
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Silas took a deep breath and stood up from his next to Adalinda. "I have to go, Adalinda. I'll take care of this," he said, his expression serious.

Adalinda looked up at him, worry etched on her face. "Can I come with you?" she asked.

Silas shook his head. "No, Adalinda. This is something I'll handle alone. But I promise I'll be back as soon as possible," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

With that, Silas left the Imperial Palace and made his way to the stables. He called for a carriage and within minutes, it arrived.

He climbed into the carriage and asked the driver to take him to the Ward estate.

As the carriage made its way through the busy streets of the city, Silas couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. He knew that time was of the essence, and he had to act fast if he wanted to find out what had happened to Iliana.

When the carriage finally pulled up to the gates of the Ward estate, Silas jumped out and strode towards the main entrance. He was greeted by the sight of his family guards, who recognized him immediately and opened the doors for him.

Silas walked down the familiar halls of the estate, his mind focused on the task at hand. He needed to talk to his father, Gregorio Ward, one of the most powerful Inheritors in the world.

When Silas finally reached his father's office, he knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

Silas entered the room and found his father seated behind his desk, looking up at him with a curious expression.

"Silas? My son, what brings you back home?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Silas knew that his father was not one to show his emotions easily, but he could see the concern etched on his face. "I need your help with something. It's about one of my friends, and Adalinda." Silas said, his voice serious.

Silas didn't waste any time with pleasantries and continued, "Father, there's someone or something we must find and destroy," he said, his voice menacing.

Gregorio raised an eyebrow. "And who or what might that be?" he asked, intrigued.

Silas took a deep breath. "Iliana, my friend is dead, father. And I have reason to suspect foul play," he said, his voice firm.

Gregorio's expression darkened. "I see. This is indeed a serious matter. Come, let's discuss this further," he said, leading the way into the house.

Silas took a deep breath and began to explain everything that had happened with Iliana's disappearance and Adalinda's distress. He told his father about the group of high-ranking Inheritors who had gone with Iliana on her mission and how they had failed to protect her.

He also shared his suspicions that there was something darker and more sinister going on behind the scenes.

Gregorio listened intently, his expression growing more and more serious as Silas spoke.

"This is troubling news indeed," Gregorio said, his voice low. "Iliana seemed to be a talented young Inheritor, and her loss will be felt deeply by our community."

Silas nodded, his expression grim. "I know, Father. But we need to find out what happened to her and bring those responsible to justice."

Gregorio nodded in agreement. "I'll do what I can to help you, Silas. We'll start by gathering information about her mission and the Inheritors who were with her. We'll also look into any suspicious activity that might have been happening in the academy."

Silas felt a glimmer of hope at his father's words. "Thank you, Father. I knew I could count on you."

Gregorio placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this, Silas. I promise you that."

Over the next few days, Gregorio used his extensive network and resources to dig deeper into the matter.

As they uncovered more information, it became clear that there was indeed foul play involved. They discovered evidence of sabotage and tampering with equipment that was critical to Iliana's mission. It seemed that someone had deliberately set them up to fail.

Silas was filled with anger and frustration at the thought that someone had taken his friends life in such a callous and calculated way. He was determined to bring the responsible parties to justice.

As the investigation continued, Gregorio's network of informants provided him with more valuable information. They learned about a group of Inheritors who were known to operate outside of the law and had a history of using underhanded tactics to achieve their goals. It was suspected that this group might be involved in Iliana's death.

Silas and his father put together a plan to infiltrate the group and gather more evidence. They worked tirelessly, often late into the night, to piece together the puzzle of Iliana's death.

As Gregorio infiltrated the group of Inheritors, he kept a low profile and observed their movements.

He realized that they were involved in some shady dealings and he suspected that they were somehow linked to Iliana's disappearance.

One night, he overheard a conversation that confirmed his suspicions. He learned that the headmaster of the academy was corrupt and was involved in human trafficking, and that Iliana was alive, being held captive and trafficked by the group.

Determined to rescue Iliana and bring the headmaster to justice, Gregorio decided to confront the Inheritors. He knew that they were skilled warriors, but he was confident in his own abilities and knew that he had to act quickly.

As he stepped forward, the Inheritors tensed, drawing their weapons and surrounding him.

"You've made a grave mistake by coming here," one of the Inheritors said menacingly.

Gregorio's eyes blazed with fury as he drew his sword. "I have come to put an end to your wickedness and rescue the innocents you have taken captive," he declared.

The Inheritors charged forward, their weapons raised. Gregorio moved with lightning speed, dodging their attacks and striking back with deadly precision.

He was a force to be reckoned with, his swordsmanship unparalleled. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike landing with devastating effect.

The Inheritors found themselves on the defensive, struggling to keep up with his lightning-fast attacks.

Gregorio fought with ferocity to bring justice to those who had wronged Iliana. He fought with a singular purpose, driving back his opponents with every blow.

The Inheritors fought with everything they had, but in the end, they were no match for Gregorio's skill and determination.

He fought his way through them, cutting down anyone who stood in his way, not even needing to use his abilities.

As the last of the Inheritors fell, Gregorio made his way through their hideout. He found Iliana and a group of other young girls, cowering in the corner. They were all battered and bruised, their spirits broken and barely alive.

Gregorio picked her up gently, cradling her in his arms. "I've got you, you're safe now," he whispered.

Together, they made their way out of the compound, leaving the Inheritors bodies behind.

But Gregorio knew that the fight was far from over. They still had to bring the headmaster to justice and put an end to the human trafficking ring that he had been running.

Silas was waiting outside the compound, anxiety etched on his face as he watched his father emerge with Iliana in his arms.

Relief flooded through him as he saw that she was alive and safe.

He ran forward to embrace her, tears streaming down his face. "You're alive?!" he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"Yes, thanks to your father," Iliana said softly, looking up at Gregorio with gratitude in her eyes.

Silas turned to his father, his expression filled with admiration and pride. "You did it, dad. You saved her."

Gregorio smiled, his eyes tired but content. "We did it, Silas. Together."

With Iliana safe and the Inheritors defeated, they set their sights on bringing the headmaster to justice and dismantling the rest of the human trafficking ring.

After rescuing Iliana and the other girls, Gregorio and Silas knew that they needed to bring the headmaster to justice and put an end to the human trafficking ring.

They first gathered all the information they had gathered during their investigation, including the location of the compound and the identities of the people involved in the ring.

With the help of the Emperor Lirien, a full-scale investigation was launched, using the information provided by Gregorio and Silas to track down the headmaster and his associates.

The Ward family also interviewed the rescued girls to gather more evidence and build a stronger case against the headmaster.

Once enough evidence had been gathered, the headmaster and his associates were taken into custody and charged them with multiple crimes, including human trafficking, kidnapping, and exploitation of minors.

The case went to trial, and Gregorio and Silas testified against the headmaster and his associates, providing crucial evidence that led to their conviction.

The headmaster and his associates were sentenced to rot in prison for the rest of their lives, ensuring that they would never be able to harm anyone again.

After the headmaster and his associates were convicted and brought to justice, Emperor Lirien decided to address the people of his kingdom about the case.

He believed it was important to acknowledge the severity of the crimes committed and to praise the efforts of those who brought the perpetrators to justice.

The emperor stood before a large crowd of people, his voice amplified by an Inheritor who could manipulate sound, so that everyone could hear him clearly.

He began his speech with a somber tone, acknowledging the pain and suffering that the victims of the human trafficking ring had endured.

"As the ruler of this kingdom, it is my duty to protect all of its citizens, especially the most vulnerable among us. It is with great sadness that I address you today about the heinous crimes committed by the headmaster of the Imperial Academy, and his associates."

He then went on to commend the efforts of those who worked tirelessly to bring the headmaster and his associates to justice.

"But in the face of such terrible crimes, we also saw the best of our people. We saw brave heroes in the Ward family, who risked their lives to rescue the victims and bring the perpetrators to justice. We saw the strength of the survivors, who despite the traumas they faced, showed incredible resilience and determination."

The emperor's speech was met with applause and cheers from the crowd. He reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the citizens of the kingdom and ensuring that such atrocities never happen again.

"We will continue to work tirelessly to dismantle these criminal networks, and to ensure that justice is served. Let us never forget the victims of these crimes, and let us continue to stand together in the fight against human trafficking and exploitation."

"As we move forward from this dark chapter, I am pleased to announce that a new headmaster has been appointed to lead the academy. She is a remarkable individual who has dedicated her life to education and the betterment of young people."

He paused, surveying the crowd before him before continuing, "It is my honor to introduce to you the new headmistress of our great academy, Violet Fuller."

At this, a woman stepped forward, looking confident and poised. The crowd erupted into applause, welcoming the new headmistress.

"I am honored to have been chosen to lead this esteemed academy," Fuller began. "I recognize the gravity of the situation that has brought us here today. I pledge to you, the students, the teachers, and the entire empire, that I will work tirelessly to ensure that the Imperial Academy is safe for all."

Her words were met with cheers and applause, and Adalinda and Silas exchange a look of satisfaction. With the new headmistress at the helm, the academy will be in good hands.