
Chapter 5 : Strange Night , The War Starts , Everything is Ready ? .

After The News spread about Mr . Zhang Feng Many Hold hatred and some hold fear , The people who hold Hatred Because Mr.Zhang Feng took the big Cake For Himself and he did not pay any attention or gave any Face For them while he Take Whole Cake for himself , while those who hold Fear , They feared him because someone who is capable of doing such a feet he is by no means ordinary man ,they feared that he may eye their own stocks .

While These people Were Thinking About their next step , in another Hidden Place Stood many People Waiting for the order to move , these men are Kin Shi subordinates , they were waiting him finishing his Call and Then he Dropped the phone in his hand and smiled to his subordinates with half eye closed , he Said " hehe , My young master is indeed capable i just ended my call with the mayor he just assured me that i have his full support and he will assist us in anything he can , heheheh , you see , Andrew i want you to tke half of our men and go to the west side of the city ,

then start a massacre there i want blood " .

The man next to kin shi was Andrew his V-D so he said " Sure boss , just wait the good new i will destroy the White Wing Gang , 10 Hours and the world will have no more White Wing Gang "

Kin shi nodded " ..un"



Zhi Jiang Arrived at The City Gates while Kin shi Received him with other people with him

he said with a slight bow " Young Master Every thing is just going too well i`am just afraid of the Police "

Zhi jiang Smiled " hehe , do not worry , i founded a backer for us in Police , move Easy like the Wind i need Green Lotus City whole underground to be mine in 1 Day you have 36 Hours left , Bring me to the manor and you can leave to finish your matters ."

Kin shi Shocked he Said while Trembling " did young master give a police officer that pill .... ?"

Zhi Jiang frowned " Little Shi , Go and do not worry just keep working for me remember the price for betrayal is severe I need to sleep for few hours when i wake up i want to hear good news , if you cant do that at least then i do not need to keep you any more , understand ? "

Kin shi Shivered " yes . yes "



inside The Lin Family Courtyard stood an elder with a shadow in front of him

this Elder Was Exactly Elder 'Don' of the Lin Family .

The Elder Don Frowned " The organization Cant find any info about this Zhang ... ? "

The Shadow Snorted " Humph we cant find a tail he just appeared out of nowhere "

While They were talking , The Shadow Gave a File to Elder Don, then he left .

Elder Don murmured a few words before saying " Mr . Zhang Feng , I hope you do not try to be my enemy or else , i wont mind crushing you .""




In the Police Department of The City , inside the building , and inside The Chief Office

The Chief Stood There Shocked he kept saying while holding The phone " yes , yes , yes , you can rest assured sire, everything will be as you wish , yes yes , sure "

once the Caller ended the Call The Chief Collapsed on his chair like a crumbling building he let out a sigh " well i think i do not have choice this Time Han lin I cant help you at all , You are on your own this time Kin shi Have a very strong backer , maybe you should visit the Mayor maybe he can save your White Wing Gang From Kin Shi i heard he hates kin shi , good luck "

then he waved his hands before the male who was sitting mute all this time , the male stood up and bowed " Thank you brother " then he left .




at the mayor office the mayor Received a call from Han Lin , he smiled and answered the call

The Mayor " hello , Little Han , i heard some bad news about you , do you need any help ?"

Han Lin went Excited but he thought ' this fatty is greedy he wont do something for free '

but he still said " Mister Wen , i have some problems with the one called Kin shi , he wants to start a war with me , so i wanted to ask if mister wen is interested to participate maybe you can get 50% of his assets , so what do you say ...?"

Wen Da Laughed " Little Han oh Little Han , I can agree to help you , i can even make the police stand on your side but i need 90 of your Assets in liquid before doing anything , you understand my words right ?."

once he heard these words Han Lin thought ' this bastard ' but he said " I can agree but after the War is ended and you wont have any of Kin shi assets say okay or no ?"

The Mayor Wen Da Laughed " Then its a no i need money before doing anything and i do not care about kin shi Money its all yours your turn Say no or okay ?."

Han Lin Frowned ' i need any help this kin shi is too arrogant '

Han Lin Replied " Well its a deal give me your bank Account so i Can transfer the money now a full of 387 M , but i Hope you keep your words or i will kill you even if i have to became a dog in streets "

Wen Da toyed with the phone after hearing this he smiled and gave the number to Han Li

then he received a message saying 'Transfer of 386.999.000 is done '

he smiled and Replied " Han lin Wait my good news at mid night i`ll come with a very big backer to your home tonight okay , just wait for it "

Han lin Felt Relived after hearing this he let out a sigh ' maybe i have some hope '

after wen Da ended the call he turned to a youth who was playing with a ball of glass he smiled and said " Young Master everything is ready "

The youth nodded

Wait for more updates .

Dyingrealitycreators' thoughts