
Reincarnation of the Changeling

Ray Silver normal guy. He worked as a mail carrier. One day delivering his mail he gets T boned by a huge semi truck crushing him to death. Ray wakes up and talks to some gods. They tell him that he wasn’t suppose to die but that he can’t return to his body because it was crushed. They offer to send him to a different world. He agrees and his new life begins. The Awakening The world was a blur of colors and shapes as the Changeling opened its eyes for the first time. It felt a rush of warmth and comfort, unlike anything it had ever experienced in its previous life. As it struggled to make sense of its surroundings, the Changeling realized that it had been reborn into a new body, a form that was completely foreign to it. For a moment, the Changeling panicked, unsure of what to do or how to navigate this new world. But then, a memory surfaced in its mind, a faint echo of its past life. It remembered that it was a being capable of changing its form at will, a shapeshifter that could take on any appearance it desired. With this realization, the Changeling began to focus its thoughts, willing its new body to transform. It felt a surge of energy, a power that it had never felt before, and in an instant, its appearance changed. Its body shifted and twisted, morphing into a new form that was sleek and agile, perfect for navigating the world around it. As the Changeling explored its new body, it began to take in its surroundings. It was in a forest, surrounded by towering trees and the sounds of wildlife. The air was crisp and cool, and the scent of pine and earth filled its nostrils. The Changeling felt a sense of peace and belonging, as if it had finally found a place where it could truly belong. But as it took its first steps into the forest, the Changeling realized that its journey was just beginning. It knew that it had been reborn for a reason, and that it had a purpose to fulfill. And so, with a newfound sense of determination, the Changeling set out into the unknown, ready to discover its destiny and make its mark on the world.

Charles_Dodge · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17 ambush

The twelve orcs head in the northeast direction. Thorzen and Torax are in the front leading the group, Tormac is behind them followed by the other nine. They pass by the original ambush spot.

"Got that Prime?" Asked Thorzen.

"Yes, Thorzen." Replied Prime. (Telepathy).

Prime gets out from behind the trees and heads towards Zak and the others. "What is it Prime?"Asked Zak.

Prime points at the three kobolds and motions his arm for them to follow him. They look at Prime questionably.

"What about chief Thorzen?" Asked Zak.

Prime points toward the east and starts to walk.

The three kobolds rush to catch up to Prime.

"I hope you know what you are doing Prime." Said Zen

"It looks like the ambush has been moved. Prime only takes orders from chief Thorzen, so he must have contacted Prime." Said Zet.

The four walk about a mile. Prime stops and looks up at the trees he points up and then points at the three kobolds.

"You want us to climb up into the trees?" Asked Zak.

Prime nods his head yes.

"Alright let's go. Once we get up there draw out your spears." Said Zak. Zen and Zet nod their heads yes. The kobolds climb up the trees with amazing speed and grace. When they get into good positions they draw out their spears.

As the kobolds get into position Prime crouches down next to a tree. He looks like a huge iron boulder. Twenty minutes pass by.

The kobolds and Prime can hear twigs being snapped and the occasional orc voice getting closer.

"Prime we are close I can feel your presence. Do you remember the signal Prime?" Asked Thorzen.

"Yes, Thorzen." Replied Prime. (Telepathy).

The twelve orcs come up to the strange-looking boulder. "That's a strange boulder, looks like iron," said Torax.

"Not now we don't have time for something like that." Said Tormac.

"We can inspect it after we get done with the raid."Said Thorzen.

The group continues to move forward. One of the orcs from the rear walks over to the strange boulder and touches it. He rubs the smooth iron with both hands.

"What are you doing Torax!" Yelled Thorzen.

Torax turns and looks at Thorzen. "What!!" Yelled Torax. As Torax was about to ask. Thorzen pushes Torax down with both hands. Torax falls on his back and his breath is knocked out of him. He gasps for air.

Prime stands up. It startled the orc that was rubbing on Prime. Prime grabs the orc by the throat and picks him up then slams him headfirst into the ground. Crack!! The orcs neck breaks. Prime moves and steps on the orcs head. Squish.

Zak, Zen, and Zet with their spears leap out of the trees and down onto the orcs.

Zeks spear hits an orc piercing through the top of its head and down its neck killing it instantly. Swoosh. Thud. Blood sprays everywhere.

The orc under Zen looks up with his mouth wide open. Zens spear pierced straight through its opened mouth his head jerks back and down and is pinned to the ground. Dead on impact. Swoosh. Snap. Blood flows from his mouth.

Zets target tries to sidestep the oncoming spear but is too slow. Zets spear pierced through his right shoulder and out his left torso. Impaled to the ground. Swoosh. Blam. The orc struggles in vain. His body slides down the spear as he dies.

Prime moves to the next orc. The orc draws its war ax and swings it at Prime. Prime blocks it with his left shield arm. Clang! The orcs hand is numb from hitting Primes shield. Prime swings his massive right fist, hitting the orc in the chest, shattering his sternum, popping his lungs, and his heart exploding. Splat.

Tormac is stunned by the sudden attack but overcomes the initial shock. He draws his great ax and attacks Zet. He raises his great ax above his head and swings down onto Zet. Swoosh! Pain and blood flow through Tormacs back.

Thorzen sees Tormac about to attack Zet. Thorzen draws his twin swords and swings with the right sword. Slicing Tormacs back just in time.

Tormac drops his great ax and stumbles forward then falls to his hands and knees.

Zet looks back at the fallen Tormac. Zet sighs then pull his spear out of the dead orc.

Zak and Zen pull their spears out of the corps then they begin their next assault on the same orc. The orc blocks Zens attack but are unable to counter as Zak's spear comes forward towards his chest. He's able to partially block Zaks spear with his great ax. Zaks spear manages to pierce the orc in the chest. The orc stumbles backward and falls on its ass. Only a shallow wound.

The two orcs raise their great ax one at Zak the other at Zen. As the great ax ascends onto Zak a huge shield appears in front of Zak. Clang. The orc's hands go numb from the force. As the great ax ascends onto Zen a spear appears and hits the head of the great ax altering the trajectory. The great ax barely missing Zen.

After deflecting the great ax with his shield Prime swings his right fist at the orcs head clipping the top of his head. Splat! Blood and brain fly's out everywhere. The orc drops his great ax grabs his head and falls to the ground.

The orc facing Zen attempts to adjust his great ax and his stance but is too late. Zets spear comes from his side and Zens from the front. The orc try's to block Zens spear but Zets spear pierces his side then Zens spear pierced his chest. Swoosh! The orc is impaled to death.

As Zet swings his spear to deflect the orcs great ax from hitting Zen. An orc is swinging a war ax at Zen. Just as the orc thinks that he has Zen dead. A sword comes from the side and cuts through the orc's arm. The orcs arm and war ax go flying in the opposite direction. The orc falls to the ground grabbing his stub of an arm, screaming in pain.

Thorzen walks up to the orc and lops off his head. Slash. Swoosh.

The orc with the shallow chest wound attempts to stand up but is stabbed by two spears from Zak and Zen. Swoosh.

Tormac screaming in pain stands up and attempts to run. Before he could get ten feet away a spear goes through his back and out of his chest. Zet threw his spear and pierced Tormacs body.

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