
I Did Not Know That Reincarnation Had So Many Possibilities.

I woke up screaming in pain and terror for a few short seconds. a few seconds later I noticed that I was not dead. when I looked to see what was next to my body I noticed that I was not in my wheelchair anymore and was able to move around just like any normal person.

a Rush of excitement and relief came from me because I was finally able to walk and it felt so freeing. when I took my first two steps I fell on the floor but I kept trying to do it for quite some time until I had completely mastered the ability to walk. I truly did not care how this happened but the fact that it did made me excited as well as scared at the same time.

the area that I was in was a circular silver platform within a white dome.

"hello Jack welcome to Reincarnation Chamber Number Twelve. you have been chosen as a candidate that is allowed to be reincarnated as a species, class, and specialization of your choosing."

"what; what was that!" I yelled out of panic as I heard the random voice say what it said. "who is there?"

"hi I am a reincarnation artificial intelligence. my purpose for living is to find a candidate who is worthy of going through The Reincarnation Protocol and do whatever I can to assist them in the setup of the reincarnation. then after The reincarnation is complete I am to be your artificial intelligence assistant that makes whatever your dreams in this new world will be as close to a reality as possible".

"wait you are telling me that I will get whatever my true wishes are in life granted and that is the reason you exist" I said out of surprise and shock to the AI voice.

"yes and I have chosen you as the person that I will be supporting for the new life that you will be having."

"why exactly did you end up choosing me over all of the other people that you could have chosen?"I asked as I began to rub my head out of confusion.

"my reasons will be revealed to you in due time. the first thing that you need to do is to choose what race you wish to reincarnate as. make sure that you choose wisely because whatever you choose you will be stuck with once you finalize it and are reincarnated into this new world. there will be no taking it back no matter how much you want to."

"but I do not want to do this unless you tell me why I was chosen. I find it to be a little suspicious that I was supposed to be dead but yet somehow I am still alive; and also that I can walk when in my life I was crippled since birth. I find it to be truly suspicious as well as a reason to be slightly paranoid".

"okay I will tell you more if that is what it will take for you to begin the reincarnation process. there are eight reincarnation chambers around this world. each chamber is ran by a different AI. the candidates that are selected are all people who died within the last few hours when they make it into the chamber. we choose the candidates that each have a specific strong characteristic about them to help us when deciding who will be reincarnated".

"then why was I chosen exactly. what characteristic were you looking for when you found me and chose me to be a candidate for this Reincarnation Process." I said as I was pacing the room out of excitement as well as worry.

"if you must know I was looking for someone with a strong amount of perseverance and self-motivation. as I was observing humanity you stood out that someone with very strong amounts of both of the characteristics that I was searching for in the candidate that I was going to help make their dream become a reality in this second life that they would be given".

"okay I will begin the reincarnation process then. please tell me what I must do so that I may begin my new life and have my life's goals achieved in due time."

"your first decision will be the species that you will be a member of in this new life."

as the AI told me this a screen showed up full 360 around where I was standing with images of the six races I could choose between. the first race was orc, the second one was wood elf, the third one was moon elf, the fourth race was half elf, the fifth race was dwarf, the sixth one was half orc.

"which race should I choose?" I asked the AI after I stopped looking at all of the options that surrounded me.

"the choice is yours in the end, but races do make a difference they affect your social status and the abilities that you have that come with that species as well so choose wisely."

"I have chosen to become a dwarf"

"okay your race has been decided. now you are going to choose your class within dwarf society".

then a variety of options were shown all around me.

the options around me varied from merchant to blacksmith, to nobility, to adventurer, to soldier, to assassin, and finally, to slaver.

I paced around the area with my hands placed behind my back. I want to choose something that I can quickly rise to power with but also something that will make me feel like I'm part of something greater than myself. just like when I was game testing for EA games. I was a part of a greater thing than myself but, yet at the same time due to the role I had in the company as a game tester my opinion mattered. I had a small amount of control over their end product and what would happen in the end. I truly loved that feeling more than anything in the world.

"well I believe that to fulfill my desire of being able to rise through the ranks quickly, as well as part of something greater than myself. I am going to choose the life of a soldier since there will be much room to grow and improve and I will be able to be a part of something greater than myself."

"your final decision is your specialization. since you chose the life of a dwarf soldier the specialization options determine the weapon type you choose to use. you need to also understand that in this world dwarves possess no magic. they are the only species that does not have the use of magic that is why they make good warriors and smiths."

"my weapon specialization is going to be a greatsword."

"all right now that you have set up everything you need there are only two small things left to do before we decide which dwarf city you want to be close to when you start. the first thing will be your age. you have two available options. your first option will be to be the same age you were when you died. the second one would be to be reborn as a sixteen year old dwarf who is coming of age. which one of these two available options do you go for?"

"I want to do the second option. so that I can take back the many years that I could not walk."I said as I swung my right fist in the air.

"now you need to choose a dwarf name for yourself."

"I choose the name Gilltrude" I told the AI with much haste and excitement in my voice.

"are you sure this is the name you want because this will be the name you go by forever now that you are getting reincarnated?"

"yes that is the dwarf name I choose for myself. it was always the main dwarven name that I would use in all of the fantasy games that I beta tested for EA games"

"and finally you need to choose which dwarven City you want to spawn near the entrance gate of to begin your new life as a dwarf warrior."

"the city is Saltrain, it is a city full of merchants and miners. the second city is Aushoon this city is the capital of the dwarf kingdom. the final option is the city of Halereen, this city is home to the thieves and assassins of the dwarf kingdom".

"well I want to go to the capital city of Aushoon. it will be the swiftest path to beginning my plan to rule a kingdom someday."

"okay then I will be your companion. you get to choose what role I will play in your life. i can be your sister, I can be your party member, or I can be your lover. I will be whatever you want me to do."

I stood in silence for a few minutes thinking of all of the possibilities of what role in my life that this AI could play. after the few minutes passed I decided that I wanted the AI to be my party number.

then a blue light surrounded my body and I vanished from the area that I was in when my reincarnation was being set up.

After the blue light left me, I noticed that I was in an open field next to a massive lake. the sky around me was clear and sunny. I saw a group of drakes fly across the sky but they completely ignore me as if I was not important to them.

I looked at the lake to see my reflection so that I could see what my appearance was in this new dwarven body that I was supposed to have after the reincarnation. I was obviously short, I had a very thick black colored beard that covered my entire face except for my mouth. the beard even went down to my upper chest area in length, and the part of the beard that was hanging down was tied together like a set of knots. my eyes were white, and I had on a full set of body armor but it was only medium weight and durability. on my back I noticed that there was a massive blade in a giant sheath.

as I looked around at other things that were near me I noticed that there was a short female dwarf standing to my left.

"so do you like the new body that I chose for you Gilltrude."

I made a sharp turn to my left to take a full examination of the female dwarf that was talking to me and noticed the similarity of her voice; "are you the AI that chose me for The Reincarnation Protocol?"

"yes I am; and just as you requested; my role in the dwarven city will be to be your companion. let us begin your new life as a dwarf warrior; and I will do all that I can to fulfill your heart's desires".

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