break the System

After experiencing so many same action and the same chaos he inflicted to one single kingdom in a specific game... The nameless protagonist's mind broke to the point where he decides to do nothing but to follow the flow... But the pain he endured and the pain he inflicted keeps reminding him every painful and manic experiences he felt in his entire life... He never feels satisfied even though he is smiling. He never feels strong even though he dominated the kingdom. He never feels free because the tie of fate for him is sealed. Will that nameless protagonist give in and let the system control his life... or perhaps he should release his resentment to the ones who created and controlled him like a puppet

Theodore_Mariano · Video Games
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12 Chs

The Hero's Vow

It took some time for the queen to talk for the nameless character to the investigator. Although suspicious, the police let them go. The queen wanted to say something to the nameless character alone in private. She grabs his arm very tight and drags him to an empty alleyway.

She picks up a metal bar on the ground and smacked the nameless character with it. She is very angry and disgusted. The nameless character didn't flinch and disregards the damage he just took it like it was nothing. The queen is very upset. She could think of many reasons why she wanted to hit him. Is it because he destroyed her kingdom? Is it because he gave her sisters so much suffering? Is it because of what he is?

It hurts her mind when she thinks about it. She stares at the demon right in front of her. The nameless character is just standing there quietly. It is really upsetting her so she hits him again. She couldn't speak or breathe normally whenever he is in front of her. She thinks that the nameless character is disrespecting her. "What did we even do to you demon..." The queen asked while her hand is shaking. She could think any reason why she wants to attack but she couldn't think why the demon wanted to attack them. She thinks that there is a reason why the demon attacks.

Unfortunately, the person she is facing with isn't the one that ruined her life. The nameless character for sure know the reason why the demon attack the queen and her people, but even he curses the demon. He doesn't want to tell the queen the truth. He remains silent. The queen hits the nameless character again. This time it makes him bleed.

"Why are you doing this to me... Why have I done to deserve this..." The queen begins to cry. She wanted to hit him again and again but it aches her broken heart. The nameless wanted to console the queen but can't do it with his current self. His former body is no more than a shell, which the queen hated so much. The queen gave the metal bar to the nameless character and asked a request. "Please do what you must... I cannot afford to care about these people... it is too much..."

The nameless character can see that the queen is so much pain. She cannot save her people, she cannot stop the demons, she even cannot save herself. Both the queen and the nameless character have gone through the same pain, although the nameless character himself experienced the worst one. They both cannot afford to care about the people in this world because they do not belong here.




The nameless once thought of the same thing. But it is too late for that. He have bonded with someone in this world. He bonded with Saejima and the fat man, Mr. Wakabe. The Succubus is now on his tail and will never give up making his life miserable. The nameless character slightly taps the queen's chest with his closed fist. The queen is surprised and she looks at the nameless character's face. It was not the face of a dangerous demon but rather a beautiful man who sympathizes with her.

"What is your wish?" The nameless character asked the queen in serious tone. The queen is dumbfounded. She wonders why he asked that question. But when she thinks about it, all she can wish for is to end this suffering. She insisted him of ending her life.


The nameless character slapped the queen's face. It was so sudden that the queen got angry. She slaps him back and curses at him. "I WISH THAT I COULD KILL YOU DEMON!!" The nameless character smiled for the first time. "You can kill me when the time comes." The nameless character said as he gives the metal bar back to the queen. The queen is quite pissed but she feels better for some reason after shouting at the nameless character.

The wound that he got stops bleeding and the nameless character wipes it clean. "I need your help your majesty." The nameless character said as he politely bows down to the queen. "I don't want to help you." The queen said. She doesn't want to help him for many reasons. "You will obey my orders you disgraceful demon." The queen said. The nameless character nods and accepted her request.

The queen holds the metal bar like a ceremonial sword and taps both of the nameless character's shoulder once. "On this day onward, I, Queen Gloria the Seventh, will hereby declare this man to become a knight. A knight should only sacrifice himself for the kingdom only, and should never violates the order for any reason." The nameless character understands what the queen wanted. She wanted him to make a vow to her.

A knight's vow of the queen's former kingdom is a vow that every knights follow. They vowed to protect the kingdom with their lives in their own accord. Normally not every knights truly follows this vow but they did sacrificed their lives in order to protect the kingdom they swore to protect. Right now the only part of the kingdom that exist is the queen herself. The vow's meaning is basically the nameless character is promising that he should protect the queen with his own life and nothing more.




The queen wants to keep the nameless character on her sight at all times so that he will not do anything strange. It is reasonable since she cannot trust him just because he vowed to protect the kingdom. Right now they need to do something about the Succubus. If she is around, Japan could run amok and will be destroyed in no time. The nameless character could sense mana better than the queen. He will know which of the people have been fallen to the Succubus' control.

The next thing they need is weapons. The police has confiscated their weapons so it is most likely they have it on their inventory. They need to sneak in without being spotted. It will trouble them if the police will stop their mission. Both of them are conspicuous and they were known by the police. They need someone to get their weapons for them. No one comes to their mind since they have no one they are close to.

The nameless recalls that there are mercenaries in their world. Mercenaries are people who will sell their services in exchange of money. If the same logic applies in this world, there could be mercenaries hiding in plain sight. The queen thinks it is worth the risk. They need someone who is skilled in stealth and trustworthy. But they realized they do not have money. The queen smacked the nameless character for his idiocy.




They needed another plan. The queen thought about explaining the police of what is happening. The nameless character denies the plan since the people here doesn't believe that magic is real. The queen smacked him for disobedience even though his reason is reasonable. They did witness what the police can do. They really cannot think of any way to recover their weapons. The nameless character decides to think of how the demon's gauntlet works.

The demon is a lustful demon and lust is his primary source of power. He can recover his power by absorbing lust from other people just like he did with Saejima. But it is not easy as it sounds because the queen could have lustful desires she keeps to herself but it is not the same lust as he got. The only way to generate lust to others is the way he prefers not to do at all cost. The Succubus could force someone to release one's lustful desires so he just need to beat up the victims who are in effect of the Succubus' curse.

The main use of the gauntlet is to condense the mana inside of his body and turn it into power. It is made from metal that can store mana and release it out of the body in many forms. Since it is a gauntlet, the magic is mostly enhancing his physical attacks. All his magic are designed to be non-lethal. It will hurt others alot but not enough to kill them.

The queen herself can generate her own mana. But it is a very slow process and it may be not enough to create powerful spells that the queen can cast. Right now she can cast Magic Shot and Magic Enhancement. Her Magic Shot ability is to use mana as a projectile to damage the enemy. Its element is Arcane element that damage the enemy. Magic Enhancement is also one of her ability that can be used for herself or her allies. It temporarily boost everyone's traits by half of their current traits. It can only last for 2 minutes. She can at least cast 5 Magic Shot or 2 Magic Enhancement in her current state. It is a big mystery of how the queen gets her mana since Arcane is one of mysterious magic that only few knows about.

She has a sword that can be enhanced with Magic Enhancement. While it is a normal sword, the sword itself is very different from any other sword. The sword can be only wielded by its rightful owner and there is a certain punishment when used by others. The police can handle it because they didn't break the rule of its use. Using it and holding it are different thing, and the police are only interested in it because it was evidence that the nameless character is stabbed with. They wouldn't be willing to let it go that easily.




The nameless character doesn't really know how his body works. He tries to generate mana himself but nothing happens to him. The demon changed his body according to its power. His fighting ability is still there, only his element and physical appearance is changed. It seems his body is more focused on looks. He curses at the demon who gave him unnecessary handsome looks. Even women in the queen's kingdom didn't fall for him at first. At least he can absorb more hits due to his improved regeneration and combat power.

The queen may have limited spells she can cast, she is very adept to swordmanship. She would prefer to buy a sword but she learns about the swords being illegal in Japan. However, any weapon that is thick and hard could do the trick. She used the mop before as a staff and a sword easily. Right now she has this metal bar. A sturdy and rusty metal bar that is as long as a machete but not very thick as a staff can be hidden inside her jacket. An ideal weapon for a peasant.

The next thing they need is a place to stay. Both cannot stay in the police station nor the hospital since they have caused too much trouble for them. The hospital only lets the nameless character go free because of his heroism to save the patients and the doctors. The queen has unpleasant experience behind bars. She will rather die than go back there. She has a very big pride thanks to a certain someone who wakes her up.

The queen is fluent in Japanese so she could take on jobs to earn money for living. The nameless character have the most stamina, which can be useful for physical jobs. The queen is smarter than she looks and the nameless character is very attractive. They both agreed to work together to earn money. The one who doesn't like the idea is the queen even though she is the one mentioning of this plan.




The queen has been offered by a manager of a bar as a waitress. The queen ask for the content of the job. The manager explains the job that is the same as how a barmaid operates in the local tavern. The queen asked for how much pay will she get when she works for the bar. The manager promised ¥1,200 per hour if she works there. Because of not knowing how currency works, the queen thought that she will earn alot and accepts the job willingly.

In the other hand, the nameless character accidentally came in a shady business by himself. The people he met there are tough and experienced. He meets up with the boss who seems to have big authority. A greened haired woman who is in her 30s and wears a fancy purple suit. She smokes an expensive cigarette and her underlings have respect for her.

"You are too handsome for this job sir." The boss said, admiring the nameless character's looks. "It is better if you just leave and forget about this place. You do not belong here." She said as she puts down her cigarette. Her men behind grabs the nameless character behind. The nameless character quickly gets behind and kicks the man's legs, causing him to kneel down. He took the big advantage of the bigger enemy and he locks his arms together around the man's neck, choking him out. The boss is impressed of the nameless character's moves.

"It seems I underestimated you. You are suited for this job." The boss said as she lits up another cigarette. "Why are you here if I may ask?" The boss politely asked. "Money... Job..." The nameless character answered. The boss and her men laugh at him. They think he is very nervous because of that answer. "No shit, you are here because you wanted some cash don't you?" The boss said. "You call me Viper boy. If you want cash so bad you will have to beat up some scums with your fist."

The nameless character gratefully accepts. He learns that the business they run are underground fighting tournament. All people around the world fight to the death to earn respect and money and feel the heat of the deadly duel. The only goal of the fighters is to win and entertain the crowd. It is a perfect job for a former hero and former demon like him.

Viper arranges a match for the nameless character. She asked him what name he should be called for. The nameless character thought about it. "Enma..." The nameless character said. "Enma it is, you gotta wait for two days you wanna taste the bloodbath." Viper said as she stands up from her seat and leaves. Her men escorted the nameless character out of the building. The building itself is inside one of the alleyway and the nameless character happens to visit it when he was looking for a job. He observes the surrounding for landmarks so he can remember where to go.




"Enma... What a cool name for an arrogant douche." Viper said as she peers through her window. The buildings surrounding her building blocks the view of the city. There made a base there so that the police will have a hard time getting in because of the maze light alleyways. "Whatever he is, I am sure he will attract attention from our enemies. Suji, you punk will receive what you deserve in hell." Viper said as she crushed her cigarette with her foot on the ground.

The queen and the nameless character meet up and asked what job they did take. The queen mentions that she will be working as a part-time waitress of a bar run by the owner Mr. Higarashi. The nameless character mentions that he will be fighting against a fighter in two days in a arena. He got the underground fighter job.

The queen is surprised that such job exist in Japan. Thinking how it is beneficial for them, the queen gave permission to the nameless character to use his talent to fight and win money for them. She also reminds him to hold back, since his physical traits exceed from normal humans in this world. He might cause a scandal that will cause more enemies chasing them. The nameless character promised he will win without causing any trouble.




The queen does a splendid job as a waitress in a infamous bar which attracted more customers. The manager is very happy so he raised the queen's current salary to ¥1,750 per hour. The sales of beverages increased due to the customers coming to buy it and look at the queen's elegant looks as a waitress. She is doing fine on her own and she earned ¥14,750 in two days. The day of the fight is ready and the nameless character is ready for action.

He arrives at Viper's building just in time for the fight. "You are gonna fight with an amateur today. Its not like it is an official match but rich bastards will pay for some small fights like these." Viper said as she leads him to an elevator that leads to underground. The door opened and the nameless character is surprised to see an elevator. "What? You never seen an elevator before?" The Viper asked as she is surprised of the nameless character's character. Its like how a country bumpkin reacts to modernization.

"I hope you are ready to get your ass beat up, Enma." Viper said, expecting that Enma will lose his handsomeness if he gets scarred too much. The elevator fits for 5 people. Viper, Enma, and 3 bodyguards entered the elevator. Viper pressed the button on the bottom and patiently wait. The elevator begins to move down, which surprises the nameless character. Viper and her men laughs at his dorky ness. Why such man wanted to fight so much for money?

The elevator stopped moving and the door of the underworld slowly opens. That world surprises the nameless character. It is entirely different from the world above. Lots of men in suit and ladies in dress are the residents here, with many gambling spots around the place. It is a gambling spot of the rich and wealthy people. "Better behave like a dog if you wanna leave her alive, you got me Enma?" Viper warned the nameless character.

They begin to walk to the underground arena where the nameless will fight with others. He instantly gained the attention of the ladies due to his seductive looks. He has this radiance of a devil, which makes them fall for him. The bodyguards are giving menancing looks to anyone that bothers them so the ladies didn't dare to talk to him. The men are jealous of his looks. Viper chuckles by the reaction of the people.

They reached the arena and Viper is filling a contract for a match for the nameless character. "I have done whatever I can. Beat him up and earn your pay." Viper said as she raise her close fist. The nameless character remembers that the fat man does the same gesture when he is cheering him up. He close his fist and taps it with Viper's fist. They did a Fist Bump. Viper is impressed by how casual the nameless character is.

In the underground world where the government law cannot touch this world, the nameless character who choose the name, Enma, will create a name for himself in the future.

This Scenario is created because they need to earn money in order so they can get their weapons back. Also the fact that I added the underground world is relevant to their plan since they are looking for mercenaries to go sneak in the police station.

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