

Marlon was taking a bath and shaving his hairy legs when suddenly the furniture starts shaking uncontrollably so Marlon wraps in a towel and rushes out. As he reaches outdoors he recognized the sun got brighter and birds started to fall showing that their bodies were burnt to crisp. Marlon gets startled by this and ran back inside without hays and puts on clothing that covers his skin. While doing so he receives a call from the nursing home where his mother is in that she was badly injured. He rushes there and finds his mother's skin sun burnt and finds other elders around with the same condition. It was then broadcast on television that the suns radioactive rays have become hotter and reaches the earth faster than normal. Marlon and the rest of the nursing home hear this and one of them decided to paint all the windows black. Marion advises him not to and tries to stop him but he insists and only shoves him off. Minutes later they started burning and roasting. He covers his mom with a blanket and rushes out of there and enters the car. Marlon tries to drive away as far as possible look. He calls his mom's name and she does not respond, so he looks if she's alright taking his eyes off the road. He feels that she has no pulse and later got into an accident. However, Marlon survived it and crawls out of the car leaving his mom and it blasts out in flames as he walks away. Marlon takes cover and watches as buildings collapses. He remembers his coworker and decides to find her, in his arrival he saw that she's trap in the facility and injured he tried to run in but stranger grabs him and pull him out of the building and it stumbles down on Gillette he turns around and screams in agony. Marlon was then dragged by a stranger and they enters a car. He got wired it and drives off as people are in the road running because of the destruction the strangers not seems to care worrying only about his safety, as he drove over people killing them in the process. They quickly drove to the Animation Development Department as they manage to tackle the burning cars in the road. As the stranger rush Marlon to the entrance he told Marlon to go so he can be reincarnated, Marlon wanted to ask how did he know about it, but the stranger ran off and got hit by a falling light post and was electrocuted. Marlon screams at the sight and runs inside the facility to escape the swinging electric wire. As he ran into the hallway he tries to find professor Azzrope but nobody's in sight. He then rushes to find the room in which they spoke, about the machine to survive the destruction. He find the room but had to finds another way around as the walls collapse in front of it. He successfully lifts himself to go up a vent and then crawls through it and into the room. He lift up some lab lockers and find Ednard lying dead under it. He then attempts to find the machine but gives up in the process as he is tired. Marlon was stuck in the building for days and didn't slept causing him to hallucinate, he slowly opens his eyes and glimpses a dead cat and headed towards it. Because of hunger Marlon devours the dead cat despite its smell. He regains some strength and finds some papers plotted together with the layout of the machine and how it works. He successfully turns it on and enters the portal leaving the world behind to start a new life.

As Marlon was reincarnated into Ednyryth and he blacks out in the process. As he woke up he felt light-headed he looks around and saw that he was in Ednyryth. It was a dark world and didn't have much vegetation and it is mostly covered by dust and rocks. As he lifts himself to stand he realizes that he has more limbs and was heavier than usual, he tries to walk finding himself to be clumsy and he hit his head across a rock. He didn't pass out but rather felt little pain prompting him to find how he looks. He finds a waterfall and rushes towards it. Marion looks at the surface and finds himself not to be human but rather thicker skin cold blooded white dragon. He saw a flying object approaching him, Marlon decide to ask questions but as it get closer he became a coward and tries to hide. It catches up to him and pins him on the ground. With his claws in his face Marlon observes it.

Dear sir, ma'am, creature, pacifier, you're body features are magnificent, can I have your daily routine.?

Marlon slowly moves himself from under his claws and walks around him.

Give me a hint on what you did to… to achieve such goals. What are you?

The creature rather looks at him with no sense of what he's saying but rather swoops him up by his neck into the air and drops him in the water. Marlon panics as he hits the water surface because swimming was not something he has done in his past life not have he yet practiced in this one. He looks at the depths of the water and forcefully tries to swim as it is deep. Instead of drowning, he appears under a realm that seems to be upside down on the other side. Marlon quickly catches his breath and observes that it's enclosed by a wall. Marlon walks further into the darkness as it sucks him in but he soon adjusts as he can see the path. He hears loud roaring and runs towards it. He hid behind a rock and finds creatures with the same similarities that he has. Marlon drew himself closer when every beast stop to look at him. He stood there surrounded as they closely observe him.

"Another one hits the jackpot. I am Gardnore, welcome home to Ednyryth family. Here is where youll spend rest of eternity and make yourself a better beast. There will be no curruption, no world war, no politics, no racism, just adapt and fight for evolution."

Gardnore was the most evolutionized beast of the dragon specie.

"Ok then, this seems like a party what's for dinner?"

"All you can eat buffet. We feed on each other to survive."

"But…but that's animyou'lluse!"

Laughs, what's your name kid?"

"My name is Marlon and I'm a grown man, Sir."

You're not here to serve anyone or become a slave to this new world. You're here to manifest yourself and become. You're here to earn respect and prosperity, let them now down to you at the upcoming of your presence. Let them be afraid when they look into your eyes knows that they meet death. Become the wildest and monstrous beast you can ever be!"

"Gardnore sorry to interrupt but how did he find in here ."

"Oh, I met a friend, not very delicate but antisocial I must say. He wanted to teach me how to swim, very kind gentleman."

Feeling hopeless about everything that occurred the day before as it flashes through his head, Marlon proceeds to play his favourite song, My heart will go on by Celine Dion as he vibes to the song he takes a bath and shaves his hairy legs to get things off his mind. The furniture then starts shaking uncontrollably so Marlon wraps in a towel and rushes out. As he reaches outdoors he recognized the sun got brighter and birds started to fall showing that their bodies were burnt to crisp. Marlon gets startled by this and ran back inside without hays and puts on clothing that would cover his skin. While doing so he receives a call from the nursing home where his mother stays and they told him that she was badly injured. He rushes there and finds his mother in a severe condition as her skin was burnt. The nurses told him that she was outside relaxing and playing dominoes with the other elders when the started screaming and they all have the same condition. It was then broadcast on television and this catches there attention that the suns radioactive rays have become hotter and reaches the earth faster than normal. If this continues this will kill plants and their will be no source of oxygen leading to death of all life on earth. They all start to panic and a elderly man convinces them to paint all the windows black as this prevents sunlight from entering. Marlon advises him not to and tries to stop him but he insists and only shoves him off. Minutes later they started burning as heat comes down on them, Marlon rushes to his mother and covers her with a blanket and rushes out. A nurse follows behind them and struggles to keep up. Marlon enters his car with his mother leaving the nurse outside. A car exploded a few miles always and she got split in half by the flying car tire. Marlon drives away as far as possible and as he drives he calls his mom's name but did not get a response. He checks on her taking his eyes off the road. He feels that she has no pulse and later got into an accident. However, Marlon survived it and crawls out of the car leaving his mom and it blasts out in flames as he walks away. Marlon takes cover and watches as buildings collapses. He remembers his co-worker as she brings him comfort being around her although the world us ending he decides to find her. At his arrival at the facility where he works he saw that she's trapped and injured as equipment fell on her. He tries to remove them without hurting her even more in the process. However, the building starts collapsing and other equipment fall on top the one in which Gillette was under crushing her completely. A stranger appears and pulls Marlon out of the building. Struggling to get from the stranger to save her, the building collapses down on Gillette and Marlon screams in agony as he just lost the love of his life. Marlon was then dragged by a stranger into a car. The stranger was in a black hoodie with half of his face burnt which makes it hard to recognise his identify. He drives off despite people in the road running because of the destruction taking place. The stranger does not seem to care as he manages to tackle burning cars in the road and driving over people killing them in the process. They quickly arrive at the Animation Development Department. The stranger rushes Marlon out of the car and to the entrance of the building, he told Marlon to go so he can be reincarnated in the new world. Marlon shocked and wanted to ask how did he knew about it but the stranger ran off and later got slapped by a naked wire from a fallen light post and was electrocuted. Marlon vomits as he can smell his body roasting and runs inside to escape the sight and further danger. As he ran into the hallway, he tries to find professor Azzrope and Edward but nobody's in sight. He then rushes to find the room in which they spoke about the new earth. In a hurry Marlon proceeds to take the elevator but it got jammed half way up. It finally starts moving again and he felt relieved as he finds the room. Upon entering the wall collapses in front of it. He successfully finds a vent and lifts himself up and then crawls through and into the room. He lands on some lab lockers and blood splashes, he lifts them up only to find professor Edwin lying dead underneath. He then attempts to find the machine but gives up in the process as he is tired, he then began to hallucinate. As he open his eyes he glimpses a dead cat under the piles of collapsed walls and walks towards it. He digs him up and devours it despite its smell. Marlon regains strength and finds papers plotted together with the layout of the machine and how it works. He successfully finds the machine and on its surface the name Ednyryth was carved on it. Marlon enters the portal leaving the destructed world behind to start a new life. He blacks out in the process.

Marlon regains consciousness and wakes up, he felt light-headed as he around and saw that his surroundings have changed. Ednyryth, a new man-made world where darkness filled each corner and the sky was filled with planets which can be seen closely and they gives off . There was no plant life in sight and it is mostly covered by lifeless dust and rocks. Everything was at a standstill. As Marlon lifts himself to stand he realizes that he has more limbs and was heavier than usual, he tries to walk but instead finding himself to be clumsy as he hit his head across a rock. He wanted find out what was he and heard something in the distance. He finds a waterfall and rushes towards it. Marlon looks at the surface and finds himself not to be human but rather thick skinned white dragon. His eyes pale and can see from a like away and his black heart transparent through his thick skin as it moves in his chest.

He adjust his eyes on a flying object approaching behind him and as it get closer the creature aimed at Marlon's chest. He became frightened and tackled the creature. Marlon pins it to the ground and closely observes it.

"What the hell are you?, your body features are indeed magnificent. Give me a hint on what you did to achieve such goals?"

Marlon slowly lifts the creature from under his claws and walks around him.

The creature rather looks at him with no sense of what he's saying but rather swoops him up by his neck into the air and drops him in the water. Marlon panics as he hits the water surface because swimming was not something he has done in his past life nor have yet practiced in this one. He looks sinks in the depths of the water and forcefully tries to swim, instead of drowning he appears under a realm. It seems to be upside down on the other side and he appears the right way up as he drops in. Marlon quickly catches his breath and saw that it was enclosed by a wall. He walks further in and the darkness swallowed him but he can still see the path. He hears loud roaring and explore what it is. He hid behind a rock and finds creatures with the same similarities that he has. Marlon drew himself closer and the beasts stop to look at him. He was surrounded by them as they closely observe him. They part ways as one of the biggest creatures approaches Marlon and breathe heavily causing Marlon to shiver. The beast talks to Marlon in a serious tone.

"Another one hits the jackpot. I am Gardnore, I am the most evolve species of my kind, welcome to Ednyryth. Here is where you'll spend rest of eternity and make yourself a best beast you can be. In this world there is no corruption, no world war, no politics and no racism, only to adapt for evolution."

"Ok then, this seems like a welcome party or a feast, what's for dinner?"

" Do you see any candles, balloons, confetti and smiles on our monstrous face kid!?" or should I say all you can eat buffete."

"My name is Marlon and I'm a grown man, Sir."

"Have you see yourself you're feeble Marlon, nothing to stop those bones from breaking and cruel heartless vast from ripping your heart from your chest. However, you're not here to serve anyone or become a slave. Rather you're here to manifest yourself and become known, you're here to earn respect and prosperity, let them bow down to you as you remove the head of their masters and at the upcoming of your presence. Let them be afraid when they look into your eyes and know that they have meet death. Become the wildest and monstrous beast you can ever be, Marlon!"

"Gardnore sorry to interrupt but how did he find here ."

"Good question smith."

"Oh, I met a friend, not very delicate but antisocial I must say. He wanted to teach me how to swim, very kind gentleman." He I mean she I mean the creature_

"The creature that you saw was a reptilian, they always leark around these corners that's why we stay under this realm to avoid them. That creature is a garglore, there nothing but pacifiers who craves blood, they show no mercy as they don't have a soul and creatures of that kind should not be dealt with by a weakling like you, at least not yet. But I find it interesting that you had escaped one."

We are categorized based on our strength and spread throughout this world. Sorry to burst your bubble Marlon but we are the weakest of all the creatures. Although we evolve from time to time we still are not strong enough to match the rest."

"How long have you been here, how long have all of you been here?"

"Hard to say as the day is the same as the night, some of us have been stuck here for a long time and some of us are not that long. As we evolve, we clone species and they inherit the same instincts and characteristics that we have. Gargoyles tend to clone the fastest as they adapt quicker than the rest of us. We avoid them as we cannot escape nor our clone because they quickly die because of the weak traits."

"So you're telling me you rather spend all of eternity here and play dance fight with each other, for what now?. All of you need to open up more and explore this world, I mean what's the worse that could happen."

"Marlon, have you heard anything that I just said!? I saw others like you Marlon ripped to shreds like they were nothing so I'm telling you you're not half prepared for the monstrosity out these walls!"

"He's right though. I mean how long are we going to hide here?. We need to be able to stand up for ourselves and defeat them. We all know the gargoyles are not the worst we came upon."

Nuggets don't you dare turn a blind eye!"

You are always telling us what's out there what they can do and I know you're damn scared as hell!, practice what you preach Gardnore. I'm going out there with Marlon, see you all in hell."

They both leave the realm and decided to learn more about each other.

"You know Marlon, I'm scared as hell but I got to do what I have to do. I had to drop out of school because my momma couldn't afford it so I learned from the streets. I Sold drugs to make a living and you know that cops are going to be on our backs, hatred is going to be against us , and through all of that, I got an opportunity from those two white men so I took it. Let's say I was trying to break the family curse so I was desperate for anything that came by. They offered me an opportunity of a lifetime so I could finally make momma happy. I came here otherwise and I left her behind and living my worst life, again. I should have stayed with her, probably would be better off.

"I'm sorry to hear that man, I wasn't rich either, I grow up in two homes as I was moving back and forth between parents. My father wasn't there for both of us and I was trying to be the best for my mother and live the life that we both wanted. I saw the same opportunity for me to be the best animator or one of the best but instead I left a lot behind. Just say I didn't get the chance to choose what I chose to do, However, we still have life as we know it."

"For real. Alright then, so let me teach you how to use these bad boys."

"Bad boys, I have two, damn!?"

"No Marlon wings, wings Marlon."

"Oh wings. Ok let's get on with it then."

Nuggets climbed at the top of a high rock and Marlon stays on ground and watches him. He then demonstrates on how to fly pand Marlon catches on and manages to lift himself off the ground. Reaching nuggets on the top of the cliff they laugh together as Marlon is happy about mastering one of his skills. Enjoying the moment a gargoyle swoops up behind them and avoid being seen he then ripped nuggets head off his shoulder. This causes Marlon to fall off the cliff after seeing this and nuggets lifeless body falls on top of him. Marlon uses the body as a shield and jumps back into the realm. He calls out for the others while dragging the body and rolling the decapitated head with him.

"Don't bring him any further leave him to rot there is nothing you can do to bring him back. You were supposed to defend him at all cost because he went out there for you!"

"He went out there for himself and I didn't saw it coming and if I did I could have done something. I never wanted any company, so sorry I couldn't have saved a life!"

"Well you should have died long with him if you were not able to. This is the world we live in and we are here to stay as long as we can and not to live like pests. We can hide if we want to because we have to survive!"

"All of you are cowards, you all know what's out there and what is going to happen next so you chose to stay under here, lock yourselves up and throw away the key. Not even one of you could take his place if you had the chance because I can see the fear in all your eyes!"

"He did what he had to, he's not a hero Marlon, none of us are here to play that role."

"I got to know him more than all of you ever did. I know damn well some of you were doctors, teachers, lawyers, and all of those shit. A lot of you abused drugs, perform illegal activities and took a path in your life that makes you feel distant. All of us had different ambitions, we all wanted change and to be that change we took risks and sacrifices were made. I hated where life has taken me, I hated my job and I had sleepless nights so one day I can finally have the dream life. I had to wipe my ass because I understand that not everybody gets what they want!."

"Every one of us had to wipe our ass and we still wipe other asses, Marlon. The rich and the famous, they died back on earth so we must use our failures, our anger, our fear, and our resentment to be something good!."

Rome wasn't built in one day. We all need help to resolve mistakes because when we don't see our mistakes we continue to make that mistake. Some people scold us for it and some help us fix it. I want to be a change, so I'm going out there to be something great."

"Good luck kid, you have to go and fight your way through. Gargoyles are the least of your problems.

"Luck did not bring me this far. All of you should do the same and get out of your comfort zone and get out there. I shouldn't be the one to fight alone."

"No beasts in here in stopping you unless they want to be the fool and end up like nuggets I suppose. Any volunteers?"

Marlon turns his back and leaves the realm and as he reaches the surface he closely observes the sky and then carefully finds a place to hide. He came upon a cave and decided to stay there. He spent a long time there reminiscing about his life on earth.

Marlon heard growling in the distance and tries his best not to fear what may come his way. A beast stops at the entrance of the cave and launches at Marlon making him trapped in the cave. The beast has the body of a cheetah and the tail of a scorpion. His bones are visible as they are imprinted on his thin hairless skin. The creature bashes Marlon's head on the walls of the cave and tortures him and licks the blood off his face. Thinking that Marlon's dead it sniffs his body and drawls over him and as the creature turns his back Marlon attacks the beast by grabbing onto his tail biting it off and launching it in its back defeating it. After overpowering the creature its blood soaks in the dirt and Marlon leaves the cave. Marlon flew away after realizing that he had become bigger and he felt stronger and he can now breathe fire. This excited him and he soars in the air this alerts multiple beasts and they attack him in mid-air and Marlon bravely fights back. He burns some of the gargoyles in his flames and he battles the rest one by one by throwing them out of the sky and impaling them on pointed rocks. After battling the creatures to death he tries to find another cave to rest upon days of searching he came upon one and explores deep into the cave. As he walks in he came upon a glowing blue light and he follows the light to witness what it is. The creature could not be seen with the naked eye as it was covered by the glowing light. It senses Marlon's presence and calls his name.

"What are you?"

I am the source and the holder of all souls that has walked on this earth. I know all destiny that will strike upon this earth, I restore balance and watch over souls and lost spirits like nuggets."

"Can you bring him back and how do I stop others from dying."

They can't escape their fate Marlon although the future is not quite written as every beasts action determines their fate. Play your game carefully Marlon for every beasts here will have to face their own mistakes as silence and destruction will strike upon Ednyryth. Some of you set each others fate, so you have to decide Marlon for you have to make a way as souls will depend on you as they want change. No beast here can escape destiny as I cannot play with the balance of life for I am just the spirit of Ednyryth. Do what you must.

The spirit disappeared and Marlon left in disappointment. As he exits the cave the glowing light disappears. He flies off and hide himself behind a rock to avoid contact from others. Marlon walks for a long time and prohibits himself from flying to avoid being seen. He came across a white mountain and draws himself closer. As he gets closer and cold wind brushes against his pale skin and he sees snow falling from the skies. Due to fatigue he collapses and was buried in the snow as it falls. He was found and dragged by an unknown creature and brought into a rocky have. He then regain consciousness but didn't move as his body is weak.

Don't move a muscle, you are still weak your muscles are bruised but they will heal your evolving. You're the first of your kind I see this strong and came this far. You're chosen young one. What's your name?"

Marlon dear sir, thank you for your sympathy.

It wasn't sympathy it's because I do believe that you will be known as the king of Ednyryth, the most evolved beast that ever walketh on this world. I believe you can beat Azznarath; the dragonacobra.