

The only escape from my sad ,pathetic life was death and honestly I embraced it with open arms for in death I found something I never had even in life.... a family

Kpuli · Fantasy
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1 Chs



"Hello… Hello… anyone there….. earth to tiny… we come in peace" as I slow regained my consciousness a bright blue light darted in and out of my vision.

" Cut that out you idiot" …." oww… that hurt" a green glow also entered my sights.

" arhg… argh what, what happened… where am I"... my eyes open slowly adjusting to what I thought were bright light….

"Mon… mon, MONSTER!!!!" I shouted and floated away into the darkness. " wow, I'm I really that ugly?" I heard a voice coming from a blue glowing man. He lifts his hands. " Are these the right hand signs, he he we come in peace"

" Arkalin, just because in your world that meant peace that doesn't mean it means that in every worlds…." the bright yellow glowing woman says to the blue man, before running off towards me. "And to answer your first question, Yep you are" There six glowing figures, they all glowed a separate different colors,red , yellow, blue, green, orange, violet. They comprised of two females and four males.

She moves in-front of me with incredible speed and her yellow glow grows stronger. " Please don't hurt me" I crept back begging her. I don't want to go back, I can't go back to that life… I don't want it anymore pls… pls.

"Wait, wait, wait I didn't mean to scare you" she says as her aura dims back to it's original glow.

She tries to move forward but I move back faster. "( thoughts) they'll could just treat me like daddy, like they all did, they'll send me back there , I don't want to go back!" Unknown to me as I think about these things about these things, a darkness light begins to glow around my body again. I start to feel a deep coldness like nothing before.

" HOLY SHIT, is that aa…"

" impossible"

" I never thought I'd see it in my life time"

" A… A "


" Cool, what's a void soul"

" Really dude, how did you ever become the strongest in your world when you literally know nothing"

" Well you I punched"

As I begin to feel colder and colder ,the woman with the green glow around her body floats to me and extends her green glowing aura around my body. At first I tried to fight and escape but stopped when I realized that the aura is not hurting me, but covering me like a warm blanket on a rainy day. The coldness I felt slowly faded away and for the first time in along time I felt safe in someones presence.

" Even in death I can feel your sadness" the green woman said as I noticed the tears running down her face into the abyss of darkness. " You don't have to worry you are safe with us"

" re..Really" I looked at her glowing face with a little more trust. She motioned me to look at the others and I saw they were all teary eyed.

" yes little one you are" the red man spoke

" Ok maybe not all of us " she says with a smile.

" Hey what's that supposed to mean?" the blue man said in protest.

" It's obvious she talking about that harlot" the purple man points at the yellow woman.

" HEY, I was a goddess with seven great divinities one of which is light and purity, I'm the kindest person here"

" I have been to your world once before, weren't you given the title of the great goddess of pedophiles?" the man with the purple glow got into a defensive stance as the yellow lady charge towards him. She grabs him by the neck shaking him violently.

" That was a fucking LIE!!!, I never did a thing to those children"

" let go of me you harlot"

" I…. I was helping them with, they needed me" yellow turns to looking into the darkness.

" yeah that doesn't sound very convincing" purple says trying to pull of her arms.

" You're jealous you died a virgin after living 90,000 years" the yellow woman says smugly.

" Fuck you" purple says as he goes on to continue his back and forth with yellow

" Don't worry they are friends" the green lady says and the two keep fighting amongst each other

" Yeah , friends I guess!" she says as she looks at them argue and turns to face me. Something about her and the others calmed me down, despite the constant arguing and insults I felt less scared. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

" I guess we haven't introduced ourselves yet". Green turns to where the yellow and purple were still arguing.

" Give me a minute" she says as she moves towards them. I watched as she gets there and smacks them both on the head and pulls them to where the others were floating and they begin to amongst themselves. They finish and green waves me over.

I float there slowly feeling a little worried about what they were going to say.

Green smiles and points to the man with the blood red glow. He has long horns on his head that looked like an overgrown rams horns creating a long stream of dark gaseous glow that runs down to his back creating etheral dark wings.

" This scary looking guy here, is the Great Demon King Azareal Dante Nefurion something something the 49th Demon king of greater hell, slayer of uriel, ruler of nightmare, Educator of demons and some other titles also the oldest one amongst us here".

Azareal waves at me.

" Despite his scary appearance and title, he has the biggest heart out of all of as here. He is actually just a kind old man with a kill count of over Quintillion"

" Honestly, I didn't really kill that much" Azareal says in a deep warm voice like a grandfather to his grand kids. He doesn't seem that bad, I think to myself.

She then points the one previously referred to as Arkalin and the strikes a pose.

" That blue idiot over there"


" Is Arkalin the chaos creator, king of the espers, the slayer of the great dragon god and the hero of Zanacorn"

" You forgot Harem king, ladies man and good of love and greatness". He points at me and winks.

Green face palms and shakes her head.

" Despite hid strange tendencies and behaviour . He is still a great guy, I guess? I'm not sure sometimes"

She moves to where yellow is standing.

" Her holyness the last Great Goddess of the council of trinity of beginning and Ends Annastasia of the the God race". Yellow has a proud look on her face.

" Also the goddess of pedophiles, kidnapping and ….." purple get interrupted with a punch to the face by Annastasia

And the one that was just sent flying is our resident supreme mage of the high order of Ledora, Leon Malhas" She leans in closer and whispers

" He's just grumpy because he got killed by the gods , so takes it out on Anna but they are actually very good friends and his grampy pessimistic attitude kinda grows on you".

" Fucking Bitch!! you died stealing little boys, you fucking pedo!!" Leon says as he sends a wave of his aura flying towards Anna.

" Atleast I got laid before dying!!" Anna says as she doughes the attack.

" Yeah, they'll grow on you very very slowly, but eventually you just learn to tolerate them" Green moves on to the orange man at the side.

He keeps floationg with what seemed like a sword behind his back.

He sees me looking at his sword and smiles.

" Guess you like swords, this is my soul weapon". He unshesh is blade and it blazed a bright color. "So even in death it follows him". He looked like a gentle swordsman but the sounds of Loen and Anna arguing destroyed the mood. He gets pissed.

" You two should not fight now especially with a guest here" then he eyes Anna.

" Even though she is a harlot".

" huh…. I thought you cultivators support the light, I'm the fucking embodiment of light for fucks sake"

" No, a harlot I see a harlot I deem thee" the orange man shakes his head.

"oh come on, Chinese" Green smiles

" huh I told you I'm of Japanese descent"

" The greatest arch cultivator of the 16 realms, the heavenly blood fist, leader of the four divines and the master of all transcendent cultivation arts and weapon, Shen Xienix ".

" Right Shen, that bitch should be put down". Leon moves fast towards him and moves to hold him back as Arkalin holds back Anna.

" violence is not the answer, calm yourself" Shen tried to hold back Leon.

" Yeah says the guy who is literally called the heavenly blood fist"

" Is it like this all the time?" I asked while excitement was evident in my voice. I have never before felt this excited nor I have met such an exciting bunch.

" Yeah , they are all really nice people when you get to know them". She assures me , but I can already tell.

" And you?" I ask wanting to know more about the woman talking to me since her first appearance.

" oh, hmmm , well I'm Schera grand court nanomancer of Equinaxs, sometimes called the all forge, or the thinker" she looks at the others. " I'm nothing much compared to those guys"

" mmmh.. whats a nanomancer" I asked curiously

" oh yeah I make and control machines, basically technology and stuff" she looked sad.

" wow that awesome, so you make lasers and robots and things like that.. that sounds so cool".

I smiled at her . And she tears up and hugs me. I was scared , every time anyone made any quick motions towards me it usually ended in pain, but she was warm, I felt safe…. I'm safe.

" Guess I'm pretty awesome and she puffs out her chest".

Shen floats up to me. Ad points at my chest." Your soul"

" My … soul?" I tilt my head in confusion.

" Yes, child your void soul, I have only ever heard stories of it, I have heard of cultivation that can infuse one's soul with chaos remnants but yours isn't like that , it's more like your soul is made with the void itself. But that should be impossible the void is too dangerous to be used for soul imprinting not to mention creation, that way nothing can survive here well except you" Shen grabs my hand in his.

" You have teach me what type of cultivation you use….. ow!!" He doesn't finish because Azareal hand chops him on the head.

" Don't rush her". He shoos Shen away and Arkalin comes holding Anna and Lean with Schera behind him.

" What's your name child" Azareal looks at me patiently.

" Muga ….". I say feeling shy and embarrassed.

" it means nothing". I put my head down in shame. My parents didn't even enough to give me an actual name.

" That's a beautiful name young one, the name doesn't maketh the man but the man maketh the name" Azareal said , whilst he smiled kindly.

" Yeah it an amazing name"

" haha yeah It sounds like a super hero name" I smiled. I have never felt like this before.

"hey….." my cheeks felt wet.

" Am I crying..." Funny it's being so long since I ever cried. I learnt at a young age not to cry because it never solved anything, it just caused me more pain more beatings, so it's better not to cry. But why now, why when things are going so well now their going to hate me. Azareal lifted his hand. I flinch and closed my eyes in anticipation of what was to come. (Tap!) I felt a warm hand on my head. I slowly opeaned my eyes and before are all six of them smiling at me in their own way. I was overwhelmed with emotion and broke into loud sobs, Tears running down my face but still smiling uncontrollable.

" Well little Muga, you don't have to tell us much about yourself right now, after all we are in the never ending abyss". He extends his hands " why would like you to join us in our journey after our end".

I have never been treated this way in my entire life neither by friends nor family. Ever since my birth everyone I have ever met has never seen me as a human, I was abused in many ways. I felt alone and hurt. But these guys feel different like a weird group of people, a family… I want to join them.

I rush for his hand, he seems briefly shocks but smiles. The others nod at me. Schera lifted me up in her arms.

" Okay guys let's go"

" you're so loud"

" Someone watch our resident pedo, just to be safe"

" huh… that's not fair, I love kids"

" yeah that's the problem"

" why you…."

" hahahahah....."

This is fun... this ….is my family.