
Winter break

****Author Notice****

Hello all, I looked back at the first two chapters that described Max's previous life and decided to combine them into a single chapter. It will speed up the story a little for new readers and would be easier to read.

- Tripple1ZRO


The days passed into weeks, the weeks into months, as Max diligently attended his classes at the academy. Winter was steadily approaching, its chill already making its presence known in the crisp morning air. The landscape transformed, vibrant greens replaced with stark whites, as winter blanketed everything in its icy grasp. But within the walls of the academy, life was as fervent as ever.

Max immersed himself completely in his studies. He woke up early every morning, practicing spells in the crisp dawn air before heading off to his classes. His schedule was grueling, the advanced classes challenging his every notion about magic. But Max was relentless, meeting every challenge head-on with determination etched on his young face.

Throughout these months, he had not only learned but mastered a variety of basic spells. He could now cast water and air-based spells with relative ease, the once elusive magic flowing freely under his control. His control over mana had also grown significantly. He could feel it, a pulsating rhythm that thrummed beneath his skin, a tide that rose and fell with his breathing.

Most impressively, Max was on the cusp of a breakthrough. He stood at the peak of Novice first stage; a foot ready to step into the realm of second stage. Many second years have not yet broken through to become awakeners, so Max's breakthrough to the second stage would leave them bitter. Knowing that one needed to reach middle stages of novice rank, stage 4, Max was almost halfway to graduation.

The advanced battle training class was by far the most grueling. The duels were intense, pushing Max to his physical and magical limits. But every bruise, every aching muscle, only seemed to fuel Max's determination to get stronger.

In the Mage theory class, Max dived deep into the complexities of magic, its origins, and its intricate workings. The more he learned, the more fascinated he became. There was a beauty to magic, an artistry that drew Max in and kept him engrossed.

And finally, the Magic Combat class, where Max learned to blend his physical abilities with his magical powers, a synergy of the body and mind. It was like dancing to a silent melody, a dance only the Awakened could perceive. And Max, he was learning the steps, finding his rhythm.

Despite his packed schedule, Max made sure to develop his relationships with some of his friends. Oliver, his roommate, introduced him to his father, Viscount Edmund Dresdan, who showed great interest in Max's future development. Viscount even invited Max to their home whenever he was in the city outside of the academy and needed a place to stay.

With the winter break just around the corner, Max could feel the anticipation bubbling within him. He had come a long way, but he knew the journey was far from over. His focus now was the upcoming breakthrough to second stage. The path to the top was long and arduous, but Max was more than ready to take the next step, even if small and insignificant.

His elemental affinities, the words of the headmaster, the promise of the tournament, all of these played in his mind as he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Winter was coming, and with it, a long-awaited winter break.

After his last class before the winter break, Max returned to his room in the academy dormitories. He quickly started packing his belongings for the journey back home. His bag was soon filled with essential clothes, a few books for studying, and of course, and some souvenirs for his Aeliana, his mother. He was excited to finally go back and have a rest from all the classes along with seeing his mom. She gave birth to him and took care of him while growing up, so he loved her as much as he loved his mom in previous life. It was comforting to finally be heading back to the place where it all started.

While he packed, Max pondered over his decision to invite Lily to accompany him back to the village. Lily was a fellow villager, and the two of them had known each other since they were kids. Lily was currently also studying in the academy and had the talent of a novice knight. Her family had always been kind to Max's mother, so he also tried to be nice and look after her.

Upon completing his packing, Max set off in search of Lily. He eventually found her in the practice yards, her brow glistening with sweat as she finished her training routine.

"Lily," he called out, catching her attention.

She turned around, her face brightening at the sight of him. "Max!" She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. "What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me back to the village for the winter break," Max asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise, and a faint blush tinged her cheeks. She hesitated for a moment before answering. "Sure, Max. I'd love to."

The journey home took several days. They traveled through dense forests and crossed sparkling rivers. The winter chill was prevalent, but it didn't dampen their spirits. They shared stories, practiced spells, and even sparred a few times, all ending with Lily's loss.

During the journey, Max took the opportunity to deepen his understanding of mana control. He used the rhythmic trot of their horses and the quiet tranquility of the journey to focus on the pulsating energy within him.

Throughout the journey, Lily watched Max with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. His dedication to his magical studies, his determination to grow stronger, all of it was something she respected and found incredibly attractive.

After days of travel, they finally arrived at their village. Max felt a rush of nostalgia as they passed familiar sights, the old mill, the town square, and finally, his house.

The wooden house was just as he remembered it, albeit a bit more weathered due to the harsh winter. It was a humble home, a testament to his mother's hard work and dedication. However, as he opened the door, a sense of dread filled him. The house was empty. The familiar warmth and comfort were replaced with an eerie silence.

"Lily, wait outside," Max said quietly, the worry evident in his voice. He quickly walked in, searching for any sign of his mother.

The house was as he remembered it, yet it felt foreign. The fireplace was cold, and the kitchen was untouched. It was as if no one had been there for days.

His heart pounded in his chest as he walked through the empty house, the silence deafening. Thoughts and scenarios raced through his mind, each more worrisome than the last.

As he moved through the silent house, Max felt an unsettling dread grip him. The joy of homecoming had been thoroughly eclipsed by the looming fear of his mother's unexplained absence. The familiar warmth and security of the house felt absent, replaced instead by a chilling, alien unfamiliarity. Each room he passed through only amplified his growing concern.

As he stood in the middle of the empty house, his gaze fell upon a neatly folded piece of parchment that lay on the wooden dining table. It seemed out of place in the otherwise untouched house, drawing his attention. Cautiously, he approached the table, his heart pounding in his chest.

He picked up the parchment, recognizing his mother's elegant handwriting on the front. His name, "Maximus," was written with a familiar affection, a hint of normalcy in the sea of uncertainty.

He unfolded the letter, his hands trembling slightly. The silence of the house seemed to deepen, as if holding its breath for the words that were about to be revealed.

Next chapter