
#03-Run Away! Duke Edmund Gerwyn is Here!

After staying at home for a week to rest, Penelope Askary decided to take a short walk.

Initially, she was not allowed by her parents. Of course, because of the terrible accident that caused Penelope to be unconscious for so long, it is still so vivid in their memories. Duke and Duchess Askary do not want such a terrible accident to happen to their beloved daughter again. However, because Penelope begged them, they couldn't bear it and were forced to allow it. But, she can't go too far and she has to be accompanied by Philleo Aaron, the leader of the first division of the Askary family's knights. A talented young knight whose abilities were excellent and even recognized by the empire. He also has magic power. Penelope remembers that Philleo was a childhood friend of Ethan, her big brother. That man was from the Marquess family. The second son of Marquess Richard Aaron.

"You must feel uncomfortable being my escort," Penelope said, breaking the silence between herself and Philleo who was escorting behind her. The woman was walking around the park, where on the side of the park there was a lake that was so beautiful. The reddish-brown leaves began to fall from the trees. Because it is already autumn, the air starts to feel cold. The carriage that had brought Penelope was elsewhere as the woman wanted to take a walk to enjoy the scenery.

"That's just your imagination, My Lady," Philleo answered quickly. His eyes never left her ocean-blue hair which was so beautiful. The length may reach her waist. And, since when did the back of the woman in front of him look so fragile, Philleo subconsciously wanted to protect her from such a cruel world? This is weird. Hasn't that back always been so straight, against anyone who dared stand in her way?

Penelope knew that Philleo's answer was just a bluff. Thanks to reading the contents of this world in her previous life, Penelope knew that Philleo hated the real Penelope. He hates Penelope's attitude towards her family because Philleo already considers the Askary family as his family too. Their family, especially Ethan, were very kind to him and cared for him more than anyone. Because of that, Philleo swore allegiance to protect the Askary family with all his strength and ability. Even if it meant getting him killed in the process.

"I know you hate me, Sir Philleo," Penelope said with a smile. She stopped walking and turned around so she could face Philleo. The evening wind blew hard, making the leaves fall again. Some of the leaves flew past Penelope who was now holding her hair with one hand. "You don't need to hide it because I deserve your hatred."

Philleo's eyes widened when he saw the look on Penelope's face right now. The beautiful face was still the same, as well as the beautiful golden eyes. What was different was the way she stared. Also the expression on her face. Everything looks so gentle and warm. Very much different from Penelope Askary before she had an accident, where her facial expression was so hard and rough, with a gaze that was always sharp.


Before Philleo could finish his sentence, the sound of approaching footsteps made him blink and increase his alertness. He approached Penelope, then turned his back to her. Then, his hand immediately took out a sword from the scabbard that was coiled around his waist and pointed it forward. His eyes shone sharp and firm, while his other hand he pointed in front of Penelope's body to protect her.

"Who is there?" asked Philleo in a sharp tone.

In her place, Penelope waited with a pounding heart. She crumpled her dress and gulped. When a figure that suddenly approached Penelope and Philleo appeared, Penelope gasped. Her face paled and her eyes widened.

"Lady Penelope Askary," said the person with the cold tone that was so famous among the nobles. His figure is now more clearly visible. This handsome face has white skin, a jawline that is so firm, a sharp nose, rather thick eyebrows, which shade his sea blue eyes, and jet black hair that will remind people of a night sky without stars. "I heard that you just had an accident and were unconscious for a long time. Are you all right now?"


The rumors that were circulating recently made Edmund Gerwyn almost unable to believe his ears.

The evil woman from the Askary family is reported to have completely changed. She is no longer arbitrary towards other people, nor does she cause any trouble. The woman also no longer does evil things to others. It was as if something possessed Penelope Askary's body when she woke up from the accident. Of course, this became a conversation between Edmund and the imperial crown prince, Sebastian De Louis.

"Investigate the truth. I don't want to have to deal with her again or see her face again. If she has changed and become docile, then let it be. But, if this is just her scheme to trick everyone and catch us all off guard so she can act mean again towards Isabella, then I won't stay still. You certainly don't want Isabella to be hurt again by that evil woman, do you?"

It was a direct order from Sebastian De Louis. Edmund also didn't want Isabella Lysander, the daughter of a Marquess who had a close relationship with the imperial family, to suffer again from Penelope Askary's crimes. It was no secret in the De Louis empire that Penelope hated Isabella because she was jealous of Isabella's closeness to the crown prince Sebastian. Because, Penelope loves the crown prince Sebastian, while the man loves Isabella. And, no one knows if Duke Edmund Gerwyn, a close friend of the crown prince, also loves Isabella.

On returning from the imperial palace after meeting with the crown prince and talking about Penelope Askary's change in attitude, Edmund decided to take a look at the sights first. Incidentally, near the palace, there is a park with a lake on its side that looks beautiful and the leaves are starting to fall. He wanted to clear his head for a moment. The man was enjoying the falling leaves when his eyes caught two people in the distance who were talking. A man and a woman. From the man's uniform, Edmund could guess that he was a knight from the Askary family. If so, is that blue-haired woman Penelope Askary?

What a very fortunate coincidence for Edmund.

When Edmund greeted Penelope, the man felt something strange. The last time he saw this woman was a few weeks before her accident. At that time, he and Penelope had a big fight over a piece of jewelry. Penelope even managed to provoke his anger, so that Edmund went out of control and pointed his sword at the woman's neck. If it weren't for the arrival of Ethan Askary, the older brother of this evil woman in front of him, Edmund might have separated Penelope's head from her body. But, take a look now. Penelope Askary looked down and trembled with fear. She even squeezed her dress tightly. So, are the rumors circulating about her true?

"Lady Penelope?" called Edmund again, because Penelope had not responded since earlier. The man tried to get closer, but Philleo Aaron blocked him. Edmund's eyes immediately flashed coldly at Philleo. "Sir Philleo, what are you doing right now?"

"I apologize, Duke Edmund. However, it looks like Lady Penelope has to go home soon and needs rest as her health is still unstable."

"You forbid me to greet Lady Penelope, Sir Philleo? You, who are only a knight and have no power whatsoever to forbid me, dare to order me not to greet Lady Penelope?" Edmund took out his sword and pointed it at Philleo's neck. "You have no right to forbid me, who is above your status, Sir Philleo."

Penelope started to panic. Her heart was beating faster. The woman started to break out in a cold sweat. She had to immediately separate Edmund and Philleo. Even though Philleo is a great knight recognized by the empire and has magic power, he is no match for Edmund who is a sword master.

"Du—Duke Edmund!" Penelope stammered. Her call succeeded in shifting the tension between Edmund and Philleo. The two men stared at her, Penelope knew it, without her having to look at them. Because earlier what Penelope had been doing was looking down. "I—I apologize for not returning Duke Edmund's greeting. Greetings to Duke Edmund and may Elleia's light be with you." Elleia is the goddess who helped found the De Louis empire and is worshiped by everyone in the empire. "Th-then, I'll be going now." Penelope holds both sides of her dress and bowing. Then, she ran towards her carriage. Leaving Philleo to chase her while calling her name and telling her to stop running so that the woman wouldn't fall and get hurt.

In his place, Edmund Gerwyn watched Penelope Askary leave with a frown and arms folded across his chest.

"She was so scared. She was completely different from the old Penelope Askary. The rumors turned out to be true." Edmund tilted his head. "But, did she think of me like a monster, to make her run away like that?"

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