
Reject and Break the System

After experiencing so many same action and the same chaos he inflicted to one single kingdom in a specific game... The nameless protagonist's mind broke to the point where he decides to do nothing but to follow the flow... But the pain he endured and the pain he inflicted keeps reminding him every painful and manic experiences he felt in his entire life... He never feels satisfied even though he is smiling. He never feels strong even though he dominated the kingdom. He never feels free because the tie of fate for him is sealed. Will that nameless protagonist give in and let the system control his life... or perhaps he should release his resentment to the ones who created and controlled him like a puppet

Theodore_Mariano · Video Games
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12 Chs

The Bunny in Alice's World

The incident at the hospital caused tension and concern among the citizens and the government. They never had this strange case happening before. There are alot of cases of missing people and murder happening in the past 2 months. The identity of the masked men has been revealed and surprisingly enough, the rioters are the missing people. The government has decided to conduct the meeting on how to resolve the problem and fix it as soon as possible, before the mess will become worse.




The victim who survived the most and have the encounter of the strange incident is none other the nameless character who cannot identify himself. The day after that incident, the police invited him for an interview and interrogation. But it is still hard to communicate even though the nameless character has learned their language a little bit. They also invited the queen, who appeared to be close to the nameless character. She declines when she heard about him. She speaks japanese fluently. The police persuaded her to help them because the city may have some trouble happening.

The queen thought about it and remembers the time they first appeared on their world, their city has been through many strange incidents that leads to the loss of the people. She cannot refuse the offer because it is indirectly her responsible for this problem. She and the police proceed to their way to the police station and visit the interrogation room where the nameless character is staying.

"I won't let you destroy this city like you did to my kingdom demon." The queen said in their own language. "No promise, but I will get the bottom of this." The nameless character replied in their own language.




The investigator is surprised to hear the strange language. He did see that the two are communicating well to each other. He talks to the queen in japanese and asked for some help for translation. "You have my assistance officer." The queen said politely in japanese. The interrogator will ask some questions to the nameless character and the queen will translate it so he can understand it better. Vice versa the nameless character will say his answer and she will relay it to the investigator.

The first question is the name of the nameless character. But he couldn't answer it and shrugs. The queen let the investigator know it. The second question is their birthplace. The queen pretended to talk to the nameless character and gave the investigator a white lie. He believed it. The third question is their involvement of the past cases. They did watch him get harrassed by people, not to mention being stabbed with a sword on his chest. The answer of the nameless character is exactly what happened to him literally.

The queen changed the story and says, "He was touring around the beautiful Shibuya when he encountered a strange masked man in a alleyway. He is completely covered so he cannot see what the assailant looked like. This man actually offended the masked man, so in return, he gets stabbed to the heart by the masked man. Little did the masked man know, he missed the heart. But he is experiencing so much pain he doesn't remember what happened after that."

The investigator listened and he found it strange that the nameless character even survived that. A puncture to the lung is very nasty and it would take alot of force to pierce it through his body. The queen mentions that the nameless character said that the assailant is a man, so the investigator believed that. He asked the reason why it happened to him. Why was he stabbed for?

The queen coughs a bit and begins to speak. "He doesn't even know. I can only translate what he is saying so I cannot help." The investigator nods and believed the queen. But he wants to investigate the queen as well. Why does she know the nameless character's language? Why is she even here? What is her identity.

The investigator asked those question and the queen says, "My name is Gloria. I was sent here due to my involvement of your past cases. He is my nemesis, I hate this demon so much." The investigator is surprised that she even told him that the nameless character is a demon and she hated him. "I see, I see. Life must be hard..." The investigator said as in he experienced something like this before.

The investigator asked about the hospital incident. They are filling the details of their involvement, not including the appearance of the Succubus so that the police won't be too reckless. The Succubus may seduce men and use them as meatshields and tools that may hinder them alot.




Meanwhile, in a small park where there is a statue of two cats close to each other. People are there are having fun especially the children. Near the old wooden slides, some kids noticed someone hiding behind a tree. They wanted to check it out but when they arrived there is no one there. They think that it was their imagination so they go back to play with each other.

It was no imagination. Someone is really hiding and she climbed the tree quickly. "They are so scary..." A girl with bunny ears whispers. She seems to be scared at everyone who approach her. Makes sense that she had a bad time with men who first approached her and straight up harrassed her. "Just who am I and why am I here?" She thought.

The bunny girl seems to have amnesia. She cannot remember who she is nor know where she is. She is so afraid of talking to people she didn't know. She cannot even speak nor understand their language. She simply avoids being seeing. She is very quick and nimble and was able to steal food inside from food stalls without anyone noticing. She has been doing this for 2 months.

The girl has long golden hair with four locks that are formed like drills. One pair at her back and another pair at her front. She wears two layers of shirts that looked like a school uniform. She has a red bow tie. She wears long socks with grey and white vertical stripe pattern. She wears black shoes that has black ribbons. She doesn't wear anything for her bottom except her grey and white vertical stripe patterned panties. The bunny girl had a pair of black bunny ears and black bunny tail.




The bunny girl observes the people with her ruby eyes. She cautiously peek out of her hiding spot and when someone begins to notice her, she quickly hops away to another location. She has no idea why she does that, but it seems it is engraved to her body. She only steal food because she doesn't know what money is. She did see how people use money but she doesn't have any money. She doesn't want to rob it because she thinks that they will be hungry. Well... stealing is bad no matter what the reason.

She doesn't know where to go nor what she really wants to do. She would fiddle random sticks and draws what she thinks on sand. People will see the drawings but they will just erase it, just like how the bunny girl lost her memory.

On the day of the hospital incident, the bunny girl got harrassed by a local yakuza. His eyes obviously lock onto her big boobs and her panties. By the looks of it, the bunny girl was mistaken as a hostess. He talks very loud but she doesn't understand. Her body shakes and she slowly backs away. The yakuza got pissed and tries to grab her. The bunny girl panicked and hops away. The yakuza relentlessly chased her away from her hiding place.




Green light is on, the cars are not stopping. The bunny girl hops toward the danger. A black car appeared to her right and it about to collide with her, but the bunny girl jumped higher than the car, dodging it with ease. The bunny girl never intends to jump but her body moved on its own. The one who ended up getting hit is the yakuza. The car was on brake before the bunny girl jumped, so it only bumps to the yakuza. The yakuza got angry and knocks on the driver's door, cursing.

The door opened hard and it pushes the yakuza away. A tough looking woman dressed in suit came out and talks to the yakuza. The yakuza shouts at the woman. The woman is unfazed and she kicked the yakuza's shin and punch his head with her fist. She says something to the yakuza and his face darkened. He have regretted what he has done and keeps bowing for forgiveness for his rudeness.

The young girl inside the car asked what was going on. The woman reassures that everything is under her control and she threatened the yakuza to leave. The yakuza obliges and runs away as far as he could. The young woman looks at the doors window and happens to see the bunny girl hopping away without any pants nor skirt covering her bottom. She called the woman and orders her to talk to the bunny girl. The woman shakes her head and doesn't allow her request. But second later, the woman changed her mind and chases the bunny girl.

The bunny girl got freaked out and starts to hop away. The woman is very fast and doesn't get tired easily. They took an alleyway and the bunny girl is unfortunately cornered. The woman seems to be agitated and intense. Her aura scares the bunny girl. She is too tired to run away. The woman raised her hand towards the bunny girl, which scared her and tucks in to the corner. The woman sees that the bunny girl's panties is visible. She wonders why did she isn't wearing skirt.




She tried to talk to the bunny girl but it was no use. She completely shuts her eyes and ignores her, hoping that the woman will eventually leave. A few moments later, someone entered the alleyway. The woman is surprised to see the young girl who is with her earlier in the car. She freaked out because the young girl is wearing a black bunny ears headband. She gently speaks to the bunny girl. Surprisingly, she looks back to see who it was.

The young girl has blonde straight hair. She is wearing a school uniform. She is holding a brown hand bag. Her eyes are blue and she has bunny ears. The bunny girl cried so suddenly for unknown reason. The young girl is confused but tries to calm the bunny girl down. The woman watches how they interact. Both are really cute but she can't help feel suspicious of the bunny girl.




The bunny girl's eye became sore because of the emotional breakdown. She was so scared. She doesn't like strangers so much. She lost her memory so she doesn't know why she cried, or the reason why she has been here for 2 months. The young girl gently pats the bunny girl's head. Then gently strokes her soft hair. The bunny girl blushed but she didn't refuse it. Its the first time she is treated warmly.

The young girl asks the woman for a spare skirt since both she and the bunny girl has about the same body feature, except for the fact that the bunny girl has bunny parts. The woman saluted and went back to the car to get the spare skirt. The two "bunny girls" are trying to make a conversation, but they both failed to do so because the bunny girl only knows her own language.

The woman came back with the spare school skirt. It is dark crimson school skirt with vertical black line near the bottom edge. The young girl thanks the woman and holds the skirt herself. She showed it to the bunny girl. Its the first time the bunny girl seeing a skirt, or maybe not because she did lose her memory. Nevertheless, the bunny girl is interested of wearing the same skirt as the young girl.

She doesn't know how to wear it so the young girl tries to give a helping hand. The bunny girl is now wearing a school skirt, which complemented with her shirts. It makes her look like she is a bunny girl student cosplayer. The young girl tries to remove the bunny ears of the bunny girl but failed because they are the real ears. The bunny girl yelps and moves back to her corner, afraid of physical contact with strangers.




The young girl shows that she is apologetic. She didn't mean hurting the bunny girl. The bunny girl forgives her and she tries to apologize also for making trouble. The woman baffles and laughs. The young girl looks back to see who laughed but there is no one laughing. The woman stopped laughing quickly to show her professionalism side. She asked the woman to get the car ready. She looks at the bunny girl and waves goodbye at her. As she was about to leave, the bunny girl touches her sleeve and tightly holds it.

She is crying again. She doesn't want to feel alone and lonely again. She wanted someone to talk to. She wanted to have someone close to her. The young girl pats her hear and wipes the bunny girl's tear off with a handkerchief. She holds the bunny girl's hand and said something. The bunny girl didn't understand but she was dragged away and enters the car of the woman.

The woman talks about being careful around the young girl she is serving. Although the bunny girl didn't understand the world, she would be careful regardless. The young girl tells a story to relieve some boredom. The bunny girl didn't understand every word that the young girl is saying, but she is passionately listening to her.

Its like how a mother tells a child a story in order to make them happy. The gentleness of the girl's sweet voice greatly calms the bunny girl. The three are heading somewhere where the young girl is supposed to go. They reached a big building where there are girls wearing the same clothes as the young girl. She exits the car and waves goodbye.

Alone with the woman, the bunny girl feels uneasy about it. The woman looks at her strictly. She talks about something but it didn't get in the bunny girl's head. The woman eventually drives away from the big building where the young girl goes to. The bunny girl's life will be interesting in the future.

I created three characters for fun. It is a separate storyline but it is still important because the bunny girl has an interesting role. Will she able to recover memories so she can remember her role?

To be continued...

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