
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Silas slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the brightness of the afternoon sun streaming in through the dorm room windows.

For a moment, he lay still, trying to assemble his thoughts scattered by the vivid dream.

Silas sat up and ran his hands through his hair, sighing. How could he possibly replicate any of that power in the real world? It had all felt so effortless in his dream.

The way he saw the world was different, it was more vibrant. As if he could see the very essence that made up everything.

Despite his doubts, Silas closed his eyes again and called out in his mind for Celeste.

<I'm here, Silas>

"I've gotten too used to having you by my side..." Silas paused, searching for the right words. "What happened? Why was I alone this time?"

Celeste considered his question for a moment. Then she replied gently,

<Silas, I am a part of you, your conscience, your body, whatever you wish to call it. But I'm not always meant to be with you, especially as you grow and begin to find your calling>

Silas thought about this. "So you didn't come along on purpose?"

<In a sense, yes. I knew if I appeared, you might rely on me as usual. But this dream was calling to you, to connect with a different kind of power>

"Nature," Silas said quietly, almost to himself.

<Yes, the plants, trees and animals wish to connect with you>

Silas smiled softly. "I do feel different somehow." he admitted.

<And that feeling will only grow>

<Go outside, sit under a tree. Feel the earth beneath you and the breeze on your face. Reconnect with the living world outside of your dream. Once that bond is established in your life, your gift may begin to emerge>

Silas considered her words for a moment, then stood up from his bed. "I'll try it," he said determinedly.

The vivid memories still played out before his mind's eye, the rush of magic coursing through his veins, the plants responding to his command.

"I feel like the world has opened up to me," Silas confessed. "Everything looks and feels so different."

<As a dual-awakened, your perspective has indeed changed. Embrace the gift bestowed upon you, Silas. Embrace the wonder that comes with it. And remember, you have the power to change your destiny>

Silas paused, a flicker of realization dancing in his eyes.

The mention of destiny struck a chord within him, but not in the traditional sense. He had always questioned the concept of a predetermined path, a fixed fate that dictated his every move.

"Destiny," Silas spoke, his voice filled with a blend of curiosity and defiance. "What is destiny, truly? Am I bound to walk a certain path, or do I actually possess the freedom to shape my own fate?"

<Silas. You have the chance to traverse the infinite paths that will be laid out before you, to forge your own destiny amidst the ebb and flow of time. Your choices and actions are the brushstrokes that paint the portrait of your life. Each decision, no matter how seemingly insignificant, influences the course of your new journey>

Silas absorbed her words, the weight of his own existence pressing upon him. "But in the grand scheme of things," he continued, his voice tinged with determination, "what is my place? Why was I reincarnated, granted this extraordinary gift?"

<Your reincarnation, Silas, is not a coincidence. It is a testament to your boundless potential, a chance to bring about profound change in the vast tapestry of existence. Your purpose, to transcend the boundaries of the ordinary and leave your mark>

Celeste's words hung in the air, but as soon as she spoke them, she sensed a hint of urgency in her own voice, a sense that she had revealed more than she should have. She quickly realized the weight of her words and their potential impact on Silas's perception of himself and the world.

Silas, sensing the sudden shift, furrowed his brow, catching the fleeting unease in Celeste's words. His curiosity deepened, and a sense of caution washed over him.

"Wait," Silas said, "what do you mean by that? What is it that you're not telling me?"

Celeste's presence wavered for a moment as she grappled with her slip of words. <Silas, I apologize, but I have said too much. There are things that are best revealed with time, as you navigate your own journey and uncover the mysteries that lie ahead. I am here to guide and support you, but the full extent of your destiny is something you must discover for yourself.>

Silas felt a surge of anger mixed with confusion. How could Celeste know so much about his destiny if she was supposedly a creation of his own mind? The realization left him unsettled.

"What do you mean, Celeste?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration. "You were created by me, a part of my own consciousness! How do you have knowledge of my destiny, of the paths I'm meant to traverse?"

<Silas, I understand your confusion and frustration. But there are aspects of your existence, of our existence, our connection that go beyond what you may comprehend right now. The nature of our bond is special>

Silas clenched his fists, his mind swirling with a mix of emotions. "I don't understand any of this," he muttered. "How can I trust what you say if I don't even know the truth about your origins, about mine?"

<I know it's difficult to grasp, Silas. But please understand that I am truly here to guide and support you on your journey. The answers you seek will reveal themselves in due time, as you continue to explore the vast realms of your dual-awakened consciousness. Trust in yourself, and trust that the path you walk is uniquely yours to shape and uncover.>

Silas sighed, his anger subsiding slightly. He realized that pushing for immediate answers might only lead to further frustration. Perhaps there were truths that were not yet ready to be revealed, and he would have to be patient in his search for understanding.

"Alright, Celeste," he said, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and determination. "I may not fully comprehend everything right now, but I trust that there is a greater purpose to my existence. I will navigate this journey with an open mind, ready to embrace the revelations that come my way."

Celeste's presence reassured him. <That's the spirit, Silas. Embrace the unknown, within it lies your potential. Together, we will uncover the truths that shape you>

Silas took a deep breath, determination gradually replacing his frustration.

He realized that dwelling on the unanswered questions wouldn't bring him immediate clarity.

Instead, he needed to focus on taking the next steps in his journey.

But as he looked around his dorm room, nothing seemed changed from when he had closed his eyes. He turned to Celeste and asked, "Wait, how much time has passed?"

She understood his confusion and replied softly,

<Only a few hours, Silas. Time flows differently in the dream world>

Silas let out a long breath, relieved. "It felt like so much longer," he said. "Days."

<That is not uncommon. The dream state allows your consciousness to stretch and explore far beyond the linear constraints of time>

Silas furrowed his brow in thought. "My first dream, in the Crystal Isle, weeks had passed. Yet now it was only hours. Why the difference?"

<Your first dream with me. That was a special moment, Silas. Your mind was more open and receptive to the dream world. And dreams can be influenced by a number of factors, including emotions, stress levels, and external stimuli>

Silas headed out of his dorm room, still feeling dazed from the vivid dream. As he walked across campus, he replayed the conversation with Celeste in his mind, trying to make sense of it all.

He spotted Adalinda waiting for him at their usual spot. When she asked why he missed a few classes, Silas shrugged and said "I just overslept." Adalinda looked at him curiously, sensing there was more to the story. But she let it go for now.

As Silas and Adalinda walked across campus, he couldn't help but stare in wonder at the scenery, it looked slightly different now.

The old oak trees lining the paths seemed almost animated, their branches waving as if greeting him. Silas caught himself waving back.

The grass looked impossibly green and lush, infused with a vibrant, pulsating energy.

Even the the bushes and flower beds seemed to brighten at his gaze.

Adalinda watched Silas, intrigued. "The academy looks beautiful today," she said.

Silas felt a strange sensation in his chest as he looked at the world around him.

He couldn't explain how he was doing it, but he knew that it had something to do with his newfound ability.

As they walked, Silas noticed that the other students seemed to be looking around. They looked at the greenery with a mixture of curiosity and awe, as if they could sense how different it truly was.

As they reached the edge of the campus, Silas spotted a small, secluded grove of trees. Without a word, he veered off the path and headed towards it.

Adalinda followed him, sensing that something was up. She sat down on a nearby rock and watched as Silas walked around the grove, his hands hovering over the trees and plants.

Silas didn't quite know what he was doing, but he could feel the energy flowing through him. He closed his eyes and concentrated, willing the natural world to grow stronger.

As he did, he felt a strange sensation in his chest. It was as if something inside him was growing and expanding.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the grove was glowing with a soft, green light. The leaves on the trees were shimmering, and the flowers were blooming in vibrant hues.

Adalinda gasped in awe. "What did you do?" she asked.

Silas looked at Adalinda, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I don't know," he admitted. "I just connected with the nature around me. And then this happened."

Adalinda stood up and walked towards the glowing grove, her eyes wide with wonder. "That's amazing," she said softly. "What does it feel like?"

Silas thought for a moment, trying to put it into words. "It's like I can sense the life force of everything around me. When I focus on it, I can control it. And, I feel like nature would do whatever I ask of it."

Adalinda's eyes widened in amazement. "That's incredible," she said as her face got serious, "How was it...Are you okay?"

Silas took a deep breath, his mind still buzzing with the memories of his dream. He decided to share a brief summary with Adalinda, knowing that describing every detail might be overwhelming.

He paused, searching for the right way to explain it without delving too deeply into the intricate details. "In my dream, the world was different, with vibrant colors and a sense of energy pulsating through everything. I could even control with the nature around me..."