
Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

I was once a normal person on earth but I unfortunately died only to be transmigrated into a xianxia world as a disciple in one of the best sects in the world. I forged my own dao created a unique cultivation method and even became the grand elder of the sect.... But I died. again. Only to have reincarnated as the young master of xin clan in another xianxia world(?). Well it's not like I had many regrets in my previous life..... but I really should have......... gone to the *beeep* that time

TeaSerpent · Eastern
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90 Chs


In a dimly lit space, three figures were gathered. One among them wore resplendent golden robes, and flanking him were two men facing each other. One was a man with a flowing gray beard who exuded wisdom, while the other had green hair and stern attire, and emanated an air of seriousness.

"Hm... this Xiao Dong, what should we do about him?" The green-haired man asked, breaking the silence.

"Alas, there's little we can do now, any misstep could incur the wrath of the heavens." the gray-bearded sage replied with a touch of resignation. Unlike common belief Dao realm cultivators were not truly invincible, they were tied to a web of rules such as keeping the heavenly secrets and restricting their cultivation within the confines of the realm.

Even as the heavens lacked the power to directly extinguish the mightiest dao realm experts, those affiliated with them remained vulnerable to demise...

"The heavens have cast its net... The threads of fate have already entwined, why not allow events to unfold naturally? Perhaps this could serve as a whetting stone for our sect's talents." The man in yellow robes interjected throwing the responsibility over Jianyu's shoulders.

"Hoho, Xin's grandson certainly boasts exceptional talent," the Wise-looking long-bearded mused, stroking his beard.

"Hmph! None can be too certain so soon," the man with green hair exclaimed, his frustration evident as he stomped his foot.

"Isn't it about time for you to let go of past grievances—" the long-bearded man began, attempting to defuse the tension.

"Don't meddle in other's business!" The green-haired man cut off the long-bearded man with a sharp retort, his irritation clear.

"Stop it, you two!" the man in yellow robes intervened, his voice carrying a tone of authority that silenced their bickering.

"It is truly great that we have new talents in our sects, but I believe you have not forgotten why we have gathered here," he reminded them sternly.

""Yes, Sect Master!!"" The two men responded in unison, acknowledging their fault.




Seated alone on a bed in a quiet room, Jianyu's gaze remained fixed on the ceiling as his thoughts swirled around.

"Lei Qiang."

"Yes, young master."

Without shifting his gaze, Jianyu's voice broke the silence, summoning his maid with practiced ease.

"Lei Qiang, I want you to keep an eye on that Xiao Dong. Be discreet, avoid detection within the sect, and if he ever leaves, shadow him. If he stumbles upon an inheritance site or tomb, enter ahead of him and quietly secure any valuable items. If something appears unusual or out of place, seize it as well."

Confusion marked Lei Qiang's face as she listened to her enigmatic young master. "Um... Young master, may I ask why you are so certain that Xiao Dong will come across such opportunities?"

Jianyu's response carried a casual tone that belied the gravity of his words. "Grandfather mentioned that he was blessed with a great fortune."

Lei Qiang's shock was palpable. As these words came from someone who had reached 'the Dao realm', they held a weight beyond her comprehension.

"Then, should we—"

"Just carry out my instructions, there's no need for unnecessary actions," Jianyu interjected, his tone firm as he issued his commands.

"In addition, whenever you're in my room from now on, make sure to make your presence known, understood?" Jianyu's gaze finally shifted to Lei Qiang, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"Yes, young master!" Lei Qiang's affirmation was swift as she bowed her head.

"Very well, now go and prepare as I've instructed."

"Yes." With her orders clear, Lei Qiang promptly departed to carry out her young master's commands.




Alone in his chamber at last, Jianyu's thoughts drifted back to the aftermath of his duel with Shi Jian.

Once Shi Jian had left, no more challengers came forth. With that, the ceremony for accepting new disciples drew to a close. Jianyu, accompanied by Xifeng, decided to depart and seek out his grandfather. However, just as they were about to leave, an unexpected encounter occurred.

Hurrying towards Jianyu with her head lowered, Xiao Xiang approached him. Her words tumbled out in a rush, tinged with embarrassment. "Um... Xiao Dong... H-he's my brother!"

These words left Xiao Xiang's face flushed with embarrassment, causing her to retreat in a hasty flurry.

"Huh?" Xin Jianyu's expression mirrored his bewilderment as he watched Xiao Xiang's hurried departure, her words echoing in his mind.

Sensing his surprise, Xifeng intervened, pulling on Jianyu's arm, "Let's go, Jianyu," speaking with a chilly tone.

"Huh? Oh... yes, let's leave," Jianyu responded, momentarily shaken from his thoughts. He turned away from the departing figure of Xiao Xiang and followed Xifeng's lead, exiting the arena.

Subsequently, Xin Dongyang guided Jianyu to his mother's Lunar Frost Yin Peak, a location saturated with ice and yin qi. This peak had been meticulously cultivated over the years, adorned with carefully chosen treasures of heaven and earth to create an ideal environment for practitioners of yin and ice attributes. Few individuals resided at this peak most of them being elders, due to the scarcity of those with an affinity for these elements.

"You will reside here, starting now," Xin Dongyang declared, addressing his grandson as they arrived at an impressive mansion situated near the peak's pinnacle.

"This estate is where disciples of your mother would have lived had there been any within the sect. Your cultivation chambers are ingrained with formations to enhance your cultivation and offer the suitable spiritual qi," Xin Dongyang explained.

"Mhm," Jianyu acknowledged with a nod.

Turning his attention to Yin Xifeng, Xin Dongyang continued, "As for Xifeng, you will accompany me to my Stellar Flame Peak. From this point onward, you will be my disciple."

"Yes, Grandpa!" Yin Xifeng's response was filled with excitement. The prospect of being taught by Xin Dongyang, a Dao realm expert who specialized in fire cultivation, held significant promise for her growth.

Xin Dongyang smiled jubilantly, as being called grandpa by his cute grandaughter-in-law left him in a rather pleasant mood.


Having conveyed their plans, Xin Dongyang and Yin Xifeng prepared to depart. And so, this sequence of events led to the present situation.

As he contemplated his circumstances, Jianyu found himself facing a dilemma. The question of how to deal with Xiao Xiang weighed heavily on his mind. For a fleeting moment, the thought of eliminating her crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed the notion. Her remarkable talent and being a likely disciple of Yin Meili deterred him from such drastic actions.

"Ugh... This is going to be quite troublesome," Jianyu groaned, acknowledging the presence of Xiao Xiang as a ticking time bomb.

'Well that lil Dong fellow did seem to despise me... so, it won't be an issue to aggravate him...' nodding to himself, Jianyu let a slight smile grace his lips, 'Mhm, that guy will probably charge like a bull and try to kill me sooner or later.'

"I should establish a closer relationship with Xiao Xiang for now. This will allow me to prepare for future conflicts. Moreover, rather than that..." However, his contemplation turned towards a more immediate concern.

'I am getting targeted by the heavenly dao aren't I?' he pondered, a mix of bewilderment and concern surfacing in his thoughts.


What is a heavenblessed?

While one might simply consider them as individuals with great fortune, blessed by the heavens. But is that truly all there is to them? No. Not at all.

Heavenblessed are individuals who are recipients of the heavens' 'investment', as for the reason for heaven's concern over mortal matters... The rationale is straightforward—heavens are bound by the principles of causality, karmic ties, and other cosmic laws.

So how do the heavens get rid of anyone who threatens or defies it? Well, they get some gullible and foolish slaves, with great luck.

Heavens would simply enhance the heaven-blessed's luck by manipulating the law of probability and karmic ties on multiple individuals to make the heaven-blessed's journey easier.

However, there's no such thing as an excess of something, if someone has more of something someone would definitely have less of it. The heaven-blessed's luck is stolen from the so-called 'stepping stones' or 'young masters', by tying the threads of their fates together.

Similarly, the heavens also tie the fates of the 'heroines' and 'masters' with the heaven-blessed's to make their 'fates' support the heaven-blessed's fate, converting them into cardboard cutouts or brainwashed idiots.

In his past life, Jianyu, formerly known as Zhou Tiandi, could 'feel' the tides of fate by the time he reached the unity realm. However, as of now, Jianyu can't perform such a deed.

Anyways... after the seeds are sowed, the heavenblessed has karmic debt toward the heavens and becomes dependent on the heavens. Finally, a puppet of the Heavens is born.

However, not all heavenblessed remain dependent on the heavens, some eventually even free themselves from the heavens, But on the other side of the spectrum, the worst of the heavenblessed are simply puppets.

One of the worst types of heavenblessed is the 'Leach', as the name suggests they stick to a thigh(or d*ck)and try to suck them dry. These are the ones who will have harems and feed on their 'heroine's' or 'male-lead's' luck and opportunities, to strengthen themselves.

And that Xiao Dong... He's most likely one of these 'leaches', as his own capabilities and fortune pale in comparison to an average heaven-blessed, most likely due to me severing his connection with Feng'er.

Leeches were one of the heavenblessed most hated by Jianyu followed by Mary Sue and Gary Stu.

[AN- a male mary sue.]

But this makes me wonder...

'I am getting targeted by the heavenly dao aren't I?'

"But... Why?"

'While it might be because of my origins. However, if the heavens were aware of me, I wouldn't have been born as someone of such high standing. Or it could be...'

"Perhaps, it's not me in particular who is being targeted..."

'Could it be rather than me it's the sect or my family that's being targeted.'

"That seems to make some sense... After all, considering my talent, appearance, and background, my fortune must be great and my fate of great significance."

"Or maybe, it's just because I stole lil Dong's opportunity?"

"Sigh... Whatever let's focus on cultivating for now."

Finally, Jianyu found himself with a smile on his face as his thoughts shifted to another matter.

'Well, let's put my treasure-hunting mouse to work now... Other than that, maybe I should recruit some of those so-called talented disciples as well.'

'That might be amusing...'




thanks for reading.

I had a fever and couldn't upload, feeling better now.

TeaSerpentcreators' thoughts