
Reject and Break the System

After experiencing so many same action and the same chaos he inflicted to one single kingdom in a specific game... The nameless protagonist's mind broke to the point where he decides to do nothing but to follow the flow... But the pain he endured and the pain he inflicted keeps reminding him every painful and manic experiences he felt in his entire life... He never feels satisfied even though he is smiling. He never feels strong even though he dominated the kingdom. He never feels free because the tie of fate for him is sealed. Will that nameless protagonist give in and let the system control his life... or perhaps he should release his resentment to the ones who created and controlled him like a puppet

Theodore_Mariano · Video Games
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12 Chs

Night of Resentment

The nameless character didn't bother to move for three days. But the thought of nightmare coming back forced him to wake up. The man in charge is shocked and quickly called for the others. He is sweating bullets as he nervously looked around the room. It didn't look much different from the last room he rested.

The other men in white coat enter the room and check up on him. They examined him and writes down something on a piece of paper on a small board they were carrying. They tried to ask his well being, but the language barrier is making it difficult. They think that the patient is now ok but he needs a plenty of rest. They called a fat man in white shirt and black pants to guard the door before they left.

The fat man looks at the nameless character intensely. The nameless character however cautiously watches him. The two are wary of each other. The fat man opens his mouth and begins to speak. But because of the same reason, they couldn't understand each other. But somehow the nameless character can understand the fat man by how he behaves. He seems to be a gentle giant type.

Even though he can bust out of the room by overpowering the fat man, the nameless character decided to stay and tries his best to communicate with the fat guy. While talking to the fat man, the nameless character feels that they were not alone. It is coming from the door in a small room nearby. He points it out with his finger and tries to ask the fat man to investigate it.

The fat man understood and opens the door. He found that there is someone hiding. The stranger quickly shoves the fat man but gets pushed back and pinned down the floor. "Let me go you brute! LET GO OF ME!!" The stranger shouted struggling to free themselves. The nameless recognize the stranger. It's the queen, Gloria. "Watashi wa anata o ken'i no wakai josei ni hōkoku shimasu." The fat man shouted as he used his body weight to completely pin down the queen.

The nameless character tries to stop the fat man by tapping his shoulder and repeatedly nods up and down. The fat man is confused but he let go of the queen and sits down on a chair, keeping a watchful eye. "You demon... You already obtained a brute as your servant..." The queen said, curling her arm because of the pain. "That man must be doing his job. He is not my subordinate." The nameless character replied.

The fat man realized that the two are holding conversation. He seems to be angry for some reason but he did not call for the others and let them be. "I will really kill you." The queen warned him, creating an small infused mana ball. "I cannot die unfortunately." The nameless character replied. "I will make you suffer." She warned him. "I am used to pain." He replied.

The queen got pissed and punched him with her mana. To the fat man's eyes, the queen just punched the patient for no reason. He stands up but the nameless character reassures that everything is alright by raising his open hand. The fat man had enough, he called for help and a few moments later, men in dark blue outfit enter the room and apprehended the queen.

The fat man testified that the queen punched the patient. And the mark on the cheeks of the patient is there, making the fat man's testimony true. The queen struggles but there is a strange iron bracelets placed by her wrist and she cannot break free. They take her away while the men in white coats checks on the nameless character. He is very healthy for a guy who got shot 3 days ago.

"Kore ga watashi ga on'nanoko o kirau riyūdesu... Hontōha..." The fat man said feeling satisfied. That is the only thing happened that day. The fat man simply guards the door while the nameless character is staying there, eating food he never eat before. He kinda grow fond of the mushy and tasty food that is made of potato.




Meanwhile, the queen was transferred to the other establishment. There are alot of men in dark blue outfit residing there but there are people wearing different clothes. One man with the mustache slammed his hand on top of the table and shouted at the queen. Unlike her first encounter with the demon, who was the nameless character at that time, she got terrified and scared of the man shouting at her. She is simply confused and panicking.

"I... I don't..." The queen stuttered, trying to speak under pressure. She couldn't understand the man which pissed him off. The other men tries to calm the man down without getting themselves in trouble. What's the deal of this man if you ask? It is kinda strange that the man is very angry at the stranger he just met. No one knows why but there are other men agree with the man and supported him.

The whole room is chaotic. All because the queen created quite a scene because he just punched a patient who got fatally wounded two times. "Where did I ended up to?" The queen wondered, thinking how she ended up there. She tries to recall what happened to her world.




Upon being saved by the enemy she desperately wanted to kill, her mind was in total confusion and she got depressed. Her hatred suddenly turned into guilt. She didn't know what was the reason why her enemy saved her while smiling. When she looks at the blood flowing out under the debris, it reminded her the traumatic memories where her whole kingdom fell and she is the only survivor of the kingdom.

She should have feel happiness. But her darkness just grew stronger. The lives that she is supposed to be protecting cannot be returned. The disaster already happened and she ended up being the only pure person. Her face turned grim and she cried so hard on her knees. She failed her duty as the queen.

The next thing she knew, she suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a strange world she doesn't belong. Alone in the cold, freezing, suffering, she had once thought of taking her own life for being pathetic. All of what she cares about has been taken away from her other than her important treasure. The people looks at her and pitied her. They tried to approach the lonely queen but they cannot talk with her. She simply doesn't understand their language and she regarded them as white noises.

Some people tried to force her to move but only to get beaten up by her. She had obtained new reflex. She would shove or throw anyone that touches her. Everyone gets scared and avoid her from now on. She completely distrust others until she heard a familiar voice.




In front of her, she saw who she didn't want to see. The Succubus. She is flying up to the sky, carefully not getting attention among the people. She remembers one of her sisters being toyed by her according of what she heard. The Succubus has taken away her sister's purity and have the monster ravage her lifeless body.

Inside, the queen despises the Succubus. Her murderous aura is showing as she sees that her enemy is just roaming around freely. She wanted her to suffer. "I... I will..." The queen mumbled as she stands up and followed the Succubus slowly. Her enemy has already defiled 5 victims and they became her personal playthings. Still, the queen is filled with dark mist in her head. She can only think of many ways to kill the Succubus.

A queen who once a pure woman who is very happy and smiles alot, now have become murderous beast wanted to kill. Her resentment towards the demons grown big. That night, she vowed to kill all the demons she finds and make them suffer the same fate as her people.




That same night, she heard a little girl crying alone. She stopped chasing the Succubus and watches the poor little girl cry alone in a corner where no one notices her. The whole street is loud, drowning the sound of the little girl's cry. The reason how the queen heard her because she happens the be very close enough to hear her. Having sympathy to the girl, the queen tries to help the little girl.

"What's wrong little girl?" The queen asked, trying her best to be friendly. The little girl didn't understand her but she said the word "Mommy", which the queen understands. The little girl is separated from her mother. The queen offered her hand to her and nods her head. The little girl is nervous but she holds her hand tightly.

Together they looked for the little girl's mother. Although the queen cannot communicate with other people, they eventually found a woman who is panicking. The girl finally smiled and runs to her. The woman is relieved and runs to the little girl and hugs her. The scene of the reunion of the daughter and the mother breaks the queen's heart.

She doesn't have a family anymore. There is no one she can talk to or depend on. She is all her own. Her broken heart actually makes her feel better. When she looks at the family waves at her and thanking her, the queen smiles and waves back. She didn't change entirely. The queen is still herself. A woman who does her best to help others.




The same night she found the demon who destroyed her kingdom. Her anger came back but she is felt something is weird. Her enemy is walking pitifully, losing huge amount of blood. For sure he is suffering but for some reason, the queen is sympathizing with him. She is both sad and angry. She doesn't know what to do. Is the punishment not really enough? Why doesn't she feel happy to see her enemy suffer in pain?

She observed him at the distance and finds it weird that he is not wrecking havoc there. He is simply ignoring everyone and moves out of anyone's way. She looks at her sword that is plunged through his body. "Why doesn't he do the same thing like he did to my kingdom?" The queen thought while gripping her skirt. Why does he continue walking? Why does he never stand on anyone's way? Why is he jot causing chaos? He is a demon, isn't he?

The men in dark blue outfit came and confronted the demon. She knows what the demon is capable of. She tried to warn them but she simply failed because no voice comes out of her. She is too afraid to speak when the demon is in front of her presence. One man grabbed him the shoulder. The queen's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the man has dug his own grave. But to her surprise, the demon ran away while having the sword wound.

Blood is spilled everywhere he goes and the men keeps chasing him. The queen followed behind. Alot of people sees her because she wears her armor and her unnatural pink hair, but simply didn't bother to join. They didn't want to get into trouble with the men in dark blue outfit are around. The demon must be stopped from running. Fortunately the sword is a magical sword that can be infused with mana. All the queen has to do is to send enough mana to activate its aura.

It worked and the demon felt the great pain as the sword itself pulled out of his body. It brutally opened a huge hole to his body. The queen feels tired upon using her mana. She got exhausted for using a small amount of mana. She got weakened since the world she is in doesn't have any mana floating around the air.




She missed what happened to the demon and the men in dark blue outfit. Her sword is nowhere to be seen, nor the demon's body. She sees alot of people gathering in mass, curious of what happened. Thankfully she is not near the scene so she avoided getting much attention. She thought that she really killed the demon for real this time. She finds a corner and found folded brown tough papers. She placed it on the ground and she sleep from there.

Normally you wouldn't sleep alone in the dark outside in a cold night, but nothing happened whatsoever to the queen. She wakes up with muscle cramps. She had to stretch and massage her arm because she has been sleeping side ways. It is uncomfortable for her. It was her first time sleeping on a tough floor. She is a queen so she really experienced luxurious lifestyle. Her tummy begins to growl, meaning she needs to eat.

She begins looking for something to eat, but has no luck because she doesn't have money. Some men saw her staring at a food stand. They figured out that she wanted to have something to eat. They try to sugarcoat her but she didn't understand. The men are so close to her that the queen panicked and punch them at the face by reflex. "I... I didn't mean it..." The queen stuttered, bowing her head to the floor, expressing how sorry she is.

The man who got punched didn't mind because the queen is cute. He apologies and buy food for her out of courtesy. He warned other men who wants to try to talk to her. He explained how painful her punch was. When they look at the queen eating the hotdog the wrong way, they only see a pure angel. The queen is eating the hotdog by the its side, not the one end of the hotdog.

Its the first time she tasted such food. Much more delicious than what she used to eat in her palace. She remembers how the mother thanks her for escorting her mother. She stands up and face in front of the man who gave her the hotdog. She bows slightly and said, "Dōmo arigatō."

The words pierce the male's heart and he is very happy to hear her gratitude. He left happily with his friends laughing at him. The queen smiles and explores the area she was in. The crowd is busy and there are strange carriages that are driven without the horses pulling them from the front. The towers are so tall and big and she sees a plenty of shops around the area. She then sees someone familiar sitting down the street.

Her mortal enemy is sitting down like a commoner. Many didn't talk to him and leaves him be. The queen is hiding behind the lamp post, waiting for an opportunity to kill him. There are alot of people and she didn't want to create trouble because they didn't do anything bad. She was about to come out when she freaked out upon noticing who is coming down from the sky.

Its the Succubus. "Dammit, now they are together, this whole kingdom will meet the same fate." The queen thought, scared of what will happen. Her body trembles because she knows that she is weakened. Her mana power is not as power as before, along with her physical traits. To her surprise, the demon shows hostility towards his ally.

The Succubus just got a victim and turned him into slave. The queen is angry but cannot afford to act recklessly. But she is dumbfounded when the demon punched the Succubus so hard to the face he sent her flying towards a wall. The demon and the slave stars fighting each other. The queen noticed how weak the demon is. That is not how he fight previously with her and her whole kingdom. The demon is completely overpowered by a mere slave. The men in dark blue outfit appeared to help.

The queen sees that they didn't have swords equipped. "What were they thinking?!" The queen thought. The men pulled some strange device and pointed at the slave. Of course the slave took notice of this and start attacking the men. One man panicked and starts shooting the charging maniac. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* The queen hears a small explosion and the slave suddenly got holes and bleeds. But the slave knocked the man down and grabbed the strange weapon and used it against the demon.


The demon got shot to the stomach and gets unconscious. The queen immediately witnessed how dangerous the world is. She watches how the men in dark blue outfit killed the slave with the deadly weapons. They quickly rescued the demon and summoned the white carriage. The queen didn't pay much attention of what happened to the Succubus but she is no where to be seen.

The queen only got small portion of mana back to her mana pool. She used the mana to follow the white carriage carrying the demon. They eventually reached the big establishment where the demon will get the treatment for his wound. She is very curious of about what happened. She tried to enter the establishment but was stopped by the guards on the entrance. The queen's clothes are way so conspicuous. She needed to remove her armor and change her outfit. She saw a white coat hanging by the bench. She did saw some people with white coats so she decided to steal it to wear it for her disguise.




Normally it wouldn't work because she needed the ID but she was allowed to enter the establishment. It will take her a while to find her mortal enemy's room. She found it and waited for the opportunity to get inside. She found the demon sleeping vulnerable, but she isn't prepared to kill him. Her mouth opened and said the word, "Just who are you demon?"




This whole time she has been checking on the demon on her own. Then when she caused a commotion, she got imprisoned inside a prison cell alone. She didn't fight. She simply sits down to reflect. She wanted to hear answers but no one can give it to her. She has to figure it out on her own. "Why am I like this...?" She thought, gritting her teeth and suppressing her resentment of the demon the entire night. It tires her so she went to sleep peacefully. "What am I gonna do now? Please help me sis..."

This is the queen's perspective. Currently confused and alone. She did suffered alot but not how she was supposed to suffer in her other life.

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