
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Adalinda couldn't help but steal a glance at Silas from the corner of her eye. There was something about him that made her heart skip a beat every time she looked at him.

She had always found him attractive, with his chiseled features and golden eyes that seemed to be brighter than the sun.

But it was more than just his physical appearance that drew her to him. There was a kindness and warmth in his demeanor that she found irresistible.

Silas turned to her, breaking her train of thought.

"You know, I've been thinking," he said, his voice low.

Adalinda looked up at him, curious.

"About what?" she asked.

"About us," he replied, his gaze intense.

Adalinda felt her heart skip a beat.

"What about us?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Back when we first met, I never imagined that we would become such good friends," Silas said, his tone serious. "But now, I can't imagine my life without you in it. And...there's something else I want to say."

Adalinda's heart was pounding in her chest, and she held her breath, waiting for him to continue.

"Back then," Silas said, his voice hesitant. "When we first met, I had my own agenda. I wanted to use you for my own gain."

Adalinda's heart sank at Silas's words. She had been hoping that he was going to confess his love for her, but instead, he was admitting to using her.

Silas continued with an earnest tone, "But, as time passed, I began to see how wrong I was. Adalinda, you're an extraordinary person. You have a heart of gold, and I couldn't help but find myself falling for you, and I can't bear to keep this from you any longer."

Adalinda's heart skipped a beat again, but this time in a different way. She had never considered the possibility that Silas might have feelings for her.

Still her eyes welled up with tears as Silas continued speaking. He told her how wrong he was and how much he had come to appreciate her as a person.

Adalinda felt conflicted as she listened to him. Part of her wanted to forgive him, but the other part felt hurt and betrayed.

"I'm sorry," Silas said, his eyes full of regret. "I never meant to hurt you, Adalinda. Please forgive me."

Adalinda took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She felt torn between her emotions, unsure of what to do.

"I don't know if I can trust you again," she said, her voice trembling.

Silas nodded, understanding the gravity of his mistake.

"I understand, Adalinda," he said, his voice low. "But please give me a chance to make it right. I will do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."

Adalinda considered Silas's words carefully, weighing the pros and cons. She still had feelings for him, but she was unsure if she could move past this...

"I need time," she said finally. "I need to think about all of this and process my feelings. I don't know if I can do this Silas, but I'm willing to try."

Silas nodded, feeling relieved that Adalinda was willing to consider giving him another chance.

"Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready." He said.

Adalinda nodded, feeling emotionally drained. She needed some time alone to process everything that had happened. Silas understood and left, giving her space to think.

As she sat there, Adalinda thought about their friendship and how much it had meant to her. She had always trusted Silas, and the thought that he had wanted to use her for his own gain hurt her deeply.

At the same time, she couldn't deny the feelings she had for him. Silas had become her best friend, and the idea of losing him was almost unbearable.

Adalinda took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts.

She knew that she needed to sort out her feelings before she could decide what to do next.

Over the next few days, Adalinda reflected on her relationship with Silas.

She thought about how much she liked him, even if he had ulterior motives a few months ago, he had come clean, he wanted to make things right!

Eventually, Adalinda realized that she still cared for Silas deeply.

She wanted him.

Adalinda reached out to Silas and they met up to talk. They had a long and honest conversation, where Silas apologized again and promised to never betray her trust again.

Slowly but surely, Adalinda began to trust Silas again. They started spending time together and rebuilding their friendship.

Over time, their bond grew stronger, and Adalinda realized that she had fallen even deeper in love with Silas...

As they sat on the same bench, in the courtyard.

Adalinda couldn't help but feel grateful that they were able to repair their friendship. It had been a slow process, but every moment spent with Silas helped to rebuild the trust that had been broken.

Silas had been patient and understanding, giving Adalinda the space she needed to process her feelings. He had never pressured her into anything, allowing her to take things at her own pace.

As the sun began to set, Silas turned to Adalinda, his golden eyes shining in the fading light.

"Adalinda, I know I've said it before, but I need to say it again," he said, his voice soft. "I am so sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Adalinda smiled, feeling her heart swell with affection for Silas. She knew that he was sincere in his apology and that he truly regretted what he had done.

"I forgive you, Silas," she said, her voice gentle. "But I need you to promise me something."

"Anything," Silas replied, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Promise me that you will always be honest with me, no matter how difficult it may be," Adalinda said. "I can't go through something like this again. I need to be able to trust you completely."

Silas nodded, his expression serious. "I promise, Adalinda. I will always be honest with you, no matter what."

Adalinda felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that it wouldn't be easy to fully trust Silas again, but she was willing to try.

As they walked through the academy courtyard, Adalinda felt Silas's hand slip into hers. She looked up at him, surprised, but he just gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand gently.

They continued walking in comfortable silence, the warm summer breeze blowing through their hair.

As they reached the edge of the park, Silas turned to Adalinda, his golden eyes gleaming.

"Adalinda, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice low.

Adalinda felt a flutter in her stomach, wondering what Silas could possibly have to say.

"What is it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Silas took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

"Adalinda, I know that I've put you through a lot recently, but I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore," he said, his voice serious. "I want to be more than just friends. I want to be with you, Ada."

Adalinda's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Silas, her eyes wide with surprise.

For a moment, Adalinda was speechless. She felt a mixture of emotions- happiness, and uncertainty.

"I...I don't know what to say," Adalinda stammered, her heart racing. "I never thought..."

Silas reached out and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I understand if you need some time to process this," he said, his voice tender. "I just wanted you to know how I feel. I've liked you for a while now, Ada. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer."

Adalinda looked up at Silas, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.

She knew that he meant every word he said, and the thought of being with him made her heart tremble.

"I...I think I like you too," Adalinda whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

Silas's face beamed, and he pulled Adalinda into his arms, holding her tightly.

As they hugged, Adalinda felt a sense of peace wash over her.

For the first time in a long time, both Adalinda and Silas felt truly happy.

As the night fell, they stood up to leave. Silas held out his hand, and Adalinda took it, feeling a spark of electricity pass between them. "Let's go," Silas said, leading her back inside the academy.

When they reached the door of Adalinda's dormitory, Silas turned to her with a small smile on his face. "I had a great time tonight," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "We should do this again sometime."

Adalinda felt a warmth spread through her chest, and she couldn't help but smile. "I'd like that," she replied, looking up into Silas's eyes.

Silas took a step closer, his hand reaching up to gently brush a strand of hair from Adalinda's face.

She felt her heart skip a beat as he leaned in and placed a soft, gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Sleep well, Adalinda," he murmured, his breath warm against her skin.

"Goodnight, Silas," Adalinda replied, feeling a little dazed and confused.

She watched as Silas turned and walked away, feeling a strange mixture of emotions swirling inside of her.

Once inside her dormitory room, Adalinda changed into her pajamas and climbed onto her bed.

She couldn't stop thinking about the gentle touch of Silas's lips on her cheek, and the warmth that it had brought to her body.

What if their relationship didn't work out? What if it ruined their newly reconciled friendship?

Adalinda tried to push these thoughts aside, reminding herself that Silas was a good person, and that he cared for her deeply.

She closed her eyes, and soon, sleep claimed her, and she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of what the future might hold for her and Silas.