
Reincarnation of Fodder

The rise of Fodder Hunter after getting rediculed and misused by his "Friends" for his entire life. Seiya Senta was surprised to find that the he reincarnated back in time when he started his Hunter career with his so called "Friends". This time with power of World God can he make a difference ?

Kaijit · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: I will continue to play with you

<p>Chapter 1: Awakening in Seoul<br/><br/>In the heart of Seoul, South Korea, within a modest apartment in the bustling district of Gangnam, Min-ho stood alone, his attention captured by the mysterious, glowing stone in his hand. The room around him, filled with relics of a warrior's life, was bathed in the stone's ethereal light. This was no ordinary object; it was a class change token, an artifact of immense power that could redefine one's destiny. For Min-ho, it was a chance to erase his ignominious title of 'Fodder' and begin anew.<br/><br/>His status as a warrior had long been overshadowed by this demeaning title, a consequence of his many defeats in battle. Determined to reverse his fortunes, Min-ho activated his virtual interface, calling up his current status:<br/><br/>**STATUS**<br/>Name: Min-ho | Level: 43 | Class: Warrior<br/>Title: Fodder<br/>HP: 99 | Fatigue: 96 | Strength: 30<br/>Agility: 15 | Perception: 31 | MP: 5<br/>Stamina: 12 | Intelligence: 40<br/><br/>The title 'Fodder' was a bitter reminder of his past, a label he received after dying a thousand times, each death costing him valuable stats. It was time for change. Min-ho channeled his mana into the stone, bringing up a new display:<br/><br/>**System Notification!**<br/>Select your desired class:<br/>1. Wizard<br/>2. Ninja<br/>3. Ranger<br/>4. Enchanter<br/>5. Healer<br/>6. Alchemist<br/>7. Random<br/><br/>Compelled by the allure of the unknown, Min-ho selected 'Random,' a gamble that could lead to extraordinary power. Just as he made his choice, an assailant struck, and Min-ho collapsed, the world fading around him before he could see the result.<br/><br/>**24 hours later...**<br/>**System Notification:** User unresponsive. Initiating recovery protocol.<br/><br/>Unbeknownst to Min-ho, his unconscious body was transported to a pocket dimension where time flowed differently. Here, he would undergo a century-long transformation.<br/><br/>Meanwhile, in Seoul and across the globe, the world had changed dramatically with the advent of mana. South Korea, a nexus of technological and magical advancement, had become a battleground for superhumans, beings of immense power who emerged following the proliferation of mana.<br/><br/>Prominent among them were figures like Joon-seok, known as the 'Ethereal Blade' for his unmatched swordsmanship, and Hye-jin, the 'Celestial Healer,' whose powers could turn the tide of any battle. They, along with others, played pivotal roles in the ongoing struggles for power and control.<br/><br/>The emergence of mana also awakened ancient forces. From the depths of the Dark Forest, a region steeped in old magic, monstrous entities began to emerge, threatening the world's precarious balance. These creatures were drawn to areas with high concentrations of mana, causing destruction and chaos.<br/><br/>In this new era, the discovery of powerful mana stones like Min-ho's had sparked a race among various factions. These stones were believed to unlock extraordinary powers, becoming key to either combating the growing threats or seeking dominance.<br/><br/>Back in the pocket dimension, as Min-ho's century of transformation came to an end, he reawakened in his Seoul apartment. Now a Dual Class - Warrior and Mage, and bestowed with the title 'The One,' he faced a world desperately in need of heroes.<br/><br/>Min-ho's journey was set to begin, a path fraught with challenges and discoveries. In a world where superhumans shaped the fate of nations, Min-ho's actions would determine not just his own destiny, but potentially the future of South Korea and beyond. His rise from a fodder to a legend was about to unfold.<br/><br/>Min-ho, standing in his small apartment in Gangnam, gazed at the holographic display before him. The transformation in the pocket dimension had granted him powers beyond his wildest dreams. Yet, the cursed title of 'Fodder' still loomed over him. He decided to experiment with his titles and observe the effects on his stats.Experiment 1: Changing TitlesMin-ho navigated to his titles and selected 'None.' Immediately, his extraordinary stats plummeted:STATUS (Title: None) Name: Min-ho | Level: 43 | Class: Dual Class - Warrior | Mage HP: 150 | Fatigue: 100 | Strength: 20 Agility: 25 | Perception: 30 | MP: 40 Stamina: 35 | Intelligence: 50Disappointed, he then switched back to 'Fodder.' As expected, his stats dropped to those of an average human:STATUS (Title: Fodder) Name: Min-ho | Level: 43 | Class: Dual Class - Warrior | Mage HP: 100 | Fatigue: 100 | Strength: 15 Agility: 15 | Perception: 15 | MP: 15 Stamina: 15 | Intelligence: 15Finally, he activated 'The One.' His stats soared, reflecting his true potential:STATUS (Title: The One) Name: Min-ho | Level: 43 | Class: Dual Class - Warrior | Mage HP: 9999 | Fatigue: 0 | Strength: 9999 Agility: 9999 | Perception: 9999 | MP: 9999 Stamina: 9999 | Intelligence: 9999Experiment 2: Skills ExplorationNext, Min-ho explored his skills inventory. Two caught his eye: one Legendary and one Beginner.Legendary Skill: Celestial StrikeDescription: A skill that channels the ancient energies of the cosmos, unleashing a devastating blow that can alter the fabric of reality. It requires immense control and focus.Restrictions: Can only be used once every seven days.Beginner Skill: Shadow StepDescription: A basic movement skill that allows the user to step into the shadow realm momentarily, evading attacks or moving short distances instantaneously.Usage: Ideal for quick escapes or repositioning in battle.Experiment 3: Understanding Levels and EquipmentMin-ho then delved into the classification of levels and equipment, ranging from Beginner to Legend. Each tier represented a significant jump in power and rarity. Beginner levels were common and easy to master, while Legendary status was reserved for the elite, often requiring unique quests or challenges to attain.Similarly, equipment was classified into these tiers. Legendary equipment was not just powerful but often carried unique histories and abilities, making them highly sought after by all classes of warriors and mages.As Min-ho absorbed this information, he realized the magnitude of the journey ahead. To rid himself of the 'Fodder' title and maximize the potential of 'The One,' he would need to train relentlessly, mastering skills from Beginner to Legendary. His path would lead him through the mystical underbelly of Seoul and into the heart of the Dark Forest, a journey filled with danger and discovery.Determined, Min-ho stepped out into the night, ready to embark on his quest. The streets of Seoul, alive with neon and noise, were the backdrop to the beginning of his epic saga. From the shadows of obscurity as 'Fodder,' Min-ho was set to rise as 'The One,' a legend in the making in a world where magic and technology intertwined.</p>