
Reincarnation of Historian in God Era with Bio Chip.

A Historian is a guide whose role was to guide humanity since the era of God and most Knowledgeable person among the Ancient God's and Demon, in front of their knowledge whole assembly of God's and demons were to kneel if he was passing by. In reality, Historian was not a single entity but was a whole organisation in which they had been collecting information from various worlds from various eras and various dimensions. A guy named Chen of unknown origin was also one of the famous and reputed Historians in the history of the organisation. For Historian knowledge was everything and did not dwell in the pleasure of life, walking in the path of solitude but one day a child blessed by Chen fallen by the act of a Demon King, even when he had requested to Demon King, Chen exploded out on the anger and ended up wiping out the whole the mankind from the dimension, after that place was developed and was called Earth where magic and all the things related to it was prohibited from the usage. Chen who looked at the Earth develop from the void world which was nill of any knowledge, He was finally sentenced to descend to a lower plane to repent in form of life, so his journey when was about to begin a friend of his requested all the Historian to help him and gave a benefit for helping them out all this time, he was given a chip which was created by his friend for all his life as he decided the lower world. DeviantArt is the real artist of the img and I am only currently using for short period of time is allowed by the artist.

IwanttoKill · Fantasy
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Finally, the Goddess Lear asked Emilia to show them around in their new home, it was a big mansion with 4th and 5th floors which was filled with many adventures and most of them were from a few rich Nobel families, which has been related to the request from the grand Duke you have this property.

Last fifth floor what's the place where the number of people who were living there counted around 50 to 60, among them most of them were female Elves who were talking to each other from time to time. Emilia when brought them to the fifth floor, most of the people turned to see them closely since they wanted to enter the 5th floor which was the private floor for this familia.

The private floor is the place where most of the high-level adventurers were allowed to enter and those who were accepted by the family act to be treated as the innermost member among them, usually these people were highly talented but the clothes both Alicia and Amethi were wearing signify that they were refugee which was brought several days before.

After looking at the room at which they both were allowed to stay and was next to Emilia, due to which Emilia who was against Alicia and Amethi staying together in a single room allowed Alicia to stay with her in her room. Alicia was also fine where Amethi had whatsoever no reason to deny it, he nodded his head while entering inside his room where he was able to see that there were clothes of his fitting inside the wardrobe, everyone of them was tailored for fighting and was known as Combat dress, which were considered to be an expensive luxury in this world.

It was a big mansion, on the 5th floor was the area where they were about it live and having both Alicia and Emilia room by his side, he felt a little assured about Alicia safety since even though it is Goddess mansion Amethi was not able to bring himself to believe everything and everyone surrounding them.

After that, he sat down on his bed which was warm and comfy so he looked around and sat while closing his eyes, given he wish to calm his mind and soul to be prepared to be blessed and after his mind was calm he walked outside toward the bath to clean himself.

Bath was huge where Anthony smiled looking at Amethi since even for Amethi who had seen the history of the culture where a huge bath was the symbol of the authority one person had and the size of this bath was enough to shame the royal bath of that world.

"So what do you think, isn't this awesome given this bath was something king of this country had sent his best artesian to work for us and due to Goddess of life friend which has been sending to the different country in the lower world, had accumulated a certain resource which is quite pricey in this country."

In short, this large bath just does not have a huge area but was also made up of material which is a luxury in this country, so there might be many who want to have a dip inside this bath but still will not be able to do it due to presence of the Goddess. After he was done cleaning his body out with the cold water, Amethi walked and sat inside the hot spring and the feeling of tiredness was easily swept away by it which was a very relaxing sensation he had felt after uncountable years.

After coming out he walked toward the Goddess of the living room and saw Alicia walking out, at the first look he was quite stunned as he keeps looking at the figure of Alicia when he turned to look at Emilia he was still stunned again as he realized she looked more beautiful than once they have met in the Tavern. At moment she was coming from a quest and it was not the prime look she had because she was covered in little dust and her cloth was also dusty.

Coming to his senses he shook his head while he started to walk inside while the stunt face of Amethi made both of the girls giggle out in amusement, unknown to every reader those two girls are airheaded and it is very hard to make them realize why Amethi had such an expression.

Inside Anthony who standing on Goddess's side smiled as Amethi bow a little to express his gratitude and walked up to Goddess as he took off his shirt and sat facing the opposite side of the Goddess and exposing his back toward her. Lear smiled and sat silently while a beautiful radiant started to emit out of her hand, warm sensation started to draw something on his back while Amethi felt the soul inside him crunching out with the impurities he had collected in this life, at which he cannot help but smile since the main objective of his join a familia was to cleansing his soul this might turn out to be a major key point in his journey.

Hmm! Alright it is done Amethi Kun, Lear smiled as she hugged Lear back and patted her head, Amethi sat silently as he enjoyed the sensation given how many years it had been since she was able to feel this kind of feeling within him, all the time he was reborn as a Hero he was an orphan, to begin with, given it was easier to explain that way and that is why he had always been Yearning to have a mother too, just like any normal kid.

Even though Goddess Lear has a different feeling to it but it was similar to the feeling of the family and Amethi appreciated this feeling a lot which was similar to the way the previous host must have felt if he was in his shoes.

'Thank you, Goddess Lear I wanted to have that warmth, for who knows how long it was like that.' Amethi thought inside his mind and stood up after Lear let him out of her embrace as she said "Amethi come to talk to me whenever you felt lost, as a goddess all my divine power was sealed off and I am unable to help out you with anything but the least I can do for you to help you out when you needed to talk to someone, right!"

After they had walked out of her room, Amethi looked quite normal but Anthony by his side I was stunned looking at the guy in front of him who did not know what happened inside was not something which happens from time to time so easily after goddess Lear had cast her blessing on him to reveal the talent and skills which he had but was hidden inside his mortal body, normally up person had 2 to 3 skill and magic due to which they are called genius among the humanity.

After Amethi paper in which all of his skill with his stats was printed by the goddess, everyone inside the room was shocked to see the number of skill present, at least there were six of them, and this kind of skill set was not something anyone would like to mess with since every level the skills is x twice the number of the skills at the beginning, and if Amethi word to reach level 3 he would have around 48 of those skills and which is not permanent but there will be at least 48 of them.

Given after leveling up there are chances that more skills can be given if you are lucky.

Anthony was quite confident of himself since she had four skills which were out of normal at which one of them was magic skill and other three words physical fighting skills but in the case of Amethi [Boost] [Slash] [Water Ball] [Lightning Impulse] [Air Shield] and [Twister Blade]

Where Boost and Slash are physical types skills that can increase the lethality of the weapon used by Amethi and his body, Water Ball and Twister Blade were water and Air type skills where both of them had quite a lethality if used carefully and not to say that both of them were basic Magician skill, and what does it mean it simply means that Amethi had a talent for being a Magician, unlike battle skill Magician skill can be passed down to next-generation autism how to use that is kill without passing them.

Given battle skill is a Titans skills which were called to be e enemy of God and Goddesses, so that is why I know God and goddesses are actually in help of teaching how to cast out battle skills and is the reason why the job of a pure Battle Master is harder than a Magician.

Finally aside from. Air Shield which anyone can tell what kind of spell was the other one was something out of the ordinary [Lightning Impulse] was a Magician skill which can be used in close combat, not to say that a magician who is a male is accounted as a National treasure and will be respected any place you wish to visit when one say a person is a mage it means that one had to have at least more skills of a magician when ones awaken.

In the case of Amethi, accept the two skills where Boost if you develop in a good manner can become an area of effect magician skill, given at Higher level it can be cast on just not himself but the all the other party members.

Every skill is of magicians.

In history there were only 5 Magus who were males, and each of them of the history of the continent of Pahalgam turns out to be and greatest Sage, who saved humanity from any kind of disasters and were the reason why they were called to be national treasures, even though after the God had descended in the lower world the ratio of female to a male mage is around few billion to one, and by researching over the topic all the people come to one conclusion and that was only a male Magus mate with female Magus can give birth to a child who is also a Magus.