
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Hidden Power

Silas had hidden his power during his training with Lakyus for some time. This included the fact that he was at the peak strength his 8-year-old body could currently handle.

And that he had mostly mastered the sword style she was teaching him.

Before his reincarnation, when he was Emperor Alexios, Silas had honed his swordsmanship above what was thought to be possible.

In a world without magic, all he had was pure skill and physical prowess.

But, in the world of Désira, where unlocking abilities was valued over pure skill and physical prowess, the art of true swordsmanship has gradually faded into obscurity.

And Silas would surely disrupt the status quo and challenge established notions once he begins to openly show off the depth of his swordsmanship.


Silas knew that his father was overprotective of him, especially since he was still a child.

Silas had been cooped up in the family estate for far too long, and he yearned for the freedom of the outside world.

He knew that his father's concern was genuine, but he also knew that he needed a taste of the outside world before enrolling at the academy.

And he was eager to show his father that he was capable of handling himself in the outside world.

As Silas walked through the grand halls of his family's estate towards his father's study, he couldn't help but take in the opulence that surrounded him.

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and portraits of his ancestors, while the floors were made of polished marble that gleamed in the sunlight streaming in through the windows.

He passed by the family's armory, where he saw rows upon rows of gleaming swords, axes, spears, and even the occasional magical items and mythological objects.

As Silas neared his father's study, his attention was drawn to the intricate carvings on the doors.

The wood appeared to have been painstakingly crafted with great care and attention to detail.

He couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him.

He took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him.

As his hand made contact with the door, he felt a surge of nervous energy course through him.

He pushed open the intricately carved doors and stepped into his father's study, his eyes scanning the room for his father.

His father was seated at his desk, engrossed in a book, and looked up as Silas entered.

Silas took a deep breath and met his father's gaze, ready to plead his case.

"Father," Silas began, "I know you worry about me, but I wish to experience the world beyond our estate before I leave for the academy I wish to learn more about swordsmanship, Inheritors, and the world beyond our walls. I promise to make you proud and return stronger."

Silas' father looked at him for a moment, considering his request.

Finally, he spoke. "Silas. Remember, you carry the legacy of our family with you. You must conduct yourself with honor and dignity at all times."

Silas pondered for a moment, considering his father's words.

He had heard stories of the legendary Inheritors who traveled the world, taking up quests, slaying monsters, and conquering dungeons.

What if he could live amongst them, learn from them, and study their techniques?

"I understand, Father," Silas said slowly. "But what if I were to disguise myself as an Inheritor?"

Silas' father looked at him with a stern expression. "Disguise yourself as an Inheritor? Do you have any idea of the dangers that come with such a decision? You have no strength, and how do you expect an eight-year-old child to pass as an Inheritor."

Silas felt a pang of disappointment at his father's reaction, but he didn't let it deter him.

Silas understood his father's concerns, but he was determined to find a way to make his dream a reality.

"I understand the risks, Father," Silas said. "But I'm not completely defenseless. I've been training with Lakyus, and I know how to handle a sword. As for passing as an Inheritor, what if we found a way to make me look older?"

Gregorio looked at his son skeptically. "Make you look older? How would we do that?"

Silas thought for a moment. "What if we found a way to use an illusion to temporarily change my appearance? It could help me pass as an older Inheritor, and it would also make me look more experienced."

His father looked at him for a moment, his expression softening. "Silas, I cannot in good conscience allow you to put yourself in harm's way like this. You are still a child, my child, and your safety is my number one priority. Sure, we have a few skilled Inheritors who could make it happen but..."

Silas nodded, understanding his father's concerns, but he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"I understand, Father," Silas said with a sigh. "But what if I were to have a chaperone as well? Someone who could accompany me on my journey and ensure my safety?"

His father raised an eyebrow. "A chaperone? Who do you have in mind?"

Silas hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Who else but Lakyus..."

After mulling it over, Gregorio responded, "I have some reservations about Lakyus being your chaperone. She's widely recognized as one of the most fearsome Inheritors in the continent and is associated with our Ward family. If you want to keep a low profile on your journey, we may need to consider someone else."

"What if Lakyus also disguised herself?" Silas suggested. "No one would suspect her, and she could keep a low profile while still being able to protect me. And I know how easy it would be for you to forge us a license."

Gregorio frowned, considering his son's suggestion. "It's a risky plan, but it might work. Lakyus is certainly capable of protecting you, and if she can maintain her disguise, it could be a viable option."


Silas and his father approached Lakyus, who was in the family's private gardens. She looked up as they entered, her expression curious.

"Lakyus, we need to speak with you," Gregorio said, his tone serious.

Lakyus nodded respectfully. "Of course, Lord. How can I help?"

Silas stepped forward, his gaze meeting Lakyus's. "Lakyus, I have a proposal for you. I want to explore the world beyond our estate, and I wish for you to accompany me."

Lakyus raised an eyebrow, looking at Silas in surprise. "Silas, you are still a child. The world beyond our walls is dangerous."

Silas nodded, understanding Lakyus's concern. "I know, but I have been training with you, and I believe you can vouch for me."

Lakyus considered Silas's words before turning to Gregorio. "Lord Gregorio, what do you think?"

Gregorio looked at Lakyus seriously. "It is a risky plan, but Silas is determined to explore the world and learn about swordsmanship and Inheritors. I believe you are the best person to accompany him and ensure his safety."

Lakyus nodded, her expression grave. "I understand. I will do everything in my power to protect Silas and ensure his safety."

Gregorio requested the help of an Inheritor, under his authority, adept at illusions, to weave the enchantment upon Silas and Lakyus.

Silas and Lakyus stood before the skilled Inheritor...

The Inheritor looked at them both, his expression serious. "Are you sure about this, Lord Gregorio? This spell is powerful, but it's not without risks."

Silas looked at the Inheritor with concern. "What kind of risks are involved with this spell? Is there something we should be worried about?"

The Inheritor looked at Silas with a serious expression. "One of the biggest risks of using an illusion spell is that it requires a significant amount of energy to maintain. If the spell is not sustained properly, it could fade away, revealing your true appearance and potentially exposing your true identity."

Lakyus placed a reassuring hand on Silas's shoulder. "We will be careful. I'll make sure to maintain the spell to the best of my ability."

The Inheritor nodded, his expression serious. "Very well. I will cast the spell."

As the Inheritor began to cast the spell, Silas and Lakyus felt a strange sensation wash over them. It was as if a wave of energy was passing through their bodies, tingling and pulsing in their veins.

They could feel the illusion taking hold, reshaping their features and altering their appearance.

Silas felt a strange sensation as his body seemed to stretch and elongate.

His muscles bulged and expanded, and he could feel his bones shifting and reshaping beneath his skin.

His voice deepened, and his features became much more defined.

Lakyus felt her hair shortening and changing color, her features becoming sharper and more angular.

Her body became less toned, and she felt a strange sense of detachment from her own appearance.

Silas looked several years older, with a muscular build and a strong jawline.

While Lakyus looked like a different person entirely, with shorter hair, and sharper features, but a less athletic physique.

When the Inheritor finished casting the spell, Gregorio examined Silas and Lakyus closely, his expression one of surprise.

"You both look completely different," he said, his tone incredulous. "I would never have recognized you if I didn't know it was you."

Silas and Lakyus smiled at each other, relieved that the spell had worked.

"Thank you for your help," Silas said, feeling a sense of gratitude towards the Inheritor.

As Silas and Lakyus walked down the path away from the estate, Gregorio called out to them.

"Silas, one more thing," he said, his tone serious.

Silas turned around, his expression curious. "What is it, Father?"

"The illusion spell that was cast on you and Lakyus has a time limit of six months," Gregorio said, his voice grave.

Silas felt a sense of concern wash over him. "What do you mean?"

"It means that after six months, the illusion will fade, and your true appearance will be revealed," Gregorio explained. "You must make the most of your journey in that time and return safely before it wears off."

Silas nodded, feeling a sense of urgency building within him.

"I understand, Father," he said, his voice determined.

Gregorio approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, Silas, the world can be a dangerous place. But you have Lakyus by your side, and I have faith in both of you."

Silas felt a surge of gratitude toward his father and he couldn't help but give him a tight hug

"Thank you, Father," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Gregorio smiled at him. "Now go, Silas. Leave soon."