
Reincarnation of a living god

In Alfan the world where the (un)fortunate protagonist of this story finds himself, are there at any point in time 5 living gods, if one should die a new one is added to the mix, thought the history of Alfan there have been many living gods in the world appearing as hero's, king's and queen's, master chef's, tyrants, or as completely unknown people. join Mars as he sets out on a journey to explore Alfan to find out what kind of living god he wants to be. as soon as he gets there that is. Volume 2 going full steam ahead with 3 chapters a week! chapters are more than 1500~ words. Authors discord: https://discord.gg/uHVhX9m

zad1333 · Fantasy
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378 Chs

learning from the elves (5)

half an hour after Alvin and the other elves joined Mars in his quest for firewood and Mars stood in front of a small hill made of dry firewood and turned to look at Alvin with a somewhat disbelieving look, as he himself had combed the nearby forest for firewood before he expected that it would take much longer to find this amount of firewood, until Alvin urged him on with a somewhat impatient voice

"...you got your firewood, what now?"

Mars pulled himself together with a sigh and turned towards Alvin and asked him a somewhat weird question

"do you know what energy is?"

Alvin frowned slightly in thought before he answered with a little uncertainty in his voice

"...is it mana? what does this have to do with anything?"

Mars gave a sigh as Alvin answer weren't to his satisfaction and looked at Isabel instead that was standing behind Alvin with Chloe and Rex, but like Alvin she and the other 2 also showed puzzled expressions, before Mars gave another sigh before he spoke

"in the world I come from there was many different kinds of energy, some of which was somewhat understood and used to make life easier, this includes among others... thermal energy"

the elves still looked somewhat confused but they didn't interrupt Mars as he continued talking

"thermal energy or heat energy, is the energy that is released when---"

as Mars talked about thermal energy for the next hour and then other kinds of energy for the next 2 hours the elves faces turned more and more funny to look at, from Alvin that tried to follow along in the beginning bu became completely lost when Mars started to talk about how energy can be transformed to another from but never destroyed nor created he lost him, to Isabel and Rex which faces showed 'i'm clearly too old for this shit' and then Chloe which had fallen asleep resting her head on a tree stump 5 minutes into Mars's lecture

"--- these building blocks are called neutrons, protons and electrons, and when they split for any number of reasons mass amounts of binding energy called---"

seeing Mars continue on and on with a near fanatic expression on his face as the sky was turning dark Alvin finally decided to snap Mars out of his trance

"okay okay, stop talking!"

Mars snapped out of his trance when Alvin yelled at him, and after quickly looking around he discovered how long he had been talking as it was almost dark

"...sorry about that"

Alvin gave a sigh before he asked again

"so what's the firewood for?"

Mars was still a little dazed and turned around and looked at the hill of firewood one more time before it clicked for him and spoke with a blank look on his face

"for a fire obviously"

not only Alvin but also Isabel felt an urge to slap Mars in the face, but was stopped by Chloe waking up and asking still half asleep while rubbing her eyes

"what are we cooking?"

Mars gave a slight smile and jumped on top of the firewood hill and sat down before answering Chloe

"me, I am the living god of energy I get stronger from absorbing energy"

the elves was still somewhat confused but it looked like something clicked for Alvin before he asked Mars with a little uncertainty

"...so is that why you need the cores? because there is energy in them?"

Mars gave a nod, Alvin gave a sigh as he felt his headache from Mars' preaching increase a level and gave his approval while rubbing his temples

"...i see, well in that case knock yourself out"

Alvin sat down on a tree stump and took out a nutrient bar from his pouch and began to eat with the other elves while he watched, Mars about to light the fire remembered he still had his wolf skin shorts on and quickly striped, turning the faces of Isabel and Chloe bright red as they turned away as he tossed them towards the cave before sitting down again

"...well then let's do this"

Mars used his flame to light the fire before quickly putting it out as the flames spread and covered the entire hill he was sitting on while he watched his stored energy climb steadily as the sky had turned completely dark and the countless stars shone in the sky along with the 2 moons Mars jumped off the fire and opened his status


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

Titles: [Living god of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell from the sky] [Contracted]

Class: [Energy]

Class level: 14

Status points:

Strength [24/1000] (up) Constitution [29/2000] Dexterity [20/1500]

Intelligence [19/600] Wisdom [22/900] Charisma [13/50] (up)

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmanship lv 4] [Shadow magic lv 2]

Class skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 1400/1400] [Energy: discharge]

[Energy: upgrade shop] [Energy: information] [Energy: restoration] [Energy: healing] [Energy: absorb shield] [Energy: reactive shield]

Passive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

Mentally willing his [Energy: upgrade shop] to open the mist making up his status changed into the upgrade shop

[Energy: upgrade shop]

[Energy] class skill level up price: 1400

[Energy: basic reinforced storage] price: 1500 [Energy: basic drain touch] price: 1500

seeing that [Energy: basic reinforced storage] and [Energy: basic drain touch] was the only skill he could unlock Mars felt a little disappointed that there wasn't any new skills but still commanded his skill

"level up my class"

feeling the stored energy drain followed by the usual warm current speeding in his body Mars gave sigh and was about to jump back on the still burning fire when he felt a gaze and turned around to see the elves was eating some blue apple sized fruits, while Alvin and Rex gave him a somewhat awkward look and Isabel and Chloe looked away from him, before Rex held out one of the fruits towards him

"do you want a one?"


Mars walked a few steps towards the elves before Victoria ran up to him from behind and gave him a nudge with her head, when Mars looked down at her he saw she had his shorts in her mouth


Mars hurriedly put on his shorts before giving Victoria a pat on the head he walked with her over to the elves and took the fruit, and after smelling it, Mars bit into the blue fruit and was surprised by the mint like sweet taste but also by the texture that felt somewhat solid, after chewing and swallowing he asked Rex

"this is good, what's this fruit called?"

Rex didn't answer but looked over at Chloe that was fully immersed in stuffing her face with the blue fruit in a very unladylike way with her sparkling emerald green eyes and puffed cheeks Mars found that she looked somewhat cute, until Rex gave her a poke she saw Mars was looking at her with a questioning look she swallowed the fruit with some difficulty before she spoke with some hostility clearly displeased with Mars's presence


Rex gave a fake cough looking somewhat embarrassed over her attitude as he originally asked her to explain hoping to improve their relation before he looked at at her with a stern 'be nice' look on his face and repeated his question

"Mars asked what the name of this fruit is"

Chloe began to frown but seeing Rex's face turn to 'be nice or else' as he prepared his iron claw she finally answered Mars

"...it's called a mint fruit, I found a tree nearby"

Mars gave a nod before he bit into the mint fruit again and remembered he still had 28 cores left to consume and given his total energy storage was 1500 and each core gives 200 he still needed the fire for 100 units of energy and walked back towards the fire for a few meters before he stopped and turned around towards the elves

"feel free to eat the boar meat from the cave"

Mars didn't wait for their response and after quickly striping he jumped back onto the fire and watched his energy storage until about 30 minutes later it climbed to 100 and he jumped off the fire, having learned from last time he quickly put on his shorts before he looked around and discovered the elves had gone to sleep, still Victoria came running up to him a few seconds after he jumped off the fire and after her horns flashed Mars heard a somewhat grumpy voice in his head

"Mars... i'm hungry"

Mars also felt somewhat hungry and knelled down and patted her on the head with a smile

"me too let's eat something, before we go to sleep"

Thanks for reading! :)

next chapter Wednesday hope to see you then

zad1333creators' thoughts