

when the most strongest astral being gets tired of all his privileges, tired of the lavish life, tired of being lonely, tired of his mother who used him as a tool to gain power. Alaric seeks death but being gifted with eternal life, he tried everything at last death came. but even in death there was a loop hole, he battled with death him self to die ( that's right) he succeeded but instead of him to rest peacefully in death, the lady in charge of the reincarnated soul , knew his father , so she decide to give him another chance. he woke up in a different more modernized world , were cultivation and science blend. he was reborn( literally ) as a new born baby called astra ( ironic isn't it ) to a family called night-caller . being in a modern world as the most powerful being in a common family, he decided to leave a life of Peace and accidentally got obsessed with two thing ( a mobile phone and potato chips) he wanted a peaceful life with friends and family but fate has it ways. join astra ( Alaric) in his knew journey, will he be lucky or will fate place another card in his destiny . Warning : the MC in this story is not a super hero who will run to anyone at their time of need , he doesn't have a heart of gold or anything like that, he doesn't stand for justice or right, he is a selfish person that will do anything to get what he wants, he is a TWISTED character, so any dark humor he show is just the real him. PS : leave a review, it will really help. PSS : the cover is not mine, and I do not know the owner , if the owner wants credit or wants me to take it down, I will, my cover will be done in time

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 62 : first match 2

after a while the group went out to check on how the registration worked under the advice of Dante whom was the substitute leader, he was somehow used to battle arenas and getting Intel.

" okay there he is " Dante said pointing at Daniel whom was talking to the match organizer.

after a while of waiting Daniel came back with a yellow wristband with the number 99 on it " what's that ? " Gina asked.

" it's an identification band, if you don't have this, you aren't allowed to fight, and if you lose it, you have to pay 2 million to get another one "

" what!!!!!, now I know why Fabian must be killed, he's a fucking thief " Callie half cried hearing the amount, she wanted to end the job herself.

" so we literally have to glue this to our skins " Freya laughed in pain.

" so did they explain how the matches work " Alan asked, but before Daniel spoke he shot him a death glance for just a sec before he explained.

" well the battle arrangement is a little awkward, but it's just as you had said earlier, but the thing is, if you have registered and you don't fight in the next four days, they charge you for free lounging, enjoying the free treatment of fighters and all that bullshit " Daniel said eyeing Callie whom had already lost it, in her hands were double dragon katana .

" how much ? " Callie asked in a dare , ready to behead Fabians head.

" you don't want to know that, trust me " he said as he attached the band to his wrist .

" I know we are all here to complete a mission but what if we have a friendly competition, just to keep the mood alive " Gina suggested with a foxy smile .

" what do you propose ? " astra asked looking amused, Gina was a devious person, she could swindle you with a smile and you wouldn't even know.

" how about a race to the top floor, whomever gets to the top floor first wins, but the last people would have to pay 500,000 each to the top person, sounds good ? "

" I don't mind " they all said in sync , while Gina smiled in contempt.

" anyways, who are you up for today " Freya asked.

" a guy named chainsaw joint " Daniel shrugged.

" chainsaw joint ?,what the heck, who in the world would wake up and name their kid chainsaw joint " Dante pondered as they walked towards the building were the competition was held .

" dude maybe it's just a nickname " Daniel said while he playfully punched Dante shoulder to get him to stop pondering about the man.


" well apparently it wasn't a nickname " astra said in amazement while the others just nodded their heads in agreement.

standing before Daniel in the arena, was a skinny looking man, all his major part of his body were chainsaws, he had chainsaws for legs and hands, he looked more like a rigged sharp knife.

" let's just hope that he's not as strong as he looks "

" on the bright side we get to see Daniels power, I was kind of curious anyway " Callie said with her usual jovial giddy self .


" okay, we all know the rules right ? " the referee asked while he gilds the wind like a bird, he was pretty much an elemental user / air.

" there are no rule " someone from the long lines of people roared .

" yes there are no rules, so let's get started, on the red corner we have our feisty little hot head. Daniel !!! "

the crowed irrupted with loud cheers and occasionally boos .

" and on the blue corner, we have the sharp death blade!!!!!! chainsaw joint "

with that, the crowd went wild, some high class big men, placed piles and piles of money on each huge table, as a bet.

" begin !!!! "


chainsaw joint took a weird looking stance, a sudden dense Aura surrounded his body, all chainsaws attached, roared to life. he's black Beady eyes locked in a death glare on Daniel.

on the other hand Daniel was a little bit amused as he watched the man awkwardly ran to him, ready to strike, chainsaw joint swung his right chainsaw forward aiming for Daniel's torso but he dodged, he swung again but Daniel still dodged.

Daniel started to get a little bit cocky, letting the his guard down and unexpectedly chainsaws joint spined like a propeller, trying to tear Daniel apart, luckily he was able to jump as far away as possible, although he did suffer small cuts on his skin, his face and his hands had two dip sliced open wound, blood spewing out of them.

Daniel looked at his hands, an unexplainably emotion swept by before he stood up, hands out, he pointed at the sky, thunderous sounds irrupted from the sky, as a gigantic winged white lion appeared, in all it's glory, it swooped down grabbed chainsaw joint by his torso. the beast dive to the sky, and seconds later, the once chainsaw joint fell from the sky, landing with a thud .

everyone shifted in their sits, looking closer, chainsaw joint had lot all his chainsaws, he was unconscious but his eyes were open, reflecting the terrifying experience he faced.

everyone's eyes traveled from the tarted body of the once chainsaw joint to the young and handsome but yet terrifying Daniel, whom was frowning.

" oh shit "

" that's impossible "

" they are all extinct "


" I never thought I would see one " Freya muttered as she stared wide eye at Daniel.

" he's a contract cultivator " Callie said in disbelief and shock .


" ahem, and the winner is Daniel "

the silent crowd roared to life with cheers and comments.

but something ominous was watching afar with and interested smile, in the blink of eye, it disappeared.

( sorry, I went on a Christmas brake, how was yours, mine was terrible but I always thought of you guys, drop your wishes and maybe Santa would here them.

but always remember to drop a comment, and I still need reviews as a Christmas gift, come on