
Reinotatakai | Origin Pt.1

A long time ago back in the showa era. A mysterious spiritual energy came into existence which gave those who were born in that time strange powers. The new spiritual energy was something strange to the people in that era but soon they learn to coop with it. These spiritual energy are powered by human emotions either positive or negative emotions. After a while, the spirit energy left a trace of dark energy behind and from the those trace of dark energy came the existence of absent darkness. The absent darkness gave birth to the spiritual creatures that roam the world and their goals are unknown. Some were able to fight against the darkness that are contained within them and aid the humans in battle while some are unable to control it or they allowed it to control them causing massive chaos around the world.

Some of the most well trained spirit users joined forces alongside the good spiritual creatures in the battlefield fighting against the pure evil. But some of the spirit users were corrupted by the absent darkness and became one with the evil darkness that roams the world.

A fierce battle commence which would last until now within the Reiwa era. The amount of darkness isn't as big as it was back in the day but the darkness still loams around the world seeking for new victims. Humans and Spirits live amongst each other in a world filled with spiritual energy. Little did they know that the darkness will soon grow into something bigger. In the new era arises new heroes into the spotlight to fight against the new evil of the world

Hanako was focusing in class as he usually does sitting besides his childhood friend May. They are one of the most smartest student in school even though they goof around a lot of the time. "Okay, that's it for today's class! Any questions?", the teacher said and asked the students. All of the students told their teacher that they had no question and so the teacher left the room.

"That wasn't too hard wasn't it, Hanako-kun", May asked Hanako. "It wasn't but I did have some trouble earlier in the questions", Hanako replied. They both studied for a bit more in class before leaving school and going back home. They both decided to only hold onto their bicycles whilst they walk back home instead of riding them because the both of them are too tired to ride their bicycles back home.

"So May, how's the new mask going?", Hanako asked May with a tired tone in his voice. "You mean the Tiger Mask? Yeah, it's going well, just need to fix a few things and I think I'm good to go", May replied with a calm tome. "Oh, that's nice! Can't wait to see you use that in action", Hanako replied with excitement in his eyes. "Now don't go crying when I beat your butt", May said sarcastically. "We'll see about that", Hanako replied with confidence. While they are on their way back home, they meet their friends Aoi and Sabito. "Hey you two!", Aoi said to them. They both said hey back to her. "So, the trial into getting into Supirittsuhai is coming up pretty soon", Sabito told the three of them. "So, we should probably start training for them soon. I heard that each team needs four people and I'm pretty sure we are the perfect four people team aren't we!", May said in excitment for the trial.

"Yeah, but we still need to coordinate with one another for better strategy", Hanako told May. "You strategist, you really like to strategize a lot Hanako", May replied. "Well…. Yeah I do", Hanako responded back.

After talking to each other about the upcoming trials, they said their last words to one another before they all separate from one another to go back to their houses.

"I'm home!", Hanako said to his mum. "Welcome home Sweetie. How was school today", his mum asked. "Had some trouble with a few math questions in the last class but was able to solve them with no problem after I figured it out on how to solve them", Hanako replied. "Well that's wonderful! I heard the trial is coming up in the upcoming months. Are you and your friends ready for it?", his mum asked. "Yeah, the four of us still need to train a lot more before it but I think we can all do it and get into the school", Hanako replied. "Well I wish you the best of luck", his mum said with a very proud tone.

Hanako and his mum spend the rest of the day cleaning up their house, eating dinner, washing dishes and watching tv before going to bed. Before going to bed, Hanako decided to use one of his new skills that he had secretly practised for awhile now. "Time to do this.", he mummer to himself.

He then channelled his spiritual energy into releasing bits of his blood from his body. With enough blood that he was able to pull out, he successfully made a sword out of his blood and he was able to keep it in form. Hanako was in shocked that he was finally able to master this skill. "Finally! It only took me like half a year to do this but it turned out pretty well not gonna lie.", he mummer to himself. Then he tried swinging around when he later noticed that he doesn't really have a good grasp of wielding the sword in the first place. He then decided to restore the blood sword back into him before heading off to bed.

The next morning… After Hanako finished taking a shower, eating breakfast and saying goodbye to his mum. He set out to the School Field that is located in Aoi and Sabito's School.

"We've been waiting y'know.", Aoi said to him. "Well, I did doze off a bit. So, my bad for coming late.", Hanako replied. "It's fine, at least you've arrived here safe and sound.", Sabito said to him. "Well guess it's time for the training for the trial. Let's do our best everyone!", Sabito gave a motivational speech to his friends. Everyone was excited for the training to begin…

Hope you all enjoy this story! ^^

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