
Reinkarnasi Sang Iblis

Romansa Fantasi
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What is Reinkarnasi Sang Iblis


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Trying to find meaning after reincarnation

I have been deeply hurt, I can not stand it any longer and want to end my life, but before me, lies a very majestic cat that is just sitting there staring at me as if it could see through all my sorrows and hurt that I have been through. Before I could sway the cat to come to me so I could pet it and give it some food, truck-kun seemed to have other ideas and sends me underneath the truck tires, having my legs and arms turn in ways not humanely possible and blood drenched all over me and the floor with some guts out and about as I gasp for air and try to breath and not lose consciousness, time seemed to stop as the cat slowly made its way toward me, as I gasp, blood rushing to my throat to be spat out trying to tell the cat that it is not safe but come as I am losing myself. As my life flashes by me, and I try to think how else could I have lived my life differently if the circumstances were different and if I had done things differently, Could I have also enjoyed my life? could I have been happy and be able to push through it without medication to stabilize my mood and other such thoughts? I am unsure how I should have lived As I am thinking about all of that, this beautiful cat just comes up to me and rubs me....I....I...I don't think I deserve this type of love and affection, I am unsure what I could've done to receive such things from such a outrageously cute cat, the cat although has a very nice vibrant colors on its fur that have never been seen before and stary eyes, I wasn't scared, but rather relaxed, unafraid of my impending death and as my eyes were closing while enjoying this joyous moment, a voice could be heard. "Would you want a second chance in life again if you could redo it all?" Although I couldn't speak, I tried my best, but with all the blood gushing out, it sounded like gurgling instead, "If I could restart with something to aid me in my life.....I would." I said to the voice

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The Retro: Art and Death

Arabella El-Gauri, seorang dosen kriminologi muda. Tidak banyak yang mengetahui bahwa Bella adalah pengidap hyperthymesia, atau Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). Bella tidak dapat melupakan apapun yang terlanjur diingat otaknya, bahkan memori terburuk sekalipun.   Suatu hari, Bella mengalami kecelakaan yang membuatnya dapat mengetahui apa yang terjadi di masa depan dan masa lalu tanpa direncanakan. Kecelakaan itu juga yang mempertemukannya dengan Tristan Emilio Fariq, seorang Polisi dan Kapten Detektif yang ditugaskan untuk mengusut kasus pembunuhan berantai yang dijuluki ‘The Retro’. Singkat cerita, Tristan dan Bella lantas menikah, ditengah berjalannya investigasi kasus tersebut. 'The Retro', pembunuh berdarah tanpa satu mikroliter jejak darah. Seni klasik. Menjadi ciri khasnya. Lalu siapa, apa, dan bagaimana 'The Retro' bekerja?   Diluar dugaan, Bella Rupanya mampu melihat perlahan-lahan, samar-samar, siapa pelaku pembunuhan sadis itu dalam mimpi dan penglihatannya. Kemampuan ingatan superior menjadikan itu semakin nyata. Mampukah Tristan dan timnya mengungkap siapa 'The Retro'? Unlock the answer by read this story! ------ Hello, Readers! Selamat datang di novel ketiga Aleyshia Wein. Genre untuk novel kali ini adalah Crime, Mystery, dan Romance dengan sedikit unsur Sci-Fi. Seperti biasa, gaya bahasa cenderung teknis, dan istilah-istilah asing terkait kriminologi, seni, hukum, dan politik akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Harap bijak dalam membaca, karena akan mengandung unsur-unsur kekerasan dan 'inspirasi kreativitas' dalam menghilangkan nyawa seseorang dan penggunaan senyawa-senyawa kimia berbahaya. Disclaimer: Cerita ini hanya fiktif, tidak mencerminkan situasi, protokol, dan sistem sesungguhnya dari instansi yang diangkat. Penulis menggunakan nalar dan membentuk sistem sendiri untuk novel ini. Novel ini sangat TIDAK disarankan bagi pembaca dibawah 17 tahun. Semoga dapat menikmati alur kriminal dan romansa dalam novel ini. Jika berkenan, dapat memberikan masukan dan review untuk peningkatan kualitas penulisan kedepan. Regards, Aleyshia Wein

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