
Chapter 7

Going up the stairs and opening the door, Alex and Bella went into the house and immediately noticed laughter and the noise of the TV in the living room.

Getting there, they could see 3 people sitting on the couch, Charlie was on the left side of the couch, and in the middle sat a young teen of about 17 to 19 years old, and on the right side stood someone of about Charlie's age with long black hair and indigenous American looks.

"Ah, you're back from school already?" asked Charlie

"Yeah, we're back Dad" replied Alex while looking at the two guests

"Long time no see Jacob!" said Alex with an enthusiastic look

"Alex, been a long time man, how have you been" replied Jacob as he got up and gave Alex a brotherly hug

"Seems like I lost the bet eh Charlie" replied Billy Black

"Sure did Billy, I told you that they would remember" replied Charlie

"You bet on if I knew my best childhood friend? not that good of a bet from you Billy" said Alex with a smile

"Hahaha guess you're right," said Billy

Alex went to him after finishing his hug with Jacob and decided to give Billy one too.

'From the memories that I have of this body, Billy seems to have taken the position of an Uncle for the Alex of this world, though most of the feelings of love for the family have transferred over to my consciousness after I took over, that doesn't seem to be the case for those outside my blood-related family, since I have no feelings for Billy but I should act the part and its always a boon to have shifters as your allies'

"We're watching a game of baseball wanna join us," Asked Charlie

"Sure ill join you guys," said Alex as he took a chair and set it next to the couch

"I'll be going upstairs, got homework" replied Bella as she went upstairs

Alex turned to Billy and Jacob after she disappeared from view

"She's just a bit shy and while I remember I truly doubt she remembers much of you guys," Alex said

"It is alright Alex, it's normal to forget after all these years, what has it been now 6 or 7?" said Billy

"What, already calling me weird for remembering?" said Alex with a crooked smile.

Laughing at each other, they all turned towards the old 1990s TV and watched the game.

After the game ended, Jacob and Billy decided to give their goodbyes as they went back to the reservation.

Alex also made an excuse and went to his room

Closing his bedroom door and locking it

Alex then went to his bedside drawer and pulled out a notebook

He had decided to write about every important plot point as well as a character so that he wouldn't forget on the off chance but ever since becoming a vampire, he had noticed that his memory had drastically improved but that is only for the memories that he made while being a vampire and all of his human memories were still normal which meant that he could forget them, thus he created the journal.

Staying up until he finally finished writing all that he remembered about the movies since he had never read the Twilight books cost him quite a few hours

When he had finished it was already 3 am, deciding to call it a day, Alex changed into his pajamas and slept.

The next week wasn't anything interesting with both Alex and Bella going to school and coming back home

Edward and Edythe still had not come back from their 'Vacation' either, so Bella was still freaking out if anyone said anything about the smell around her, even if someone said the food smelled good, she would first smell herself.

Alex had now become quite good friends with Alice and Emmet but a barrier could still be noticed between them.

On Monday of the next week, things took a turn

Edward and Edythe had returned

Waking up from a light sleep as that was the only thing that he could get nowadays as sleep wasn't even needed for a vampire like him

Alex cleaned and dressed for school

Looking at himself in the mirror though surprised Alex, while he had noticed what was happening a few days ago, this was the first day that he could say truly that he was changing

He was becoming more Beautiful, and that's not Handsome

His face which before his transformation looked like a sculpted Greek god had now started to become more androgynous.

While he could most definitely say that he didn't look as manly as he did before that didn't mean that he looked worse, no he was most definitely better looking and he was not turning into a woman, he knew that much for sure as well since while his muscles had decreased in size, they had simply become much more compact and lean thus making his muscles looking even more impressive.

'That damned god, and my cursed mouth, why did I have to ask to become more beautiful' Thought Alex

Going downstairs Alex ate breakfast with Charlie and Bella and then together with her went to school

Arriving at the parking lot before the school building, Alex and Bella got out of the car.

Bella decided to leave him behind immediately as she went to her friends

looking around Alex took notice of the silver Volvo as well as a Jeep on the far left side of the parking lot.

seeing Emmet waving at him, Alex started heading toward him

Arriving before the Volvo, Alex could see the whole Cullen Family excluding Carlisle and Esme

"Yo Emmet, Alice, good morning," said Alex

"Good morning Alex" replied Alice

"Hey Alex, what's up buddy" replied Emmet with his booming voice

"Hey Alex, been a while"



End of Chapter 7