
Reincarnator vs. Devil God

This story is about a time traveler on Frascoia Continent. Just like a typical time traveler or reincarnator who obtains a second chance, this protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to make things favorable for himself. He experiences many lucky events and even the favor of many beauties. However, the protagonist has no idea that his great providence accidentally clashes him with a terrifying Demon God. Moreover, his time travel seemed to have a direct relation with this Devil God. Read this story to find out! ~~ A/N: Heya everyone, I hope you all like the novel and support it. Please leave a good review for the novel. Thank you.

Evil_Dragon · Eastern
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56 Chs

Meeting Tao Lihua

During this time, Long Chen and Ren Yue primarily focused on cultivation.

Actually, Long Chen talked to some of his old friends in school. He studied at Oak Ridge Institute.

The schools like Oak Ridge Institute were focused on developing scholars, researchers, strategists, professors, and academicians.

It would be incredibly beneficial for Ren Yue if a few people in the administration were her own people.

Fortunately, poaching these people was extremely easy. They all loved money and power.

Long Chen didn't mention Ren Yue's faction. He just talked vaguely and asked them that if they supported him, he would make their lives better.

Just to show an example, Long Chen decided to show off a bit and invited them to the most expensive pub in Suqui Town.

He also displayed his martial arts a bit.

His sharp juniors didn't miss it and immediately asked him.

"How did you become a warrior?" One of them instantly asked. This was a matter of enormous importance.

No cultivation technique was available to the public. And Long Chen possessed the same or even worse background than them, so how could he cultivate?

Long Chen smiled mysteriously and responded, "My master is too kind. He doesn't mistreat his subordinates. So, make the right choice when the time comes."

This was all Long Chen had to do to ensure that most of his juniors would support him even when they had decent administrative jobs.

Naturally, no matter how high their job was, they still wouldn't acquire a cultivation technique from the Zhongxing Kingdom.

Thus, Long Chen's plan was nearly guaranteed to work.

As this week came to an end, Tao Peizhi's daughter Tao Lihua entered Suqui Town to meet Ren Yue.

Ren Yue summoned her to the meeting hall in her mansion.

Tao Lihua appeared in the meeting hall and saw Ren Yue and another handsome youth sitting next to her.

Tao Lihua immediately greeted Ren Yue respectfully while gazing at the youth with a complicated expression.

Noticing Tao Lihua's look of confusion, Long Chen introduced himself, "I am Long Chen. I am Miss Ren's aide."

"Greetings, Sir Long," She spoke respectfully.

Ren Yue couldn't help but carefully study Tao Lihua. It had been nearly six years since she last met her, and Tao Lihua had changed tremendously since then.

Tao Lihua had turned into a beauty from the short and petite girl.

Her fair skin seemed to be glistering as the light fell over her. Her big round hazel eyes curiously gazed in Ren Yue's direction.

Her mid-back length hair, black color, seemed to be kept in a straight haircut.

Her chest and the suppleness of her hips left a bit to be desired as they were merely average. There were bruises on her arms and legs, but it only showed that she had greatly struggled in the Storm Desert Sect.

And at this moment, Tao Lihua is wearing a white dress that complements her black hair and fair skin.

All in all, she had turned into a beauty capable of stealing the hearts of men.

"You have grown into a beauty, Lihua," There was no hint of jealousy in Ren Yue's words. She was genuinely praising her.

"And I think you have also grown more beautiful, young lady," Tao Lihua sincerely responded.

Ren Yue was slightly proud to hear her praise. She even glanced at Long Chen through the corner of her eyes to see his reaction; unfortunately, he had a stoic look.

Long Chen inquired curiously, "Where is the Dark Thyme? I can't see it with you."

Tao Lihua proudly displayed a ruby-colored ring on her middle finger.

"You possess a Spatial Ring?!" Ren Yue and Long Chen were utterly astonished.

Ren Yue gazed at Tao Lihua a bit cautiously and wondered if she had formed contact with another faction. If so, she had to choose someone else.

"How did you come into possession of a Spatial Ring?" Long Chen asked.

Tao Lihua proudly responded, "I won it in a bet. This bet was against a sect disciple whose master happened to be a rival of my master's. So, Elder Ke arrived to oversee this bet. When I won, he forced that guy to give up his Spatial Ring."

"…I see. That's understandable," Ren Yue spoke. She was relieved to hear this explanation.

Long Chen's eyes narrowed slightly as he asked, "From whom did you win this Spatial Ring?"

With a hesitant look on her face, Ren Yue responded, "His name is Hu Junyi. He is a member of the Scarlet Rebels in the outer sect. He, along with his comrades, was troubling my friends, so I had no choice but to stand up for them."

"I see," Long Chen spoke. He then added, "Please release the Dark Thyme."

"Sure. I found sevens plants in that place," Tao Lihua spoke as her ruby-colored ring shone and seven identical plants with dark leaves and blue stems appeared.

Long Chen carefully inspected each of these plants and finally nodded, "Alright. They are in good health."

A brief silence spread in the meeting room.

Ren Yue broke this silence as she spoke solemnly, "…Lihua, I summoned you to inform you that I require your assistance."

"What is it, young lady? I will help you in any way I can!" Tao Lihua spoke sincerely. Ren Yue had always treated her kindly. Only because of her favor could Tao Lihua enter the Storm Desert Sect and learn cultivation techniques.

"Six years ago, the Jin Family exterminated nearly my entire family. I survived by luck and am determined to make them pay for that. I need you to create a powerful gang for me in the Storm Desert Sect to fight the Jin Family," Ren Yue spoke seriously.

With a sour smile, Tao Lihua responded, "Young lady, it's not that I don't want to, but my abilities are limited. I don't possess the strength or experience to control a large group. Moreover, my master or other elders might restrict us and prevent my group from joining your battle against the Jin Family."

Ren Yue knew what Tao Lihua wanted to say and reassured her, "You don't need to worry about the complicated details. I will support you. I will train you and even make you much stronger."

Tao Lihua was shocked to hear this statement. She didn't expect Ren Yue to be so determined regarding this issue.

"What I want to know is whether you are determined to grow stronger or not. Will you help me defeat the Jin Family or not?!" Ren Yue asked with her voice full of emotion.

Tao Lihua didn't exactly understand how much she could help Ren Yue, but she responded solemnly, "I will do my best to help you, young lady!"

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear," Ren Yue spoke with a smile.

Long Chen suddenly spoke, "What is your element, Miss Tao?"

Tao Lihua was startled to hear this question, but she replied quickly, "Water."

"I see. I have a few battle techniques for you. Study them and attain mastery in them, and your battle power will improve drastically," Long Chen spoke seriously.

"Thank you for your kind intentions, Sir Long," Even though Tao Lihua spoke respectfully, she didn't actually believe that Long Chen would give her good techniques.

It had to be known that the Storm Desert Sect was one of the best sects in this territory. How could Long Chen possess a technique on par with those in the Storm Desert Sect?

However, she has to give face to him and respond politely since Long Chen is Ren Yue's aide.

Long Chen could read her face easily and realized that she looked down on his techniques. From Tao Lihua's perspective, it was only natural, so Long Chen didn't blame her.

"Miss Ren, I wish to have a spar with Miss Tao," Long Chen spoke.

Ren Yue was actually startled to hear this request.

However, as she fell into deep thought, Ren Yue realized that this matter was a bit complicated. On the one hand, she wished to see Long Chen fight; on the other hand, she was scared that his pride would be hurt if he lost to Tao Lihua.

Noticing the complicated look on Ren Yue's face, Long Chen gently gazes at her and speaks, "Trust me on this."

Instinctively, Ren Yue responded, "Alright. But you must stop before heavily injuring each other."

Tao Lihua thought that Ren Yue was talking to her and spoke, "As you command, young lady."