
Reinotatakai | Team Bonding

"The trial is finally over everyone! Get back to the starting gate and I'll be dishing out the final results", Kuriyami says through his microphone which was played on the speakers surrounding the first arena.

Hanako, Sabito, May and Aoi all went back to the starting gate with everyone already there. As soon as they got into the starting gate, a strong gust of wind went by everyone and in the starting gate room was Satou. He was able to break free from Hanako's Web after he released the Bloody Web that trapped Satou there. "Dang, this guy really is fast", Hanako thinks to himself.

A clapping noise was heard as the Kuriyami steps into the room clapping his hands. "Congratulations everyone!", he says to all of the contestants. "You all did wonderfully in the first stage but sadly only the top four can advance in the trial", he continued to say to all the contestants as all of them are anxious to know the results to know if they are qualified for the next stage or not. "Alright, I will be reading the results now. The qualified teams are Haruto's team in fourth, Shizuko's team in third, Himiko's team in second and that leaves Sabito's team in first place", Kuriyami says to the contestants with excitement in his voice.

The winning teams are so happy that they've won and the losing team sigh in failure but didn't give up on entering other spirit schools. "Well, well, well, after all of this, you all must be very exhausted huh", Kuriyami says to everyone. "The second stage will take a few days to set up, so in the mean time, you all can go relax for a few days. Sounds good right?", he says to the winners that they can relax for awhile before the second stage.

Haruto and Shizuko's team didn't think of relaxation but they are already thinking of ways to train themselves for the next stage. While, Sabito and Himiko's team are thinking of just taking a relaxation day off before the next stage except Satou who leaves the room and goes back to his house for training. "Does he ever cool off?", May ask Himiko and Himiko answers with a no.

"Oh yeah, before you all leave. I want to speak to Sabito's team real quick", Kuriyami says to everyone but is especially targeting his words to Sabito's team. "What does he want to do?", Sabito says to his team. "You guys go ahead with him. I'll wait for you all outside in the lobby area", Himiko says to them before leaving to go chill in the lobby room while waiting for them.

They all walk into a room with Kuriyami and they were greeted by not only the other two teachers but also the school president himself. "Hello there, fellow students, I'm the school president of Supirittsuhai. You can call me Principal Yuri, Mr. Yuri or just Yuri in general", The school principal reveals himself to Hanako, Sabito, May and Aoi.

"Nice to meet you sir", Sabito says to him. "Nice to meet you too, well I saw what you all did during the trial and I'm astonished by your actions and teamwork. It even made me shed a tear", he says to the kids in a happy tone. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention but I'm a spirit not a spirit user", he says to the kids which leaves them all in a state of shock. "You're a spirit?!", they all say to him. "Yes, yes, I am", he replies with a straight face. "Anyways, I want to ask you, young boy. Hanako wasn't it?", Yuri asked him. "Yes, I'm Hanako", he says to the principal. "Ah alright! So, I want to ask you something", he says to him. "What is it?", Hanako asked him. "How were you able to slice that Grade 0 Spirit with no problem?", the principal asked him with tension rising. "To be honest, no clue whatsoever", he says to him in a confused look. Everyone just blankly stared at him. "Oh, I see. Anyways, you all can go enjoy the break", he says to all of them in a happy and cheerful mood. They left the room leaving the teachers and the principal alone in the room. The school members discuss among each other on what Hanako is truly made of.

They left the teacher's quarters and met up with Himiko who was still in the lobby area. "Hey you guys!", she screams at them to get their attention. Everyone went towards her direction and sit by the table with her. "I bought you all drinks. Hope you like it", she says to them with a smile on her face. They all drank the water which helped replenish their energy. "Phew, that was exhausting", Aoi says with her being very sleepy, prompting everyone to go back home for now. "Before you all head back. Let's exchange phone numbers!", Himiko says to all of them. They all agreed and exchanged phone numbers with her.

"So, where we hanging out tomorrow?", Himiko asked them. "I'll be working at my family's café tomorrow. So, what about you all swing by there tomorrow?", Aoi says to everyone. "Sure, that doesn't sound ba-", Sabito was cut off. "Your family owns a café?!", Himiko asked Aoi. She nods in agreement. "Is it the famous Minami Family café?", she asked her again and she nods. "Omg! Count me in. I really wanted to go there with some people and I can't believe your family owns that place", she says in excitement for tomorrow. Everyone giggled in exhausting and left the lobby to go back home.

It's the next day. Everyone is already at the meeting point except for two individuals. Aoi, who's at the café working with her family and Hanako, who is always late to most things. "Where is Hanako?", Himiko ask the two of them. "He's usually late. So, this is just the norm for us", May answered her question.

A individual is seen running towards them at high speed and slowly running out of breath is Hanako. "I'm… sorry for being… late again", he apologizes to them while looking very tired from running. "Don't worry. We already got used to this", May says to him with a straight cold looking face which left Hanako in a state of shock gasping for words to say back to her.

"Let's stop fooling around now. Let's go to the Minami Family Café", Sabito said to them all. They all agreed and went to the café. While on their way, they also did other activities due to how long it's taking them to walk there. They found a cute little bunny and took pictures with it, took more pictures at some beautiful landscape and Sabito and Hanako had to deal with a ignorant spirit user who used his powers to steal candies from kids.

After their long journey, they finally arrived at the café, where Aoi greets them in. "Welcome to the Minami Family Café. Your seat is right over there", she says to them in a cheerful tone. They all are seated and this was actually the first time Himiko and May went there and they were amazed at how amazing the café looks. It's gigantic which now makes sense why they have walkie talkies in the first place, the menu is well designed thanks to Aoi's brother, Yuuma Minami and overall the café is just a wonderful place.

"So, what took you guys so long to get here", Aoi ask them with her being very irritated with them. "Uhm, we kind of gotten side tracked and did other stuff because we were lost", May told her. Aoi sighs and gives them the menu. "Once you guys know what you wanna order let me know", she says to them as she goes back to being cheerful. "Got it and also I like the look Aoi", Himiko says to her. "Thanks. Our family café clothes are tailored to our needs so that explains the pockets I have on my blazer", she says to Himiko with joy.

"Aoi!", a voice can be heard from her walkie talkie calling out for her name. "Yes, Nii-chan?", she responds to the walkie talkie and the voice happened to be her brother's voice. "We have more customers in the bottom section", he says to her and she responds with "Got it! I'll be right there" and starts to move there. "See ya guys later!", she says to them and waves at them before she goes away. "Wait- does this café have multiple entrances?", May asked Hanako and Sabito. They both nod indicating that there are multiple entrances. "Ah- I see", she says to them.

They then decided to look at the wonderful menu and see what the café has in store for them. "Cheese Cake Brule", "Hot Cocoa with Marshmallow", "Spaghetti Carbonara with Dory Fish", "Hot Creamy Latte'" and many more delicious options that left them all with their mouths watering. Then they saw the Minami Family Special dish on the menu which is well roasted turkey slices with the Minami Family Special Sauce which only the Minami family knows the recipe for it and from what rumor has said, it's one of the most delicious thing in the world.

After browsing the menu, they all found what they want to order. Himiko press the bell on the table which alerts both Aoi and Yuuma to their location and in a comedic way, they both ended up meeting at their table. "Oh, hello there.", Yuuma introduced himself to Aoi's friend. Hanako and Sabito already knew him from their past visits of the café alongside Sabito part-time job there whenever he has free time from helping out his family at the hospital.

"So, I'll be taking your order now while Aoi can go send in the order that table #21 ordered earlier", he says to them and sends Aoi off to send in an order. "Oh, me and Hanako will have the usual of Spaghetti Carbonara with Chicken Slices and Chocolate Milkshake", Sabito says to him. "Alright! Now, what about you ladies. What do you wanna order?", he asked the girls for their order. "I'll have the Macaroni n' Cheese and Hot Cocoa, please", May tells him, her order. "I'll have you", Himiko thinks to herself as her nose slowly bleeds. "I- I'll have the Roasted Chicken with Spaghetti Carbonara and Hot Cocoa", she says to him. "Alright! That's all of your orders. Your food and drinks will arrive soon", he says to them before going away.

They all had a small talk with each other after Yuuma left their table. Discussing on the next stage of the trial and speculating on what it could be. While waiting, Himiko shows off what she could do with her technique and made a small sculpture out of kinetic sand and moving it freely without it getting destroyed. After waiting for a while, their food and drinks arrived served by Aoi. "Here's your food everyone! Enjoy", she says to them before leaving to serve another table. "Wait, our hot cocoas aren't hot", May says to her before she leaves. She signals her brother via walkie talkie to come over to their table to help re-heat the cocoa.

Yuuma arrives there in no time and grab their drinks to re-heat them up using his technique. The temperature of the cups was increased and a cute comfy cup holder was put on so that it won't burn their hands off from the heat. "Wow, so your technique allows you to re-heat cocoa?", May ask him. "Yes, but not just that, I can increase the temperature of any metallic objects", he explains his technique to them in a quick and easy way to understand it. After he finished with re-heating, he left the table to serve another table in the café.

"So, this café really is buys", Himiko asked Sabito. "Yeah, it is pretty busy. Most of the times when I do my part-time here. A lot of chaos happens for how absurd the amount of people dining here.", he says to her. They all enjoyed their foods and drinks, and May obliged that she wants to pay for them, so she grabs the receipt and goes off to pay at the café register. After paying for the food and drinks at the café register which was handled by Aoi's mum. She went back to the table to rest for a bit with the others. Then, they all got a notification on their phone.

"Final Trial will begin tomorrow!", the message reads on all their phones. "What?!", everyone says at the same time with a sudden shock thinking the break will last longer. Aoi quickly rushes towards them after just finishing with serving a table. "Did you guys also received the notification?", she asked them and they nod. "I think all of us are already prepared for the final trial", Sabito says to his team before looking at Himiko. "Himiko, what about your team? Do you guys need more training?", he asked her. "No, we already trained hard enough.", she says to him.

After resting for a bit at the café. They all left the café leaving Aoi behind because she still has more work to do at the café as she hears a ring bell on her walkie talkie and goes towards the table she's about to serve.

Tomorrow comes and all four remaining teams arrived at the lobby. Everyone is wearing their uniform and all seem to be ready for the final trial. Kuriyami and Mifuyu appears in front of them. Ready to give them the rules and how the whole thing will work out.

Hello readers.

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