
The Letter

Dear Maximus,

Welcome back home. I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I wish more than anything that I could have been there to welcome you in person, to see how much you've grown, to hear all about your adventures at the academy. You have been in my thoughts constantly, and my heart aches at the thought of you standing in our empty home.

I have missed you, Maxy. Every single day since you left for the academy, I've found myself staring at your vacant room, reminiscing about the times we've spent together. Your laughter, your smiles, your endless questions about magic and the world outside our small village – these memories have kept me company in your absence.

I remember the day you left as if it were yesterday. You were so eager to explore, to learn, to grow. And I'm sure that by now, you have become a young man of strength and wisdom. I wish I could be there to witness this transformation, to hold you close and tell you how proud I am.

But life, as you know, rarely goes according to our plans.

Your father has returned, Maximus. After all these years, he finally found his way back home. You should have seen his face when he saw how much you've grown, even in the portraits that hang on our walls. He was a whirlwind of emotion, pride and regret battling in his eyes.

And yet, he brought news. News of an opportunity we couldn't ignore, an adventure we couldn't turn down. And so, we have decided to travel the world together, as he once promised we would.

Please, Maximus, don't attempt to find us. I know this is a lot to take in, and I know that your first instinct may be to seek us out, but this is a journey we must undertake alone.

When you are strong enough, the pendant your father gave you will guide you towards us. But for it to guide you, you must first reach a level of strength that will ensure your safety on the journey. It should guide you on your way, unraveling its mysteries as your strength progresses.

Until then, my sweet boy, practice. Learn. Grow. Become the man I know you can be. Become the awakener this world needs. I have faith in you, Maximus, a faith that is as unwavering as the stars above.

Remember that we love you, more than words could ever express. You are our heart, Maximus. You are our legacy. Stay safe, my child, and remember, every challenge you face, every struggle you endure, is shaping you into the extraordinary individual you are destined to be.

With all the love in the world,

- Your favorite and only mom!

Max finished reading the letter, his mother's heartfelt words ringing in his ears. He held the parchment in his shaking hands, the enormity of what he just read crashing over him like a tidal wave. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind raced with questions and disbelief.

"Why...why now?" He murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The empty house seemed to swallow his words, amplifying the deafening silence. His vision blurred, the inked words on the parchment morphing into a jumble of confusion and despair.

Max sank to his knees, his strength abandoning him. His father was back. The man who was nothing more than a distant figure in his life, the man whose absence had carved a hole in his heart, was back. But instead of a reunion, Max was left with an empty house and a note full of apologies and vague promises.

"Where was he the whole time?" Max whispered to the empty room, his voice trembling. Anger and confusion seethed within him, but these emotions were drowned out by a profound sense of loss. His mother and father were out there, somewhere, exploring the world while he was left behind, grappling with feelings he didn't fully understand.

He clenched his hand, the parchment crumpling under the pressure. His thoughts raced to the pendant his father had given him, a trinket that seemed so trivial at that moment. He was only a peak novice level mage, how could a mere pendant guide him? What secret did it hold that could possibly lead him to his parents?

His breath hitched, the cold reality of their sudden departure settling in. "Why...why wouldn't they wait for me?" Max asked the empty room, his voice cracking. The feeling of abandonment was a bitter pill to swallow. He was their son, yet they had left without giving him a chance to say goodbye, without giving him a choice.

Max traced his fingers over the familiar handwriting of his mother, each word a testament to their love for him. Yet, their actions contradicted their words, and Max felt a pang of betrayal gnawing at his heart. What could possibly be so important that they'd leave him behind?

His chest tightened, his eyes prickling with unshed tears. This was not the homecoming he had envisioned. There was no warm hug from his mother, no stories shared over a hot meal. All that was left was an empty house and a cryptic note, symbols of a shattered expectation.

Max bowed his head, his tears dotting the worn wooden floor. His mind echoed with questions, his heart yearned for answers. But the cold silence of the empty house was the only response he got.

And so, amidst the deafening silence and the crushing loneliness, Maximus stayed on the wooden floor, weeping silently. The once warm and welcoming house felt cold and alien, each tick of the clock echoing through the emptiness, reminding him of the isolation he now faced.

Minutes turned into an eternity as Maximus grappled with the whirlwind of emotions, his tears slowly subsiding. His heart, heavy with a cocktail of grief, betrayal, and loss, compelled him to move. With a shaky sigh, he pushed himself off the floor and walked to the door, the cool breeze from outside bringing a temporary reprieve from his turmoil.

As he stepped out, the sunlight that normally brought him joy felt harsh, its glare stinging his teary eyes. The usually vibrant village felt gloomy and desolate, the happy chatter of the villagers a stark contrast to the storm brewing within him. A few steps from his house, he saw Lily, her bright eyes reflecting the sun's warmth.

"Maximus, you're back!" She ran towards him, her face blooming into a wide smile. The sight of her, her presence a constant in his life, was a comfort in itself. "Is everything alright? You look... troubled."

Maximus managed to muster a forced smile, his heart heavy. "Yes, Lily, everything is... fine," he lied, his voice holding a tremble. "My father is back. And...my parents, they've decided to travel the world together."

Her face lit up in surprise, "Wow, your father is back? And they've gone traveling? That sounds so exciting! Do you know where they went?"

Maximus shook his head, "No. They didn't say."

For a moment, silence hung between them, Lily's gaze softening as she took in his downcast expression. After a while, she proposed, "Maybe you should come over to my house. My mom might know something. She and your mom are close friends, after all."

Maximus hesitated, his heart yearning for any shred of information about his parents' sudden departure. After a brief moment of contemplation, he agreed. "Alright, Lily. Let's go."

With that, they began to walk, their footsteps echoing through the village. The journey to Lily's house was a silent one, their usual banter replaced by a quiet understanding. As Maximus followed Lily, he could only hope for answers at the end of this path. But deep down, he knew that regardless of what he would learn, it wouldn't fill the emptiness left by his parents' sudden departure.

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