
reincarnation of the god of the underworld

The great god of the underworld Hades died as a result of his wife's betrayal... losing not only his life but everything he conquered... but will that really be the end of it?

Shinsama · Fantasy
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Horrible ending, terrible start

year: December 23, 3242... the day where I the great God Hades died... but how is that possible? I will explain my little diary...

The world was at war. I was waiting...

that damn night

psm: *Damn things are getting uglier on the surface, I just hope no one bothers me" I reflect in my mind

Hades: "asmodeus come here" I call him to check some things, a tall man with no expression quickly appears in front of me

asmodeus: "yes my king?" he says to me kneeling on the ground

Hades: "go and call Persephone I need to deal with something with her..." I say without explaining much and he soon leaves the throne room to carry out my order

psm: She has been acting very strange these past few days... I hope I understand the reason behind what she said...


after waiting a few minutes, she appeared in my field of vision... the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life and my wife Persephone, we've known each other since I was a child and I've always loved her

Hades: "hello love sorry to bother you but can we talk for a bit?" I ask with a smile at her, she nods and sits next to me.

Persephone: Hi my king, what would you like to talk to me about? she says looking at me with a smile which I was a little surprised but ignored

Hades: I already told you not to call me king... but anyway, I would like to know why you're acting so strange these days, did something happen? I ask with a serious look and she looks at me strangely

Persephone: oh that's about it nothing much has happened, you don't have to worry, but I'll tell you what's going on so you don't worry, how about a cup of coffee? she ask me smiling

I obviously accepted after all I loved the coffee made by her

she hands me a cup of the coffee I love so much with a smile

Hades: "thanks love I'm a happy man to have you by my side" I say taking a sip of coffee and strangely it tasted bitter making me grimace

Persephone says sadly: "Is the coffee bad...?"

I instantly denied and said

Hades: of course not love it's delicious" and with that I drink the coffee at once ignoring the horrible taste of it

Hades: "Best coffee you ever made me thank you very much" I say smiling falsely

she says: "oh that's good my king" she tells me giving a smile and a strange look that gave me a bad feeling...

Hades: "love now cont-." as soon as I was about to finish my word I felt a huge grip on my body as if I had 50,000 hands squeezing me at the same time with that I fall to the ground in agony

psm: what's going on.... i think while i feel the worst pain of my life

Hades: a.. love.. I say with difficulty... what is happening to me.....

she looks at me with an extremely cold look and starts laughing and says: the great king of the underworld agonizing in pain on the floor haha ​​what a joke

I instantly get paralyzed not understanding what's going on when I see her approaching me with a cellar...

Hades: what... are you doing" I say feeling my body more and more tired

she approached me and said quietly: Goodbye great king of the underworld hope your dwelling in hellhain is good" she says slitting my throat

psm: but... what... it's not possible... what's going on... I must be dreaming but this pain... I'm going to die like this... betrayed by the one I love the most....

"give a smile"

psm: so dying is like that haha... who would say....will i know what awaits me from here...will i go to hell? haha ah yeah I'm already on it

brother we will finally meet again.... "smile"

and with that the great God Hades died and the end....


while waiting for something to happen I feel absolutely nothing just something sticky... Han

it's all dark what's going on" I think

psm: but what the fuck is going on..."I think in despair

psm: I don't feel my arms or legs or anything... that's strange.... I think without understanding the current situation when I start hearing voices

unknown: I hope it's a boy so he can work and help us" a voice says

psm: what? who is talking? I help and I'm a boy that's a fact" I think angry and confused and continue to listen

Unknown: if it's a girl, it'll be good too, she'll be pretty like you, our daughter would be beautiful

I listen to this and I'm shocked

psm: What? me being a girl... beautiful just like someone else and... daughter.... wait.... not even screwing....

I'm in a fucking uterus...." I think in tremendous shock

psm: ok calm down... calm down... i'm supposedly in a womb... but how is that possible...." i think puzzled

I vaguely remember about it when the Buddha said about reincarnation and blah blah but I never paid attention...

psm: so I think that's the best explanation for me not being able to see or move... but I think... fetuses think? damn thinking about it is useless this will be my house for now" i think as i start to hear again what they are saying"

unknown: if it's a boy what will be his name?

I hear this and I think: that's my mother's voice... strange to think that I have a mother now... wait how did my father manage to have sex with a titan... forget that it's not important" I pay attention again

unknown: if it's a boy... hmmm... how about shin in honor of the God of healing?

I think: acceptable name... so now my name is shin the former god of the underworld hahaha"

Damn I thought this would sound cool but it's embarrassing....

unknown: ok decided if it's a boy it will be shin and if it's a girl it will be Aurora

psm: Aurora what a ridiculous name shin is way better" I feel like being a fetus is affecting my personality.... hope to get out of here soon...



one more day in this place" i think bored

I miss moving my muscles and seeing the light of day... but at least I discovered interesting things in the meantime"

I found out that where I live is called Athenia, it reminds me of Athena but it must be a mere coincidence"

it is one of the worst kingdoms in this world that I am in, and it is located in a region where it rains little, making it infertile, and I discovered something even more interesting

2 weeks ago

damn it's boring.... there's absolutely nothing to do...." I think totally irritated

psm: okay... in moments of boredom what is left for me... to learn!!! this world from what I have of information now has magic..." this is very good after all I was always good in this area

so... let's see if I can feel something...." I start meditating deeply paying attention to my surroundings"

Psm: this.... this is different..." I feel a circle on top of me with something...." is this sis...?

psm: I found this ah mana here so how do I absorb it for myself... hmmm" I have no idea so it doesn't hurt to try....

I start to think aloud: absorb!!!, mana absorption!!!!" I wait anxiously and...


psm: what the hell did I expect it to be that simple



since that day I haven't been able to absorb any of it.... this has been frustrating... it's so close and far away at the same time...."

psm: what a start to the best part of the day meditation!!" I think about it totally being ironic... that's the only thing I do...."

While meditating I started to feel little crumbs in my mind..

psm: what is this..." I concentrated completely on these crumbs and started trying to piece them together "this is extremely painful but nothing compared to what I felt when I died so I can do it "

5 minutes dps

psm: I finally got it... there my head... but that's it I finally managed to form my mana core"

I look inside my mind and I see a very small slightly green orb

psm: I expected it to be bigger but who cares remains a core" I think happily with my 1st achievement in this life

meanwhile outside

unknown: love... I'm feeling my body a little weaker... my mana is decreasing at a small rate, what is that?

unknown: strange but it must be nothing more in any case let's call Arthur he will be able to tell you what's going on" with that the man leaves the room

shortly after

Unknown: hello Artemis how are you?

Artemis: I'm fine Arthur good to see you

Arthur: ok why do you want my presence here?

Artemis: I'm feeling my mana decrease even though I'm not doing spells or anything that uses it..."I say worried" Arthur looks at me seriously and comes close to me and says

ok let's examine you "I feel a cold hand on my stomach" I look at Arthur and his expression changes to shock "

Artemis: what's wrong? is my baby ok? I ask him anxiously" Arthur looks at me with disbelief in his eyes and tells me

your baby... he has a mana core...." he says incredulously as my husband stares at me in astonishment

Artemia: how is that possible... that... I've never heard of that... are you sure

Arthur: Absolutely sure.... I think you better not tell this to anyone but me because otherwise I'm afraid you'll be in danger....

With that I put my hand on my belly and think: son, you are already causing enormous chaos" I smile thinking about it

meanwhile inside the belly

What the hell, he can't even sleep in peace... keep it down... what the hell" I think irritably